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【题目】 Paul is from America . He is a 13-year-old boy . He likes______on weekends. There are many TV shows every day . What_____TV shows does Paul like and what does he______them ?Well, Paul’s favorite TV shows are sports news and Animal World . He often watches them______he goes to bed . Paul’s favorite______is P.E. at school . He likes playing basketball very much . Paul loves sports news . He thinks it is very______because he can see a lot of famous players. Paul also likes Animal World. He thinks the show is very interesting , and he can_____a lot about animals from it . Pandas and koalas are Paula’s favorite animals . Paul hopes _____to Australia to see koalas one day .

1A.going swimmingB.going shoppingC.watching TV

2A.size ofB.kind ofC.bowl of

3A.think aboutB.think ofC.think





8A.goB.goesC.to go













going swimming去游泳;going shopping去购物;watching TV看电视。根据下文“There are many TV shows every day”可知,上文是喜欢看电视。故选C


size of……型号; kind of种类; bowl of……碗。根据下文“Well, Paul’s favorite TV shows are sports news and Animal World .”可知上文是在问什么种类的节目?根据题意,故选B


think about考虑; think of想,认为;think想。根据下文“Well, Paul’s favorite TV shows are sports news and Animal World”可知,种类是问他认为他们怎么样?故选B


so因此; before在……以前; after在……之后。根据“he goes to bed”可知这里是在……之后。根据题意,故选B


teacher老师; color颜色;subject科目。根据下文“is P.E. at school”可知这里是科目的意思。根据题意,故选C


危险的;quiet安静的;exciting激动的。根据下文“because he can see a lot of famous players.”可知,这里是说它是兴奋的。根据题意,故选C


根据上文“Paul also likes Animal World. He thinks the show is very interesting”可知,下文是了解更多的动物。learn学习;take带去; give给。learn about…了解;根据题意,故选A


go去;原形;goes去,第三人称单数;to go去,不定式。根据文中“to Australia to see koalas one day”可知,这里是希望去做某事。短语hope to do sth.希望做某事。根据题意,故选C

完型填空题是一种综合性比较强的测试题,它把单项填空和阅读理解等题型融为一体,它不仅考查学生对词汇、词组、语法、句型和常识逻辑等语言基础知识的掌握情况和正确使用语法知识的能力,而且也考查学生的理解能力、推理能力、以及情景语感等方面综合理解和运用语言的能力。考查名词辨析。句意:Paul在学校最喜欢的科目是体育。teacher老师; color颜色;subject科目。根据下文“is P.E. at school”可知这里是科目的意思。根据题意,故选C


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 For many high school students, studying in another country is for college(大学)students. But in these years, more and more Chinese teenagers want to do so .What makes Chinese high school students want to study in another country? What is the life in another country like?

Pan Jiachen, 15, Moreau Catholic High School in San Francisco, California, US

In the future, I want to go to college in the US. Studying in high school here will help me get used to(习惯)college life in the future. Also, I want to make my English better.

Studying here is not so easy. For example, in the World History class, we have to make a PPT about a historical figure(人物) and draw a picture.

Zhao Chenxuan, 15, Unionville High School in Toronto, Canada

It's good to live in another country. Unlike other students, my parents accompanied(陪伴)me. In Canada, I have more time for my interests. I can take classes I like It's quite free.

Zheng Yishi, 14, studies at Walsh Jesuit High School in Cleveland, Ohio, US

I want to try different ways of studying. Two years ago, I visited some famous colleges in Boston. Every student seemed to try their best to learn something. I saw students doing morning exercises everywhere and I watched a football game. I found that school life in the US was colorful .So I decided to study in the US.

1In these years, more and more teenagers want to__________.

A.go to high school in another country.B.go to college

C.visit some famous collegesD.go to Boston

2Zheng Yishi found that__________.

A.every student in Canada seemed to try their best to learn

B.no students did morning exercises

C.it was free to take classes she liked.

D.school life in the US was colorful.

3What is not true for Pan Jiachen?

A.He wants to go to college in the US.

B.He wants to make his English better.

C.Studying in the US is easy.

D.He has to make a PPT in the World History class.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 This is an old story. It was first told long ago. A rich man wanted to make a journey to another town. He was a businessman. He wanted to take things to sell. He also wanted to take some gold to buy some thingswith. He decided to take ten servants with him. They would carry the things to sell and the food to eat on thejourney.

He was a kind man. He said to one of his servants, “You are the smallest, the thinnest and the weakest ofall my servants. You cannot carry a heavy load (负担). You may choose the lightest load to carry.”The servant thanked his master (主人). He pointed to the biggest load. This was bread for them to eat on thejourney.

“You are foolish,” said his master. “That is the biggest and heaviest load.” But the servant lifted up the load cheerfully and the journey began. They walked for four hours. Then they stopped for a rest. They all ate someof the bread. Then there was less bread for the servant to carry. The servant’s load grew smaller and lighterevery day. At the end of the journey, the smallest servant had nothing to carry.


1The rich man wanted to sell things and________ .

A.buy some goldB.buy some gold with the money

C.buy some things with the goldD.sell some gold

2Before the journey began, the rich man said something to ________.

A.a businessmanB.one of his servantsC.the servantsD.some servants

3The weakest servant________.

A.asked for his master’s adviceB.followed the master’s advice

C.refused to accept the master’s adviceD.took the advice another servant gave him

4It took them________.

A.less than four hours to finish the journey

B.only four hours to finish the journey

C.no more than four hours to finish the journey

D.some days to finish the journey

5From the story, we know the smallest servant was very________.



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

I study English to tapes.
This kind of paper very .
I to like tests.
My life changed a lot in the last years.
Parents not be too strict teenagers.
Students should to do their homework.
If I you. I study harder.
Don't talk aloud .
He be running catch a bus.
He has to stay at home the bad weather.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 When you travel in China, you can often see some very special puppets (木偶) in many gift shops. They are thin, colorful, made of animal skin () and in all kinds of shapes. They are traditional Chinese shadow puppets.

The Chinese shadow puppet play (皮影戏) is an old art. It's also called "the business of the five", because a shadow puppet play group is usually made up of five people. One moves the puppets, one sings and the other three play instruments.

How did this art start? There is a story behind it. It is said that more than 2 000 years ago, the wife of Emperor Wu of Han died from illness. The emperor was very sad. His minister (大臣), Li Shaoweng, one day saw children playing with dolls and the shadows of the dolls were dancing on the wall. Then Li went back home and made a puppet of emperor's wife. He put sticks (技条) on the puppet's hands and feet to make it easy to move.

When night came, he put up a curtain (), lit a candle, and invited the emperor to sit before the curtain. Li moved the puppet from behind the curtain. The emperor felt like he was seeing his wife again and was very happy. After that the shadow puppet play became the emperor's favorite pastime.

Over the past thousands of years, the shadow puppet play has won the hearts of many people in China. And now, more and more people around the world are showing interest in the art.

1What is NOT the quality of Chinese shadow puppets?

A.Thin and colorful.B.Made of animals.C.Different kinds of shapes.

2How many people are there in a shadow puppet play group?


3How did the wife of Emperor Wu of Han die?

A.Because of the illness.B.Because of the emperor.C.Because of the minister.

4What is NOT necessary when we play the shadow puppets?


5What can we infer (推断) according to the passage?

A.The emperor is a very strict person.

B.The Chinese shadow puppet play is a symbol of China.

C.Chinese shadow puppet play has been popular around the world for 2,000 years.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 We are talking about our dream jobs . Jack and Hob are going to high school now . Jack wants to be an engineer . He is going to build roads , bridges and sand houses . Hob is interested in math and science , but he is going to study medicine. He wants to be a doctor .

Kate is good atmusic . She wants to be an artist . She is going to sing and dance for people . Joan wants to be a woman pilot . She says , “I am going to fly into space. ” “What do you want to be , Alice ?” Joan asks me . “ Oh , I want to be a teacher . When I grow up , I am going to teach in the poor countryside .”

Each of them is doing his or her best at school . I am sure they will do something good for our country .

1How many students are mentioned(提及) in the passage ?


2Who wants to be an artist ?


3What is Hob interested in?


4What does Joan want to be ?

A.An astronaut.B.A teacher.C.A doctor.

5Where does Alice want to teach?

A.On a farm.B.In the poor countryside.C.At home.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


I volunteer in an after-school reading program. I help young children learn how to read. My favorite part is to see a little child feel excited when he or she learns a new word.

Victoria, 13

Sometimes I do things for my neighbors and ask them to give me some money or clothes. Then I can give these money and clothes to the unlucky people.

Mandy, 10

1Victoria is a volunteer to help _______.

A.animalsB.young kidsC.old people

2Why does Mandy ask her neighbors to give her money or clothes?

A.Because she is too poor.

B.Because she decides to buy something.

C.Because she wants to help those unlucky people.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


1关心,在意 _______________

2代替;替换 ____________

3确保,查明 ___________


5参与,发挥作用 ___________



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


A. Do you know what they are?
B. What time does the performance start?
C. Is there anything good on?
D. Will you be free then?

Jim: Jack, I want to have a look at what's on this weekend. Let me see now.
Jim: The Red Roses are giving a performance at the People's Theatre.
Jack: They are pop group. They are said to be very good.
Jim: 7 p.m.
Jack: Yes, I'll be free then. I'll meet you at the theatre at 6:30.
Jim: Good! See you then. Bye.

