精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

【小题1】A: His friend didn't know what he should do.
B: His friend didn't know                     do.
【小题2】A: What was wrong with the old man?
B: What                       the old man?
【小题3】A: He found it was not easy to sleep.
B: He found                       to sleep.
【小题4】A: He went to bed at twelve last night.
B: He          go to bed          twelve last night
【小题5】A: She was worried and her friend was worried, too.
B: She was worried and                    her friend.
【小题6】A: She always makes me happier when I’m unhappy.
B: She always          me         when I’m unhappy.

【小题1】what to
【小题2】happened to
【小题3】it hard/difficult
【小题4】didn’t until
【小题5】so was
【小题6】cheers up

【小题1】句意:他的朋友不知道做什么。这是由复合句变为简单句,要把宾语从句what he should do变为疑问词+不定式,故填what to。
【小题2】句意:这个老人怎么了?=这个老人发生了什么事?故填happened to。
【小题3】句意:他发现睡觉不容易。这是由复合句变为简单句,把宾语从句 it was not easy to sleep变为it hard to sleep,it 为形式宾语,直正的宾语是不定式to sleep,not easy=hard/difficult,故填it hard/difficult。
【小题4】句意:昨晚直到12点他才睡觉。not…until 直到……才,时间状语是昨晚,所以要用过去时,否定要找助动词did,在其后加not,故填didn’t until。
【小题5】句意:她很担心,她的朋友也是。“so+系动词|助动词|情态动词+主语”表示前者的情况适合后者,故填so was。
【小题6】句意:她总是在我不开心时让我高兴起来。make happier=cheer up ,因为主语是she ,要用第三人称单数形式,故填cheers up。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:句型转换

【小题1】My mother flies to Beijing once a month(划线部分提问)
does your mother fly to Beijing?
【小题2】Millie did some housework last night.(划线部分提问)
What       Millie      last night?
【小题3】He is not old enough to go school.(同义句)
He is      young      go to school.
【小题4】Don't make any noise. A baby is sleeping in the room.(同义句)
, there is a baby sleeping in the room.
【小题5】 some,to,will,you,they, ideas,happy, very, be,give(连词成句)


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:句型转换

【小题1】 Tom rides his bike to school every day. (变同义句)
Tom goes to school               every day.
【小题2】Are you from Beijing?(改为同义句)
_______ you ______  from  Beijing?
【小题3】She has to do her homework on weekend.(改为一般疑问句)
______she  ______to do her homework on weekends?
【小题4】It is 20 kilometers from here. (对画线部分提问)
is it from here?
【小题5】I like elephants because they are friendly.(划线提问)
_________  _________you like elephants?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:句型转换

Rewrite the sentences as required(本题共10分,每小题2分)
【小题1】Her father doesn’t play sports every day. (改为肯定句)
Her father ____________ _____________ every day.
【小题2】This is my photo.(改为复数形式)
______________are our ______________ .
【小题3】I like bananas.  
______________ _______________ like bananas?(改为一般疑问句)
【小题4】It is very interesting. She thinks.(合成一句话)
_____________ _____________ it is very interesting.
【小题5】He has dinner at 6:30 in the evening. (就划线部分提问)
_______________ does he _____________ at 6:30 in the evening?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:句型转换

【小题1】Kitty and Daniel are good friends.(改为否定句)
Kitty and Daniel _____ _____friends.
【小题2】Daniel does his homework every evening.(改为否定句)
Daniel_____ ______ his homework every evening.
【小题3】Miss wang is a Maths teacher.(改为一般疑问句,并做肯定回答)
_____ Miss wang a Maths teacher?Yes,_____ is.
【小题4】 I do my housework everyday. (改为一般疑问句)
_____ you _____ your  housework everyday?
【小题5】His name is Xiaonan.(对划线部分提问)
______ ______ name?
【小题6】He does his homework from 7 to 8 every evening.(对划线部分提问)
______ _____ he _____ from 7 to 8 every evening?(每空0.5分)
【小题7】They are from England   ( 改为同义句)
They_______ _________England.
【小题8】Her hair is long.( (同义句)
She _____ _____ hair.
【小题9】He ____ _____and plays football very ____.(他看起来强壮并且足球踢得很好。)
【小题10】I _____ _____ my bowl many times a day.(走到)
【小题11】I hope his dream _______ _______(成为现实).


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:句型转换

【小题1】 Going to sleep early is important for the teenagers.
__________  _________  _________  for the teenagers to go to sleep early.
【小题2】 You should read more English books.
You  ________  _________ read more English books.
【小题3】He had to stay up late last night because he hadn’t recited NCE.(改为否定句)
He ________  _________  _________ stay up late last night because he had recited NCE.
【小题4】 If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we will climb Baiyun Hills.
We will climb Baiyun Hills _________ it _________ tomorrow.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:句型转换

【小题1】I used to read newspaper after supper.(改为一般疑问句)
     you     to read newspaper after supper?
【小题2】My parents will go to America in two weeks.(对划线部分提问)
                  will  your parents go to America?
【小题3】She is such a beautiful girl.(改为同义句)
             the girl is!
【小题4】The island is so interesting that everybody likes to go.
The island is                 for everyone to go.(改为同义句)
【小题5】The boy is thinking about what he is going to do next week.(改为同义句)
The boy is thinking about               do next week.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:句型转换

【小题1】My father works today.(变否定句)
My father _______  ________ today.
【小题2】Betty is playing with her brother right now. (对画线部分提问)
______ is Betty _______ right now?
【小题3】Is your father reading a newspaper?(作出回答)
______, he ______. He’s cooking.
【小题4】Shall we go to the cinema on Sunday?(同义句)
______ ______ going to the cinema on Sunday?
【小题5】Children in America start work at nine o’clock. (变一般疑问句)
______ Children in America ______ at nine o’clock?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:句型转换

【小题1】We didn’t have a school trip last Sunday because it rained heavily.(改为同义句)
We didn’t have a school trip last Sunday          the heavy rain.
【小题2】Kathy did her homework at home .(改一般疑问句)
    Kathy    her homework at home?
【小题3】Laura sometimes goes to the movies.(划线部分提问)
                 Laura     to the movies?
【小题4】Li Lei is ten years old. Lin Tao is ten years old, too. (合并句子)
Li Lei is the       age     Lin Tao.
【小题5】Jim is taller than the other two.(改为同义句)
Jim is          of the three.

