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   Many successful people used to (曾经) have a hard time before they become successful. These people have some things in common:they work hard and never give up. What's more (而且) ,they make the most of their time. They enjoy their work or jobs. Their minds are full of ideas:How to make things better and easier? How to improve (提高) the way of living.

  Successful people always learn from their experience (经历) ,and they are not afraid of failures (失败) .Many people want to be successful because being successful means famous and rich. However,if people don't work hard enough,or they can't use their time well,it will be difficult for them to be successful. It is even more difficult for them to make their dreams come true if they give up easily when having problems,or they feel bored (无聊的) because they don't have any ideas in their minds.

(   ) 11. Successful people usually         .

   A. know how to make big money

   B. know how to be famous

   C. make the most of their time

   D. have fun playing with their friends

(   ) 12. What things in common do successful people have?

   A. They are beautiful.

   B. They work hard and never give up.

   C. They enjoy their time.

   D. They don't play.

(   ) 13. Many people want to be successful because it means         .

   A. being happy and healthy

   B. being famous and rich

   C. having much fun in life

   D. having different experiences

(   ) 14. Successful people often fail (失败) when they try to make their dreams come true,but they         .

   A. are always famous   B. never give up   

    C. usually stop tying   D. often avoid (避免) losing

(   ) 15. Many people can't be successful because         .

   A. they don't work hard

   B. they give up easily

   C. they don't have any ideas in their minds

   D. all above


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 One day a monkey met a turtle (海龟) on the road,and asked, "Where are you going?"

  "I am going to find something to eat,for I have had no food for three days," said the turtle.

  "I am hungry,too," said the monkey, "and since we are both hungry,let's go together and hunt for food. ”

  They soon became good friends and chatted along the way,so the time passed quickly. Before they had gone far,the monkey saw a large bunch of yellow bananas on a tree at a distance.

  But the turtle was shortsighted and could not see them. By and by they came near the tree,and then he saw them. The two friends were very glad.

  But the turtle could not climb the tree,so he agreed that the monkey should go up alone and throw some of the fruit down to him. The monkey was up in a flash,and seated himself comfortably. He began to eat the finest of the fruit,and forgot to drop any down to the turtle waiting below.

  At last the turtle became very angry. When the monkey was having a good time,the turtle gathered (收集) sharp,broken pieces of glass,and stuck them,one by one,all around the banana tree. Then he hid himself under a coconut shell not far away.

  The monkey could not eat all the bananas and came down the tree with great difficulty,for the glass was so sharp that it cut the hands of the monkey. The turtle thought he had his revenge,and was not so angry as before.

  But the monkey was now very angry at the trick that had been played on him,and he began looking for the turtle,intending to kill him.

(   ) 1. The monkey felt        when he ate the bananas.

   A. hungry   B. happy   C. angry   D. uncomfortable

(   ) 2. The turtle became angry because       .

   A. he didn't see the banana tree   B. he couldn't climb up the banana tree

   C. the monkey didn't give bananas to him   D. the monkey ate all the bananas

(   ) 3. The underlined word "revenge" means "         " in Chinese.

   A. 复仇   B. 谦虛   C. 嫉妒   D. 骄傲

(   ) 4. Which is NOT true according to the passage?

   A. The turtle hid himself under a coconut shell.

   B. The monkey and the turtle were hungry at first.

   C. The monkey was shortsighted and could not see the bananas.

   D. The turtle played the trick on the monkey by sticking the broken pieces of glass.

(   ) 5. What is the best title for the passage?

   A. The coconut shell              B. The banana tree

   C. Sharp and broken pieces of glass   D. The monkey and the turtle


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  American people think time is very important. When they are young,they are taught to be on time to go to school,to work and to do everything. When they are enjoying themselves,they may say that time goes easily.

 Time is money. Time is everything in America. A working American has to work hard for eight hours a day or forty hpurs a week. In his free time,he also works hard for more money. Even on Saturday and Sunday he also works hard as usual. In the street you can hardly (几乎不) see a man walking slowly. They walk very fast. In fact,they are running.

  They love time because time can bring them money and lots of things. But sometimes they also don't like time,because they feel they have become servants (仆人) of the time.

(   ) 6. What do American people mean by "Time is money"?

   A. They pay much for their loyed things.

   B. Working hard can bring them health.

   C. It's easy to make money.

   D. If someone l^as time and works hard,he can make much money.

(   ) 7. American people think it wrong         .

   A. to work hard   B. to get up late

   C. to be on time   D. to be late for school

(   ) 8. When American people enjoy themselves,what 4. they say?

   A. Time is easy. B. Time goes easily.

   C. We can create anything. D. Time is money.

(   ) 9. From this passage we can know that         .

   A. American people live a quick life

   B. American people like to be late for everything

   C. American people are good at enjoying themselves

   D. American people always work all night

(   ) 10. Which of the following is the best title for thjs passage?

   A. Time is Money.

   B. Time is Everything.

   C. American People's Ideas about Time.

   D. Learn to Have a Good Time.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 Li Mei is a Chinese girl. She s 1       in No. 8 Middle School. She is a k 2       girl. She gets up early in the morning and then helps her mother c 3       breakfast. A 4       breakfast,she goes to school by bike. She has many f 5       at school. They often help e 6       other with their lessons. Her mother is a worker. She w 7       in a supermarket. Where is the supermarket? It is near Li Mei's school. The supermarket isn't very b 8       ,but it sells many d 9       things. The students in Li Mei's school often buy school things there. What does Li Mei's father do? He works in the same supermarket. But he doesn't sell things. He is a driver. The family is a h 10       one.

1. s      2. k       3. c       4. A        5. f        6. e          7. w          8. b          9. d           ?10. h        


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 In England,people usually don't talk much. If you get on a bus,or a train,you may f 1       that many people sit looking out of the windows. Often they r 2 . They read books and p 3       .

  When you meet English people,they often talk a 4       one thing―the weather. So when you m 5       someone in England,you can say , " n 6       weather for the time of the year!” "but it was a bit c 7       yesterday," someone may a 8       . "But i 9       got a little warmer later," you can then say.

  When you talk like this,the English will think how f 10       you are!

1. f       2. r      3. p     4. a        5. m         

6. n       7. c        8. a     9. l      10. f         


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  Mr. Brown only had a daughter. One day his daughter telephoned and said that she had a new daughter. Mr. Brown was very happy and decided to visit her.

  On Friday morning,Mr. Brown got into a train. " I'm going to see my new granddaughter," he said.

  There were three empty places in the train. There was an old man beside one empty seat,and Mr. Brown went to him and asked, "Are you a grandfather?" "Yes," the man answered. "I have three granddaughters. " Mr. Brown went to the second empty seat. A nice woman sat beside that. Mr. Brown asked, "Are you a grandmother?" The woman answered, "Yes,I have two grandsons."Mr. Brown went to the third empty seat. There was a man beside that,and Mr. Brown asked, "Are you a grandfather?" "No,I'm not," the man answered. Mr. Brown smiled happily and said, "That's good. " He said to the man kindly, "Now I'll tell you about my granddaughter."

(   ) 1. When Mr. Brown heard the good news,he felt         .

   A. surprised   B. sad   C. glad   D. interested

(   ) 2. How many daughters does Mr. Brown have?

   A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. I am not sure.

(   ) 3. He got to his daughter's home         .

   A. by car   B. by bike   C. by train   D. by subway

(   ) 4. Where did Mr. Brown sit at last?

   A. In the first place. B. In the second place.

   C. In the third place. D. He stood in the train.

(   ) 5. We can learn from the passage that         .

   A. the old man and woman didn't like Mr. Brown

   B. the last man asked Mr. Brown to sit near him

   C. Mr. Brown liked the last man very much

   D. Mr. Brown felt proud because the last man had no granddaughters


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  Mr. Cooper is sent into prison (被送入监狱) .At the gate,an officer of the prison asks him, "Are you a thief,too?"

  "No,I am a businessman;" Mr. Cooper answers, "I always buy old cars at low (低的) prices,and brush them with a coat of red paint (油漆) ,Then I sell them at high prices."

  "Why are you sent here,then?" the officer asks.

  "A young man drives a blue car to me today. And I buy it for only eighty pounds."   "How cheap it is!" says the officer.

  "Cheap? Half an hour later the policemen come to my shop and arrest me." "Oh,is the car stolen (被偷) ?"the officer asks again. "Even worse (更糟) ,"Mr. Cooper says, "That's a police car!"

(   ) 11. What does Mr. Cooper do?

   A. He is a thief.

   B. He is a businessman.

    C. He is an officer of the prison.

   D. He is a driver.

(   ) 12. How does Mr. Cooper do with his work?

   A. He brushes his cars with a coat of white paint.

   B. He buys police cars.

   C. He buys cheap cars and sells them expensively (贵的) .

   D. He buys expensive cars and sells them cheaply.

(   ) 13. What color is the police car?

   A. Red. B. Blue. C. Black. D. White.

(   ) 14. Where do the policemen find Mr. Cooper?

   A. In the prison. B. At the gate.

   C. In his shop. D. We don't know.

(   ) 15. According to the whole passage,the word "arrest" means         .

   A. 询问   B. 找到   C. 从……买东西   D. 逮捕


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  Many boys and girls love to watch TV. They spend many hours a day in front of the TV sets. But many parents let their children watch TV only in special (特定的) time.

TV shows are like books or movies. There are many kinds of TV shows,such as sitcoms (情景喜剧) ,soap operas and fashion shows. A child can learn good things and bad things from them. Some shows help children to know the news all over the world. Children don't have to go to the zoo to see animals. Boys and girls can see sitcoms and game shows at home. Some shows teach children how to cook or how to use tool (工具) .

 Many boys and girls think it is fun to watch TV,but it is also fun to read books,to play games or to visit friends.

(   ) 6. Many boys and girls spend         .

   A. 4 hours on TV shows on Sundays

   B. 5 hours on TV shows everyday

   C. 6 hours in front of TV sets

   D. many hours a day in front of TV sets

(   ) 7. Many parents         .

   A. don't let their children watch TV

   B. ask their children to watch TV

   C. let their children watch TV in special time

   D. allow (允许) their children to watch TV everyday

(   ) 8. From TV,boys and girls can         .

   A. learn good things and bad things

   B. learn nothing

   C. learn bad things

   D. learn everything

(   ) 9. Children like to watch TV,because         .

   A. it is fun   B. it is useful

   C. they have nothing to do   D. it is exciting

(   ) 10. What does the writer think of the TV shows?

   A. They are good for children.

   B. They are bad for children.

   C. They are helpful to children.

   D. Some of them are good for children,others are not.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 English is very important. Everyone knows this,but not everyone enjoys learning it. Some people are good at speaking,but aren't good at reading. Some people are good at both speaking and reading. The idea "He is good at English" means "He is good at four abilities (能力) of using English". They are the abilities of "Listening","Speaking","Reading" and "Writing". Here are some ways for us to be good at the four abilities of English. First we can read English story books and listen to English songs. Second,we can watch English TV programs and listen to English lessons on the radio. Practice makes perfect. If we study hard every day,we can be good at the four abilities of English.

(   ) 11. Does everyone know that English is important?

   A. No one does. B. Some people do.

   C. All people do. D. Many people don't.

(   ) 2. What does the sentence "Practice makes perfect" mean?

   A. Watch TV every day,and you can make a television.

   B. Study English every day,and your English can be great.

   C. Don't do anything,and you can be good at anything.

   D. Buy many English books,and your English will be great.

(   ) 13. Does everyone like to learn English?

   A. Some people don't like learning English.

   B. No one likes learning English.

   C. All people like learning English.

   D. No one doesn't like learning English.

(   ) 14. How many abilities are we talking about in this article?

   A. Only one. B. Just two.

   C. Maybe three. D. Four.

(   ) 15. Which is RIGHT?

   A. English is hard,so we don't have to learn it.

   B. When one is good at "Speaking",he is also good at "Reading".

   C. Reading English story books helps improve our English abilities.

   D. Only listening to English songs can help our English abilities.

