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Perhaps it's ______.

[  ]

A. her  B. my  C. your  D. his


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

短文填空 根据短文内容及首字母提示, 补全空格内单词, 使短文完整、通顺。(请在答题卡上写出完整单词!(10分)
Your maths teacher may wear old-fashioned clothes and always pronounce your name wrongly. Your English teacher may love to start classes with tests. Perhaps it is hard f  1  you to accept these. But they eat pizza, go to movies and enjoy sports at weekends, just like you.
So how can you g  2  along with your teachers? Here are some tips.
F  3  ,do the following things: Don’t be late for school. H  4  in your homework on time. Be polite to your teachers.
Second, show an interest in the subject. Even if you are not g  5   at your maths or English, you should do your b  6  to learn it and show your teacher that you are a hardworking student.
You can also come to your teacher during his/her spare time. Use this time to get some help or talk about your progress in class. You may be surprised to learn that your teacher is more relaxed in his/her free time t  7  in his/her working hours.
A good relationship with your teachers will help you now and in the f  8  .There may be some t  9  you will always remember because they change you and your life. After f  10   school, you may even go back to visit them. And they are always proud of that.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Do you often feel tired or hard to concentrate(集中精力) in class ? If your answers to this question  is yes,      【小题1】     .  .Not getting enough sleep can lead to many kinds of problems.
New studies show that not only Chinese students suffers from lack(不足) of sleep,American students also have the same problem .   【小题2】    Why are they so tired ? One big reason is the use of electronic products(电子产品).
A recent survey finds out that 71% of American kids aged 8 to 18 have TVs in the rooms and  about 36% have computers in their rooms.   【小题3】    , playing video games ,sending text messages to friends and watching TV before bedtime.
How to solve the problem ? Scientist advise “  【小题4】   . ”Spending more time on sleep can help students stay healthy     【小题5】  
A.Some American primary school students are very tired and sometimes they even fall asleep in class.
B.perhaps it means you need more sleep.
C.It’s never too late to change bad sleep habits
D.Many kids spend a lot of time surfuring the Internet ,
E. and do well at school.


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年云南省景洪市第一中学八年级上学期末考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
This is an old English saying. It means that we should go to bed early at night and get up early in the morning. If we do, we shall be healthy. We shall also be rich and clever.
Is this true? Perhaps it is. The body must have enough sleep. Children of your age need ten hours’ sleep every night. If you do not go to bed early, you can not have enough sleep. Then you can not think properly and you can not do your work properly. You will not be wise and you may not become wealthy!
Some people go to bed late at night and get up late in the morning. This is not good for them. We should sleep at night when it is dark. The dark helps us to sleep well. When the daylight comes, we should get up. This is the time for exercise. If the body is not used, it will become weak. Exercise keeps it strong.
Exercise helps the blood to move around inside the body. This is very important. Blood takes nutrition (营养) to all parts of our bodies. The brains in our heads also need blood. We think with our brains. If we keep our bodies healthy, and take exercise, we can think better!
Our bodies also need air to breathe. Without air we will die. Get up early in the morning and we can have plenty of clean, fresh air. That will keep us healthy and happy.
【小题1】The old English saying“Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. ”mainly shows _______.

A.what good habits are
B.how to become healthy, rich and clever
C.what bad habits are
D.it’s easy for people to get up and go to bed early
【小题2】It’s important for people to have enough sleep. If not, they _______.
A.may not be strong
B.may not become wealthy
C.can not think and do their work properly
D.will not get up early
【小题3】The word“perhaps”means“_______”.
【小题4】The last paragraph but one (倒数第2段) tells us that _______ helps the blood to move around inside the body.
A.fresh airB.enough sleepC.good habitsD.exercise
【小题5】This passage is probably written for _______.
A.old peopleB.middle-aged people
C.weak peopleD.children


科目:初中英语 来源:2013-2014学年四川省九年级下学期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Do you know something about the holiday camps in Hong Kong? The students in Hong Kong used to take part in an English holiday camp in their holidays. And their parents weren’t with them. Though they were very young.

Now they still enjoy taking part in many kinds of holiday camps without their parents. Many parents let their children take part in some kinds of holiday camps in order to learn some practical knowledge in their life. And also learn some knowledge about living skills, science, reading and writing… The most important for the children is to learn to look after themselves.

Holiday camps in Hong Kong are not so expensive. Most of families can afford to send their children there for further study, for making their bodies strong… And the government never charges for them.

It is said that students in Hong Kong have much knowledge about many things. Perhaps it has something with the kinds of holiday camps.

1.Students in Hong Kong like to take part in the       .

A. holiday camps              B. science holiday camps  

C. English holiday camps    D. Chinese holiday camps

2.When students in Hong Kong are in the holiday camps their parents      .

A. must be with them  

B. aren’t with them

C. must stay at home  

D. have to look after them nearby

3.The cost to take part in a holiday camps is       .

A. very dear   B. not so cheap   C. very high   D. very low

4.The students who often take part in the holiday camps      .

A. must be very beautiful    

B. must be very thin         

C. must be very tall         

D. must have much knowledge about many things 



科目:初中英语 来源:2012年初中毕业升学考试(江西卷)英语(解析版) 题型:单项填空

-Oh, my God! I can't find my key to the office.

    -Don't worry. Perhaps it _________ at your home.

    A. left         B. has left        C. was left        D. had left


