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  I've loved my mother's desk since I was just tall enough to sit above the top of it.Mother sat writing letters.Standing by her chair, looking at the ink bottle, pens, and white paper, I decided that the act of writing must be a most wonderful thing in the world.

  Years later, during her final illness, Mother kept different things for my sister and brother.“But the desk,” she said again, “is for Elizabeth.”

  I never saw her angry, never saw her cry.I knew she loved me; she showed in action.But as a young girl.I wanted to have heart-to-heart talks between mother and daughter.

  They never happened.And a gulf opened between us.I was “too emotional(易动感情的)”.But she lived “on the surface(表面)”.

  As years passed and I had my own family.I loved my mother and thanked her for our happy family.I wrote to her in careful words and asked her to let me know in any way she chose that she did forgive me.

  My hope turned to disappointment, then little interest and, finally, peace – it seemed that nothing happened.I couldn't be sure that the letter had even got to Mother.I only knew that I had written it, and I could stop trying to make her into someone she was not.

  But the present of her desk told me, as she'd never been able to, that she was pleased that writing was my chosen work.I cleaned the desk carefully and found some papers inside – a photo of my father and a one-paper letter, folded and refolded many times.It was my letter.

  “In any way you choose, Mother, you always chose the act that speaks louder than words.”


The writer began to love her mother's desk ________.

[  ]


after Mother died


before she became a writer


when she was a child


when Mother gave it to her


The passage shows that ________.

[  ]


Mother was cold on the surface but kind in her heart to her daughter


Mother was too serious about her daughter in words


Mother wrote to her daughter in careful words


Mother wrote to her daughter in careless words


The underlined word “gulf” in the passage means ________.

[  ]


deep understanding between the old and the young


different ideas between mother and daughter


free talks between mother and daughter


part of the sea going far in land


What did Mother do with her daughter's letter asking for forgiveness?

[  ]


She had never received the letter.


For years, she often talked about the letter.


She didn't forgive her daughter at all in all her life.


She read the letter again and again till she died.


What's best title of the passage?

[  ]


My letter to Mother


Mother and children


My Mother's Desk


Talks between Mother and me


科目:初中英语 来源:2008年江苏省扬州市初中毕业升学统一考试、英语试卷 题型:050


  I was cleaning out an old bos when an old card caught my eye: Queen City Casket Company.“What is it?I wonderedI turned it overThere, in faded ink, was a hand-written addressImmediately my mind traveled many years back

  I was nine years old, walking down the cold and vot streets of Springfield, with a bag of magazines on my shoulderThat day, I came to the company finally, whose owner, Mr Rader, had always taken me there to ask his workers if they wanted any magazines

  Shaking off the rain like a wet dog, I went into Mr Rader's officeAfter a quick look he took me over to the fireplaceNoticing the hole in the top of my shoe, he said,Come with me!pulling me into his carWe stopped in front of a shoe storeInside, a salesman fitted me with the finest pair of shoes I had ever seenI felt about 10 feet tall when I got up in them.“We'd like a pair of new socks, too.”Mr Rader said

  Back in his office, Mr Rader took out a card, wrote something on it and handed it to meWith tearful eyes, I read,Do to others as you would have them do to youHe said kindly,Jimmy, I want you to know I love you.”

  I said good-bye, and for the first time I sensed a piece of hope that tilings would be betterWith people like Mr Rader in the world, there was hope, kindness and love, and that would always make a difference


The writer went to Queen City Casket Company to ________

[  ]


borrow some money


ask Mr Rader for help


sell magazines


find a job tliere


From the passage we can see the writer was ________ to Mr Rader

[  ]










Mr Rader helped the writer so much mainly because ________

[  ]


he wanted to set a good example to his workers


lie wanted to show kindness to the boy


the writer needed his help


he wanted others to return his help


What does the underlined sentenceDo to others as you would have them do to youmean?

[  ]


If you want somebody's help, you have to help him first


You should do the things that others want you to do


Before you do anything, think about what others do to you


If you want others to do kind things to you, you'd better be kind to them


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省南京三中2011届九年级上学期期末考试英语试题 题型:050


  Rockets(火箭)can fly far out into space.Rockets with men inside them have already reached the moon in the USA and Russia.Several rockets without men inside them have been sent to other worlds much farther away.On Nov.7, 2007, China’s first lunar probe, Chang’e I, successfully has completed its 1,580,000 km flying journey to the moon.

  I am sure that you are asking ‘How does a rocket fly?’ If you want to know, get a balloon and then blow it up, until it is quite big.Do not tie up the neck of the balloon, let it go.The balloon will fly off through the air very quickly.The air inside the balloon tries to get out.It rushes out through the neck of the balloon and this pushes the balloon through the air.

  This is how a rocket works.Of course, the rocket is made of metal.The metal must not be heavy but it must be very strong.There is gas inside the rocket, which is made very hot.When it rushes out of the end of the rocket, the rocket is pushed up into the air.The jet velocity(喷射速度)is always faster than the flying speed.

  We’re sure that one day rockets with man may be able to go anywhere in space.


The underlined word ‘gas’ in the passage means _________.

[  ]










Look at the following pictures, if ‘U’ means ‘jet velocity’, ‘V’ means ‘flying speed’, which picture is RIGHT?

[  ]






The rocket is made of _________.

[  ]


light and strong metal


heavy and strong metal


light and strong gas


heavy and strong gas


The underlined word ‘it’ here refers to _________.

[  ]


the rocket


the metal


the air


the hot gas


Which of the following is NOT right?

[  ]


Men have been to the moon by rocket.


A balloon can fly if the air in it goes out completely.


It’s about 1,580,000 km from the moon to the earth.


The hot gas inside the rocket can make it fly.


科目:初中英语 来源:湖北省武汉市部分学校2012届九年级五月供题调研英语试题 题型:053


  One day, I was walking along Fifth Avenue.Suddenly I remembered that I n  1   to buy a pair of socks.I turned into the first sock shop that c  2   my eye, and a boy clerk came forward.

  “What can I do for you, sir? ” “I wish to buy a pair of socks.” His eyes shone.There was a note of passion in his v  3  .“Did you know that you have come into the f  4   place in the world to buy socks? ” I really didn't know that, because I came here accidentally.“Come with me, ” said the boy.

  I followed him and he began to i  5   all kinds of socks.“H  6   on, I am going to buy only one pair! ” “I know that, ” said he, “but I want you to see how beautiful they are.Aren't they w  7   ? ” There was a serious expression on his face, as if he were talking about his belief.

  I became far more i  8   in him than in the socks.I looked at him and said, “My friend, if you can k  9   up this excitement day after day, in ten years you will o  10   every sock in the United States.”

  And now he has become the CEO of the biggest sock shop in the world.


科目:初中英语 来源:双色笔记初中英语总复习 题型:050



  take phrasal verbs

  take after sb, phr. v [T not in progressive form]to look or behave like (an older relative): Mary really takes after her mother; she has the same eyes, nose and hair.

  take off phr. v

  1.[T](take sth, off) to remove (esp. clothes): Take your coat of f. opposite put on.

  2.[I](of a plane, spacecraft, etc.) to rise into the air at the beginning of a flight.

  3.[T](take sb. off) informal to copy the speech or manners of (someone), esp. for amusement; mimic: The actor made everyone laugh by taking off the members of the royal family.

  4.[T](take sth, off) to have a holiday from work on (the stated day) or for (the stated period): I'm taking Thursday off because 1'm moving house./Take a few days off, Michael.

  5.[I]to begin to become successful, popular, or well-known: It was at this point that her acting career really took off.

  6.[I]informal to go away, esp. on a journey or to leave in a hurry: She just took off without saying goodbye to anyone.

  take (sth.) over phr. v

  [I; T]to gain control over and be responsible for (something): Who do you think will take over now that the governor has Left./I'm feeling too tired to drive any more; will you take over?

  take to sb./sth. phr. v

  [T]to feel a liking for, esp. at once: I took to Paul as soon as we met./I'm not sure if he'll take to the idea.

  take sb./sth, up phr. v [T]

  1.to begin to spend time doing; interest oneself in:John took up acting while he was at college. [+-ving]Alfred's just taken up playing the guitar.

  2.(of things or events) to fill or use (space or time) esp. in a way that is unpleasant:The job took up most of Sunday./These boxes of yours are taking up too much space.

  3.to continue:I'll take up the story where I finished yesterday.

  注释:amusement n.娱乐活动  gain vt.获得

  mimic adj.模拟的  responsible adj.有责任的


1.Which “take off” in the following sentences has a different meaning?

[  ]

A.I took a week off in October and I'm taking off Thanksgiving, too.

B.Everyone takes Christmas off.

C.She used to take off her teacher to make her friends laugh.

D.You need a break. Why not take a fortnight off from work?

2.Melissa ________ her father in being generous.

[  ]

A.takes after
B.takes off
C.takes to
D.takes up

3.“Today, we are to ________ Unit 11, Planting trees.” Our teacher said to us at the very beginning of the class.

[  ]

A.take after
B.take off
C.take to
D.take up

4.He will ________ my job while I ________ a week ________ for New York.

[  ]

A.take after, take…to

B.take up, take…after

C.take to, take…over

D.take over, take…off

5.I ________ her the moment I met her.

[  ]

A.took after
B.took to
C.took over
D.took off


科目:初中英语 来源:101网校同步练习 初二英语 外研版课标本 外研版课标本 题型:050


  Yang Liwei circled the earth 14 times in 21 hours on October 15 and 16, 2003, landing on the grasslands of Inner Mongolia.Looking a little tired, Yang stepped out of Shenzhou V, smiling and waving at the waiting people “I feel very good” Yang said to premier Wen Jiabao on the phone.Yang said to a newspaper, “To our motherland and me, this is a great moment.”

  China’s launch of Shenzhou V shows a higher starting point.It has two special systems(系统)to protect the spaceman, but neither Russian rockets(火箭)nor American ones have.

  Yang didn’t know that he was chosen as China’s first spaceman until just before the launch.Although Yang was excited at the news, he still slept at 8p.m.as usual and was woken up at 2 a.m.the next morning.Before the launch, Yang ate Chinese traditional food-dumplings.We all know that travelers usually eat them before going on a journey for good luck.

  A stamp Success of China’s First Manned Space Flight was issued(发行)on October 16,2003, making China the third country to send a spaceman into outer space.


It took Yang ________ to travel around the earth every circle.

[  ]


6 hours


90 minutes


1.5 hours


21 hours


How did Yang feel after he came back to the earth?

[  ]


Quite tired.


A little afraid.


Tired but excited.


A little nervous.


Which of the following statements(叙述)is right?

[  ]


There is no difference between China’s spaceship and other countries.


Yang knew he’d be China’s first spaceman long before.


At the news, Yang was too excited to fall asleep.


Yang was proud of the flight.


What does the underlined(划线的)word launch mean?

[  ]










China issued the stamps to ________.

[  ]


leave them in space


give them to Yang Liwei as a reward


celebrate the success


give them to Russian and American

