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A hare was very popular with the other animals who all said they were her friendsBut one day she heard the hounds(猎犬)getting close and hoped to escape them by the aid of her many friendsSoshe went to the horseand asked him to carry her away from the hounds on his backBut he refusedbecause he had important work to do for his masterHe felt sure that all her other friends would come to help her

She then came to the bulland hoped that he would repel the hounds with his horns (角).The bull replied"I am very sorrybut I have an appointment with a ladybut I feel sure that our friend the goat will do what you want" The goathoweverfeared that his back might do her some harm if he took her upon itThe sheephe felt surewas the proper friend to ask for help

So she went to the sheep and told him the situationThe sheep replied"Another timemy dear friendI do not like to have anything to do with itas hounds have been known to eat sheep as well as hares"

The hare then wentas a last hopeto the calf (小牛),who regretted that he was unable to help heras he did not like to take the responsibility (责任) upon himselfas so many older persons than himself had refused the taskBy this time the hounds were quite nearand the hare took to her heels and luckily escaped


1.What do we know about the hare?

AShe was strong enough to face all the dangers

BShe was friendly and all animals loved to help her

CShe was ready to help other animals when necessary

DShe got along well with other animals and had a lot of friends

2.What happened to the hare one day?

AThe horse carried her away on his back

BHer enemy came near and she was in danger

CShe had an argument with her friendthe bull

DThe goat hurt her when taking her upon his back

3.What does the underlined word "repel" mean in Chinese?

A.击退????????????? ????????????? ????????????? B.厌恶????????????? ????????????? ????????????? C.排斥????????????? ????????????? ????????????? D.拒绝

4.What do you think of the sheep?

AHelpless????????????? ????????????? BBrave????????????? ????????????? CFriendly????????????? DSmart

5.What does the story want to tell us?

ADon't judge a book by its cover

BOne's mind works fast in time of danger

CSometimes enemies can become good friends

DHaving too many friends means no friends sometimes









试题分析: 本文讲述是兔子以为自己有许多朋友,可当他有危险时,大家找各种理由来拒绝他,告诉我们朋友多跟没有朋友没有区别。

1.D 细节理解题。根据第一段提到A hare was very popular with the other animals who all said they were her friends兔子很受朋友的欢迎,这些朋友都说与他是好朋友,可知他与其它动物相处的很好,有许多朋友,故选D项。

2.B 细节理解题。根据文中提到But one day she heard the hounds(猎犬)getting close and hoped to escape them by the aid of her many friends.有一天他听说猎犬要来,希望在朋友的帮助下逃跑,故选B项。


4.A细节理解题。根据第三段提到The sheep replied"Another timemy dear friendI do not like to have anything to do with itas hounds have been known to eat sheep as well as hares.羊回答到,我不想做因为猎犬了想吃羊与兔子,说明他也不能提供帮助,故选A项。

5.D 主旨大意。文中通过描述兔子有许多朋友,可以有危险时,没有一人朋友愿意帮他,可知这么多的朋友跟没有朋友没有什么区别, 故选D项。


