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—Can you play ________ guitar?

—Sure. It’s a piece of cake for me.

A. a B. an C. the D. /

C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:——你会弹吉他吗?-当然了。对我来说这只是小菜一碟。a/an是不定冠词,表示泛指一个……;the 表示特指,是定冠词。这里play the guitar是一个固定的短语,在表示乐器的名词前必须用定冠词。故选C。

科目:初中英语 来源:2018年北京市中考英语题型专项复习题库:阅读理解20篇 题型:阅读单选

Next time you hear yourself wishing for something better in your life, remember the word “SMART”. When you’ve decided to take action, read the following first.

S is for specific (具体的): For example, instead of setting a goal (目标): of “I want to lose weight”, set yourself a specific goal like “I want to lose five kilograms”. If you want to climb a high mountain, start your research, set a date and train for the climbing fitness.

M is for measurable (可测量的): Don’t try to “become healthy”, instead, set a goal that can be measured while carrying out an improved eating, exercise or lifestyle plan. For example, try to go to the gym for an hour three times a week, to visit your grandma once a week for an evening meal, or to eat no more than 200 grams of chocolate a week.

A is for achievable(可完成的): If you’ve never exercised in your life, don’t try to take part in the 2020 Olympics. Rather, get walking with a specific goal of how many steps to take a day. No need to try for the stars—baby steps are good.

R is for relevant (恰当的): Many of us choose goals that seem right, but are in fact wrong. They may go on for a few weeks before they fail. Try to avoid making the same mistake—rather choose goals that really speak to you.

T is for time-conscious (心中有数的): Finally, be very clear in your mind about how much time you are giving yourself to achieve the goal. That way, you know when you’ve succeeded, failed or whether you need to work harder to finish it before the last day.

1.According to the passage, the writer tells us how to_______.

A. lose weight B. take exercise

C. set a goal D. spend time.

2.What does the word “SMART” mean in the passage?

A. Five exercise plans. B. Five suggestions.

C. Five training steps. D. Five big letters.

3.Which of the following is not true according to the passage?

A. Specific numbers should be included in the goals you set.

B. You should begin with small steps while achieving a goal.

C. In order to make the goal fit for you, you should be careful.

D. More time should be given for you to achieve your goal.

1.C 2.B 3.D 【解析】本文介绍了设定目标的聪明方法:1、你最好使你的目标更加详细和准确;2、不要以"健康"或"压力小"为目标;3、努力实现目标;4、选择你真正感兴趣的目标;5、你要清楚你心里有多少时间给自己去实现目标。 1.主旨大意题。根据短文中的句子For example, instead of setting a goal (目标): of “I want t...


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七年级下册英语 unit1 第6课时 练习 题型:单选题

(中考·绵阳改编)Sally says Wuhan is her second _____ because she has lived here for 13 years.

A. family B. house

C. home D. room

C 【解析】句意:萨利说武汉是她的第二故乡,因为她在那里住了13年。A. family 家庭; B. house房子;C. home 家; D. room房间;故选C


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七年级下册英语 unit1 第3课时 练习 题型:句子/对话改错


1.Mr Smith can paint very good.

2.Does he have a e-mail address?

3.They have lunch at home in Sunday.

4.—What is your favorite clubs? —The music club and art club.

5.My grandfather can play trumpet.

1.good →well 2.a→an 3.in →on 4.is →are 5.trumpet →the trumpet 【解析】 1.句意:史密斯先生画画得很好。题干中的paint为动词,所以应用副词well来修饰,而原句中的good为形容词,不符合题意;故答案为:good →well 2.句意:他有电子邮件地址吗?句中的e-mail address是...


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七年级下册英语 unit1 第1课时 测试1 题型:单选题

—Why not go to Lao She Teahouse tonight?


A. It doesn’t matter

B. Thank you

C. Sorry to hear that

D. Sounds great

D 【解析】考查日常交际用语。Why not do…?句型的肯定回答有:Great!/Good idea!/Sounds great!等;否定回答有:I’d like/love to,but…等。故答案选D。A“没关系”;B“谢谢你”;C“很遗憾听到那件事”;D“听起来好极了”。


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年德州市中考英语模拟试卷与答案 题型:填空

阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的五个选项中选出能填入短文空白处的最佳选项,使短文通顺、连贯, 意思完整。

During rush hours, you never know when a bus or a taxi might come. Walking might be too tiring. If it’s about two or three miles away, which kind of transportation will you choose? 1.

Bike shares are a growing convenience in many cities around the world. 2. Riders usually have to pick up a bike at a self-serve station and return it at another station later. However, a Chinese bike-sharing company called Ofo, is bringing this idea to a new level.

Like any other bike-sharing service, Ofo users can get a bike at any time. 3. Instead, they can pick one up wherever and whenever they please. To get a bicycle, riders with the app are able to find the nearest one. 4. After parking the bike, all they have to do is to lock it.

This Chinese company already has its bicycle throughout China, the United States and Singapore. 5. “We want to reach more cities, connect more bikes and serve more people”, said Ofo founder Dai Wei.

A. Thousands of bike sharing programs have been set up by the governments.

B. When a rider is done with the bike, returning is just as easy.

C. This month, 500 Ofo bicycles will be set up in Cambridge, England.

D. For short journeys, riding a bike could be the best solution.

E. The big difference is that they don’t need to find a self-serve station.

1.D 2.A 3.E 4.B 5.C 【解析】文章主要讲述了,在交通拥堵高峰期,或者出租车屡等不来,步行又太累人时,最好的交通方式是骑自行车,从而介绍了这个共享单车服务,以及公司,对人生活便利的助推,以及对公司的运营和推广。 1.根据文章上下文:If it’s about two or three miles away, which kind of trans...


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年德州市中考英语模拟试卷与答案 题型:单选题

—Henry felt ____ becoming a volunteer to teach young kids.

—Yes, he loves kids and he wants to be a teacher in the future.

A. tired B. proud C. worried D. bored

B 【解析】句意:亨利很自豪地成为一名志愿者去教孩子们。——是的,他喜欢孩子,他想将来成为一名教师。A. tired疲劳的;B. proud骄傲的,自豪的;C. worried担忧的; D. bored无聊的。因为亨利想成为一名老师,能当志愿者教孩子们自然感到骄傲,答案为B。


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七年级下册英语 unit2 第6课时练习 题型:完成句子


Mr. Wang ________ ________ to bed ________ ________ ________ten.


What a nice day! Let's ________ ________ ________.


When my brother ________ ________, he always ________ his ________ first.


Rick________ ________ ________ fruit and vegetables ________ lunch.


________ Tom ________ the twins ________ there.

1.sometimesgoesat halfpast 2.takea walk 3.gets homedoeshomework 4.eats/has lotsoffor 5.Eitheror go 【解析】 1.sometimes有时候,go to bed上床睡觉,一般现在时态,根据主语Mr. Wang判断,动词要用三单形式,在几点钟前用介词at,half pa...


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年北京市中考英语题型专项复习题库:阅读回答20篇 题型:回答问题

Garbage(垃圾) Island

You can’t see it from the air. It’s almost impossible to see from a ship. But somewhere in the North Pacific is a huge island of garbage, just below the water surface.

What is the island made of?

The garbage island is not an island, but a collection of millions of plastic and other objects(物体). The water movements of the Pacific Ocean bring the objects together and cause them to go around in a big circle.

Charles Moore found it in 1997 and named it “the Great Pacific Garbage Patch”.

Where does all the plastic come from?

Much of the garbage comes from everyday objects, such as shopping bags and water bottles. Some of these objects finally reach the ocean. Garbage from the western coast of North America takes about six years to reach it. Objects from East Asia take about a year. Other garbage comes from ships passing through the area.

Is the Garbage Patch dangerous?

The larger pieces of garbage are a problem for wildlife. For example, sea turtles(海龟) and seabirds often think the plastic is their food. They eat the plastic and die.

In addition, the plastic stops sunlight from reaching deeper water. Without sunlight, very small sea animals die. Then, there is less food for larger fish to eat.

What can we do to help stop it?

Cleaning up the island isn’t easy. But we can make people realize the problem. One environmentalist(环保主义者), David de Rothschild, is sailing around the world on a boat made of plastic bottles to teach people about the problem of garbage in the sea.

Another idea is that we can recycle the plastic garbage. Environmental engineer Cesar Harada is building a robot that collects pieces of plastic. Harada hopes to use his robot in the Pacific. Harada also has a website for reporting environmental problems. He says, “I hope everybody can become an environmental activist.”

1.What is the garbage made of?


2.How long does it take objects from East Asia to reach the island?


3.Is the garbage island dangerous?


4.Why is David de Rothschild sailing on a bottle boat?


5.According to the writer, what can we do to help stop garbage island?


1.It is made of millions of plastic and other objects. 2.About a year. 3.Yes, (it is) 4.Because he wants to teach people about the problem of garbage in the sea. 5.We can make people reali...

