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小题1:牛仔裤在学生们中间很流行, 因为他们是棉制成的并且很舒服。
Jeans are _________ among students, because they are _____ ______ cotton and are very________.
小题2:看,Daniel 和Amy过来了,他们都穿着黑色的靴子。
Look! Here _______  Daniel and Amy._______ of them are wearing black ______.
小题3: 用南瓜制作南瓜灯笼真是棒极了。
Making pumpkin _________  _________ _________pumpkins is wonderful.
Tom _______ _________ sweet snacks ______ _________, he knows they are not  good _________
their _________.
――How  ________ do you _______?
――_______ than  _______a week.

小题1:popular;made of;comfortable
小题3: lanterns;out of
小题4:seldom eat ;and hamburgers;for ;health
小题5:often;exercise;Less ;twice

小题1:这里是短语be popular among sb 在某人中间受欢迎;be made of用……做的。故用popular;made of;comfortable。
小题2:这里是here空格后是句子的主语,是复数,所以用are;因为Daniel and Amy 是两个人,both表示两者都;故用are;Both;boots。
小题3:Making pumpkin lanterns 作主语,out of pumpkins用南瓜做的,故用lanterns;out of。
小题4:seldom eat 很少吃;be good for 对……有益,故用seldom eat ;and hamburgers;for ;health。
小题5:How often 多久;exercise 是动词“锻炼”; Less than 少于;twice 两次。故用often;exercise;Less ;twice。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A. relax yourself  B. invented  C. Would you mind      D. exciting  E. repair
F. instead of     G. lost      H. the day after tomorrow  I. right     J. contact
小题1:Try to___    __ before you begin to run.
小题2:James Naismith was a P.E teacher . He______   __ basketball in 1891.
小题3:China gained the___    ___ to host the 2008 Olympics.
小题4:—How can we_____    _ you?  --My cell phone number is 13913450026.
小题5:Lighting the Olympic Torch is the most____   __ moment of the Olympic Games.
小题6:—My bike is broken.  –You should ask someone to_____   _ it.
小题7:Are you going to visit the sports woman____   __?
小题8:Yesterday I went home on foot___  ___ by car.
小题9:--___   ___answering us another question?  --Not at all.
小题10:Dave, you’re always so careless, you _____   _ your pen once again.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

词汇(共5分 每小题1分)
小题1:Mum asked me          (not play)near the train station.
小题2:Look!There is a monkey          (sit)in the tree.
小题3:I think English is as          (important)as match..
小题4:Jane          (fall)off the tree last week.
小题5:One          (five)of the girls are in red.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

There was a small village near a mountain. People there loved their village very much and they grew many 小题1:      on the mountain. Water in the rivers was very clear and the 小题2:  was clean. People lived a poor life, but they were very 小题3:    . After a few years, some people in the village started to cut down trees to 小题4:    for money. There were some people from cities 小题5:   to visit the village. People began to kill some wild animals as 小题6:      to treat (招待) the visitors. Of course, they made lots of money. But小题7:     knew what the village would be like in the future.
As time went on, there were fewer plants and animals and the water became 小题8:     . The visitors became fewer and fewer. Several years later, people there knew they must stop destroying (破坏) 小题9:   . They would like to live a happy life as before, so they began to小题10:  new plants. They hoped the village would become as beautiful as before.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

interest, as, of, change, meaning, student, cold, feeling, write, color
“Cool” is a word with many _____小题1:. Its old meaning is used to express a temperature that is a little bit ____小题2: As the world has ___小题3:, the word has had many different meanings.
“Cool” can be used to express ____小题4:_ of interest in almost anything.
When you see a famous car in the street, maybe you will say, “It’s cool.” You may think, “He’s so cool,” when you see your favorite singer.
We all maximize the meaning of “cool”. You can use it instead ___小题5:_ many words such __小题6:__ “new” or “surprising”. Here’s an _小题7:story we can use to show the way the word is used. A teacher asked her students ___小题8: about the waterfall they had visited. On one ____小题9:paper was just one sentence, “It’s cool.” Maybe he thought it was the best way to show he saw and felt.
Can you think of many other words that make your life as ______小题10: as the word “cool”? I can. And I think they are also very cool.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

连词成句 (每题1分,本题5分)
小题1:is  water  there  some  bottle  in  the    (.)  
小题2: January  after  comes  February (.)
小题3:take  to  books  Let’s  the  Mr.  Sun (.)
小题4:does  what  she  have  for  supper(?)
小题5:likes he playing doesn’t volleyball like guitar the playing but he (, .)


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

my   photo   we   five   eat
小题1: --- What can you see on the table?
--- We can see some     .
小题2: May is the         month of the year.
小题3: --- Is this red jacket yours?
--- No, It’s hers. _       is black.
小题4: My sister         for dinner.
小题5: The boy always plays games with       .


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题


Dear Sally,
Thanks for your photo. It is a nice one. Here 小题1:   a photo of my   小题2:. You   小题3: see four people in the photo.   小题4:  are my parents, my sister and I. My father is   小题5:      English teacher. My mother works in a   小题6: , too, but she isn’t a teacher. The girl beside me is my sister.   小题7:  name is Alice. We are students. Alice is in Class One and I’m in Class   小题8: . We  have a pet dog. Coco is the   小题9:  of our dog.   小题10:  is it? It is in front of my mother.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题


Dear Sally,
Thanks for your photo. It is a nice one. Here 小题1:  a photo of my    小题2:. You    小题3:  see four people in the photo.    小题4:are my parents, my sister and I. My father is    小题5:   English teacher. My mother works in a    小题6:, too, but she isn’t a teacher. The girl beside me is my sister.
  小题7: name is Alice. We are students. Alice is in Class One and I’m in Class  小题8: . We have a pet dog. Coco is the    小题9:  of our dog.   小题10:  is it? It is in front of my mother.

