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JOLIN Tsai (蔡依林), a famous singer, has become an English teacher! But she is not staying in a classroom to give you talks in English.Instead, she has published (出版) a new book, "Jolin's English Diary Book".It came out in Taiwan in March.Jolin is helping you learn English in a light hearted way and give you useful words for life outside your textbooks.
  "I hope it's a happy English book," she said, "When you learn English in a fun way, you will keep on doing it." This certainly doesn't mean just reciting (背诵) words.Jolin has a lot of clever ways of learning.She likes to listen to English songs or find friends to talk to in English.She has been good at English since Grade 3 in primary school (小学).Because of this, she hosted (主持) news programme on the radio herself.
  Jolin knows it's important to put English to good use.So, in her English diaries, she wrote something about her everyday life, like study, fashion (时尚), travel and family.After each diary, she gives you lots of notes.You can use them often, too! Jolin also asks you to keep diaries like hers.
小题1:When did Jolin Tsai publish "Jolin's English Diary Book" ?
A.In MayB.In AprilC.In MarchD.In June
小题2:She has been good at English            
A.since she became a famous singer
B.since she was in Grade 3
C.since she was in college (大学)
D.since she was 3 years old
小题3:. Jolin thinks that             is important for us to learn English.
A.just reciting wordsB.hosting a programme on the radio
C.studying in the classroomD.putting English to good use
小题4:What's the meaning of "light-hearted" in the passage?
小题5:From the passage we know that            
A.she is not only a famous singer but also an English teacher in a primary school
B.you don't have to keep English diaries
C.she teaches us how to be a famous singer in "Jolin's English Diary Book"
D.Jolin Tsai shows us how to learn English in a fun way


小题1:细节理解题。根据短文第一段It came out in Taiwan in March.可知是在五月出版的,故选C。
小题2:细节理解题。根据第二段She has been good at English since Grade 3 in primary school (小学),从小学三年级她就擅长英语。故选B。
小题3:细节理解题。根据第三段Jolin knows it's important to put English to good use,描述,蔡依林认为很好的用英语是重要的。故选D
小题4:词意猜测题。根据文章描述,蔡依林教给你快乐学英语的方式,Jolin is helping you learn English in a light hearted way故可以选A。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

I was once a volunteer in an English village. It was quite different__my home in Sweden. Jane, one of the volunteers from Tanzania, had a friend who was very poor. She__ all her pocket money to help her friend. It meant that she didn’t have much food to eat, and she had no money to go anywhere outside the village or buy more clothes.
I was so moved(感动)that I felt I had to do__too. So when I bought food one day, I__to buy her some rice. I started__to the woman in the shop(named Gloria who was also a volunteer) about my friend Jane. The woman looked at me, being surprised, “Does she eat noodles?” she asked. “Yes,” I replied. She immediately (立刻) started__ a bag with noodles, cookies, sweets and other things until the bag was full. “Give her this for me.” I couldn’t believe­­­­___but cried with happiness.
Imagine Jane’s look when I gave her the__! I had never seen her so happy! A few weeks later she found Gloria in the shop and___her in person.
The two wonderful women really showed me__true kindness is. And the impression(印象) will stay with me for the rest of my life.
小题1:A. at                    B. on                    C. from
小题2:A. borrowed              B. sent                   C. carried
小题3:A. anything              B. nothing                C. something
小题4:A. decided                B. hated                  C. served
小题5:A.laughing                B. answering              C. talking
小题6:A. filling                 B. taking                 C. buying
小题7:A.them                   B. it                     C. her
小题8:A. money                 B. shop                   C. food
小题9:A.greeted                 B. asked                  C. thanked
小题10:A. what                   B. when                  C. how


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The one-child policy in our country has made most families much smaller than before. That is to say, there are fewer children in a family. But the population of China is still growing faster. Why? In fact, it’s a serious problem not only in China, but also in the whole world. It’s reported that the world population is expected to reach 9,200,000,000 by 2050. There are two important reasons. First, there are still more and more babies born every year. Next, people in the world can live much longer than before.
The earth is too tired, but it has to burden(担负) more in the future. Who can save her?
小题1:The passage tells us that the whole world is suffering from(为……苦恼) the      .
小题2:The underlined word “expect” means _______ in the sentence.
小题3:The population of the world will be about ______ by the year 2050.
A.92 millionB.92 billionC.9.2 billionD.9.2 million
小题4:Which of the following is NOT true?
A. The population of China is still growing.
B. The number of women keeps growing these years.
C. It’s difficult for us to control (控制) the population in a few years.
D. One of the reasons for the population problem is that people can live longer than before.
【小5】Which is the best title for the passage?
A. China’s Population         B. The Family Planning
C. The Population Problem      D. China’s One-Child Policy


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Mary loved small animals.One morning while she was walking in the forest,she found        weak birds in the grass.She took them home and put them in a small cage.She cared them with love and the birds both grew        .They thanked her       a wonderful song every morning.
But something happened one day.Mary left the door of the cage open.The larger bird flew from the cage.She thought that it would      .As it flew close,she grasped(紧抓)it.She was very excited to catch it.Suddenly she felt strange.She opened her hand and looked sadly at the        bird.Her great love had killed the bird!
The other bird was moving back and forth(来回)in the cage.Mary could         its great need for freedom(自由).It wanted to fly into the clear and blue sky.At once,Mary took the bird          the cage and let it fly away.The bird circled once,twice,three times…
Mary enjoyed watching the bird flying and singing         .Suddenly the bird flew       and landed softly on her head.It sang the sweetest song that she had ever heard.
The easiest way to lose love is to hold it too tight.The best way to keep love is to         it wings.
A.returnB.dieC.fly backD.fly away
A.out ofB.out fromC.out offD.away of


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Everyone needs friends. We all like to__  __close to someone. __  __is nice to have a friend to talk, laugh, and do things with. __  ___, sometimes we need to be alone. We don’t always want people___  __. But we would feel lonely if we never have friend.
No two people are__  __. Friends sometimes don't get on well. That doesn't mean they no longer like each other. Most of the time they will make up and become _  __again.
Sometimes friends move away. Then we feel very__  __. We miss them very much, but we can call them and write to them. It could be that we could even see them again. And we can __  __new friends. It is surprising to find out how much we like new people when we get to know them.
There’s more good news for people who have friends. They live longer than people who don't. Why? It could be that they are__  __. Being happy helps you stay well. Or it could be that they just know that someone cares. If someone cares about you, you take__  __care of yourself.
A.aloneB.awayC.all overD.around
A.friendlyB.kindC.just the sameD.quite different
A.look forB.findC.makeD.know
A.lessB. betterC.littleD.no


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Have you ever heard of Back-to-Front Day? It is a festival in Britain. On that day, the adults have to go to school. And the children? They are the policemen and firemen; they sit in the offices and call New York and Paris; they are doctors and nurses.
“Stand in the corner, Mr. Bass!” said Mary. Mary was six and had a class of twenty-three men and fifteen women. They were making too much noise.
John was a policeman. Though his uniform was too big, he walked down the street with pride. “Hm, why are you not at school?” “Oh, I ... I have something important to do,” said the man.   “Fiddlesticks (胡说)!” said John angrily. He took out his notebook. “Name?” he asked. “Mr. Green.” John wrote it down and blew his whistle (吹口哨) and a police car appeared. “I have a truant here,” said John. “Drive him to school!”
At the hospital a small doctor climbed on one chair in order to examine (检查) Mrs. Brown’s throat, and Nurse Jenny took Granny Lisa’s temperature.
The best part of Back-to-Front Day is in the evening. The children put the adults to bed, very early. They tell them a story, too — after the adults wash their faces and brush their teeth.
How interesting Back-to-Front Day is!
小题1:The adults have to ____ on Back-to-Front Day.
A.look after their children well B.work in many different fields
C.go to schoolD.work harder
小题2:How many students were there in Mary’s class?
A.15.B.23.C.38. D.44.
小题3:The underlined word “truant” means “______” in Chinese.
小题4:Where were Mrs. Brown and Granny Lisa?
A.In the street.B.At the hospital.C.At school.D.In the office.
小题5:Which of the following is TRUE according to the fifth paragraph?
A.The adults sleep late on that day.
B.The children tell stories to the adults.
C.The adults help the children brush their teeth.
D.The children help the adults wash their faces.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

We always seem to want those things we don't have. Moreover, we are often convinced(使相信) that if we had those things we want so badly, we would finally be happy.
The truth is that happiness is an attitude(态度). _________is not something created by outside circumstances(环境), ______ instead is completely within your control.
Nothing will give you a deep sense of satisfaction and happiness, unless you cultivate (滋养)happiness consciously. Below are some simple yet specific steps you can take to cultivate  happiness.
Be grateful.
Create a sense of gratitude for what you have, for what is working, for what is wonderful and sweet in your life. A morning or evening gratitude list, written each day, can do wonders for helping you feel grateful.
Take care of yourself.
Identify(辨别) the small things in life that make you feel good, and do one daily. A short walk, a few minutes of writing in your journal, a short meditation, watching the sunset…whatever, will improve your outlook on life.
Read inspirational(励志的) material.
It helps to be reminded of positive thoughts and positive attitudes. Get a small book of positive, inspirational thoughts and keep it by your desk. Read one or two thoughts each day.
Is the glass half empty or full? Life works better when the glass is half full regardless of your life status.
No matter how many wonderful things you do to create a positive, happy, satisfied life, you could still end up unhappy. Ultimately, happiness, gratitude, a feeling of satisfaction is a choice. So, from now on, choose to be happy!
小题1:在划线处填入所缺单词:___________ ___________
小题2:How many ways can we take to cultivate happiness? ______________________________
小题4:找出同义句:We are sure if we can have the thing we want so much ,we will be very happy. _________________________________________________________________________


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Dear Susan,
You are only three years old, and at this point in your life you are not able to understand this letter. But some day when you grow up, I hope you will find something        in what I am going to share with you.
Life can be       . There will be people in your life who won’t be very nice. They’ll laugh at you because you are different,        for no good reason. You will also face heartbreak (心碎) and might be       by those you love. I hope you don’t have to face these too much, but such things happen.
Be open to life anyway. You’ll find cruelty in your      through life, but don’t let that stop you from finding new things. Don’t retreat (退却) from life, and don’t         yourself. Be open to new things, new experiences and new people. You will fail many times, but if you allow that to stop you from trying, you will miss many chances. Do remember that failure (失败) is a stepping stone to success.
You will meet many people who will try to do better than you, in school, in college and at work. They’ll try to have nicer cars, bigger houses, nicer clothes, and so on. To       , life is a competition. However, I believe life is a journey. If you always try your best to        others, you are wasting your life. Learn to enjoy your life danger and you will make it a journey of      , of learning and of love.
Finally, know that I love you and always will. You are        a really wonderful journey, and I will always be there for you.
A.journeyB.school C.studyD.days


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

This is my family. My father’s name is Mr. White. He is 35 years old. His birthday is October twenty-third. He likes football. He likes vegetables, but he doesn’t like meat. My mother’s name is Mrs. White. She is 34 years old. Her birthday is July fourth. She doesn’t like to watch TV, but she likes to play on the computer. She likes ice cream and all the fruits: apples, oranges, bananas, but she doesn’t like mangoes. My name is George. I’m thirteen years old. My birthday is May fifth. I like all vegetables and fruits. And I like Chinese food and ice cream, but I don’t like hamburgers, because mom says hamburgers are not good.
小题1:________ doesn’t like meat.
A.Mr. WhiteB.Mrs. WhiteC.GeorgeD.George’s sister
小题2:Mother likes _________________.
A.to watch TVB.to go shopping
C.to watch moviesD.to play on the computer
小题3:George doesn’t like hamburgers, because __________.
A.his mother says hamburgers are not good
B.his father doesn’t like hamburgers
C.he likes Chinese food
D.he likes all the fruits
小题4:Mr. White is _______________.
A.35 years oldB.34 years oldC.33 years oldD.23 years old
小题5:George’s birthday is ___________.
A.December sixthB.July fourth
C.May fifthD.October twenty-third

