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用括号里的词的正确形式填空, 将答案写在后边的横线上
Welcome to the Garden Street. It’s a good street ___1___(enjoy)____2__ (you). There ____3__ (be) a new supermarket and a beautiful park there. There __4__ (be) some quiet __5____ (avenue) too. __6____ (turn) left on __7_____ (one) Avenue and go down Long Street. You can ___8__(see) the park on your right . It’s between a bank and a library. You can play the guitar and take a __9___(walk) there. If you are hungry, you can go __10___ (shop) in the supermarket and enjoy your meal in the park. They are next to each other.

【小题1】to enjoy

解析1. to enjoy 此题是考查不定式做状语,对于......来说。类似的有it’s a good place to do sth。
2. yourself 本题考查enjoy+反身代词,意为玩得开心,故用yourself。
3. is 根据there be结构的就近原则可得出答案,因为后面是a new supermarket,故用is。
4. are 此题还是考查there be的就近原则,从下文的some avenues可知是复数,故用are。
5. avenues 此题考查名词的复数,从前面的some以及avenue是可数名词可知填avenues。
6. Turn 本句是个祈使句,故用原形,从and go down也知道用原形,时态一致原则。
7. First 意思:在第一街向左拐,然后沿着长街走。此题考查序数词的用法,one对应的是first.
8. see 根据句子前面的can可知用原形see, can为情态动词,其后接动词的原形。
9. walk 本题是个固定搭配,take a walk散步,故用walk。
10.shopping 同样考查固定搭配,由go +v-ing,故为go shopping,要双写p加ing。


科目:初中英语 来源:2007~2008学年度第一学期江苏省扬州市武坚中学九年级上册Unit 6综合能力测试牛津版 题型:029


He was put into prison because he was the main ________ in this case.(crime)


科目:初中英语 来源:2007~2008学年度第一学期江苏省扬州市武坚中学九年级上册Unit 6综合能力测试牛津版 题型:029


He is among the ________ people and very rich.(高收入的)


科目:初中英语 来源:2007~2008学年度第一学期江苏省扬州市武坚中学九年级上册Unit 6综合能力测试牛津版 题型:029


He died because of ________ too much.(blood)


科目:初中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:033


1. Cleaners collected waste paper or bottles for __________. (recycle)

2. There are all kinds of books on those __________ in the library. (shelf)

3. The __________ trees we plant, the better. (much)

4. “Please help __________ to some fish.” Mother said to the twins. (you)

5. Everyone should make a contribution to __________ (protect) our environment.

6. My aunt works in a __________ factory. (shoe)

7. We should do something to make our country much __________ __________. (beautiful)

8. Lucy is a __________ girl. She does everything __________. (care)

9. The children are very __________. They are playing __________ in the  park. (happy)

10. My mother loves to keep all the windows __________ at night. (close)



科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

1.Thank you for your _____. (invite)
2. We have to do _____ (we) homework.
3. He would like _____ (eat) with _____. (we)
4. His father likes _____ (work) in China very much.
5. They are going _____ (watch) a football match.
6. I have _____ (a) _____ (idea).
7. There are many basketball _____ (match) at DaLian stadium.
8. Let's _____ (plan) to learn Japanese.

