精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

A What ________       doing?    B They are running.   

[  ]

Athey are   Bare they   Ccan they   Dthey can


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:054


  Colour helps you see things.But man and some monkeys and apes(猿) are the only mammals(哺乳动物) that can see colour.1   any other mammals,such as the dog,the world 2   a black-white photo.Dogs hunt mainly by listening and smelling.

  Like 3   animals,dogs see best when things move.The animals they hunt seem to know this.A rabbit or deer will freeze when they find that they are being hunted.Then the dog 4   see it at all

  Birds can see colour.They need to,because when they fly,they need to find places to land.Colour helps them know 5   the place is and what it is like so that they are able to catch flying things in the air or to 6   something they think safe.

  Some birds see things even 7   than man.The birds that eat bugs(虫子) can see them from far away.And even a very young bird can see a house 8   the sky.So good eyes and being able to see colours help birds 9   food and also help them find out 10   there are other animals that are dangerous to them.


A.For  B.With  C.As D.To

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A.seem like  B.looks like  C.likes D.like

[  ]


A.other  B.the other  C.another D.others

[  ]


A.may not  B.should not  C.must not D.need not

[  ]


A.how soon  B.how long  C.how fast D.how far

[  ]


A.land  B.land on  C.land for D.be landed

[  ]


A.worse  B.nearer  C.better D.1ess

[  ]


A.for  B.from  C.on D.at

[  ]


A.to look at  B.look at  C.find D.found

[  ]


A.what  B.when  C.if D.ho

[  ]


科目:初中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:054

One afternoon last summerMrStow went to a fishmonger(鱼贩)He wanted to___1___some fish for his supperbecause a friend of____2____was coming to have supper____3____him that evening

It Was____4____so most of the fish were not so fresh____5____the fishmonger said“Sircome and see____6____the fish are freshbuy one?” MrStow held one fish up to his____7____and smelt ()it“____8____do you smell that fish? ____9____you think it has gone bad?” shouted the fishmonger

“NoI didn't smell it”answered MrStow

“Then what were you doing____10____your face so close to the fish?” asked the fishmonger“I wasn't____11____the fishI was only talking to it”answered MrStow

“Talking to it?” said the fishmonger“Why? What did you____12____to it?”

“I asked it____13____there was any news from the river

“WellWhat did the fish say____14____you?”

“It said it didn't know the latest(最新的)news because it hadn't been____15____the river for more than a week

1(  ) Aborrow    Blend     Cbuy   Dsell

2( ) Ahis       Bhim     Che   Dhimself

3( ) Aand     Bbetween   Cwith    Dto

4( )Awarm     Bhot    Ccool    Dcold

5( )Aand     Bif      Cthough   Dbut

6( )Aboth      Bnone   Call     Deither

7  ( )Anose      Bface      Cear   Dmouth

8( )AWhen     BWhat    CWhere    DWhy

9( )ADid      BDo     CCould    DAre

10 .( )Aat     Bby     Cwith    Din

11( )Asmelling   Btalking    Clistening  Deating

12( )Atalk      Btell    Cspeak    Dsay

13( )Awhat     Bwhen    Cwhere   Dif

14( ) Aat     Bwith   Cto    Dfor

15( ) Ain    Bacross    Cover   Dat



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

—Do you know_________ Emma is?

—I met her on the playground just now.

  A.what  B.how  C.where  D.who


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


A:Hey, Ginny.What do you call those big,gray things in the water?



  B:Manatees。They’re very gentle and very shy.


  B:They’re usually about 10 feet long and they weigh about 1000 pounds.

  A:How much do they need everyday?

  B:They need about 1 00 pounds of aquatic food a day.


  B:It is underwater plants and vegetation(植被).

  A:That’s what they eat?

  B:Yes.it is.


  B:Yes,they are endangered(陷入困境).But,we’re trying to save them

  A:Wait a moment.Why are they endangered?


  A:Where do they live?

  B:They live in the swamps(沼泽).__6__ .They are endangered also because there sometimes isn’t enough food for all of them.

  A:__7__.There used to be a lot of manatees,but now there aren’t very many of them left,I think.

  B:Yes,__8__ .At this point,there are only about 2,500 in the U.S.


  B:Since 1927 laws have been passed to protect them.

  A:Thank you for your information.



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Sudha Chandran was a dancer from India.She lost her chance to be a 41 when her right leg had to be cut off after a car accident.

Though the 42 brought her bright career to a stop,she didn’t 43 .In the terrible months

that followed,she met a doctor 44 had developed an artificial limb(假肢).

  After she was fitted with an artificial leg,she decided to go back to 45

  Sudha believed that she could 46  her dream come true.Then she did 47 for her


  After every public show,she would ask her dad about her act.“You 48 have a long way to go.”was the answer she used to get 49 her father. 

  In January 2004.Sudha made an important return by 50 a public show in Bombay.She

gave a show in such an amazing manner 51 it moved everyone to tears.In the end,she 52  

the final prize of the show.

That evening,when she asked her dad the 53 question,he didn’t say 54 .He just

touched her feet as praise to a great artist.

When someone asked Sudha 55 she could dance again with her artificial limb,she said quite simply.“I don’t need feet to dance.”

(  )41.A.runner  B.player    C.star    D.moon

(  )42.A.chance  B.accident   C.dancer   D.leg

(  )43.A.give up  B.give away  C.give in   D.give out

(  )44.A.which  B.where     C.what   D.who

(  )45.A.sing   B.dance     C.cut    D. stop

(  )46.A.take   B.bring     C.make   D.keep

(  )47.A.a lot   B.a few     C.a little   D.a bit

(  )48.A.still   B.only     C.just     D.ever

(  )49.A.in    B.to      C.from     D.for

(  )50.A.going  B.giving    C.getting    D. watching

(  )51.A.and   B.so    C.but       D.that

(  )52.A.won   B.beat    C.had      D.told

(  )53.A.different  B.unusual   C.usual     D.strange

(  )54.A.something B.anything  C.everything   D.nothirig

(  )55.A.what    B.how     C.why     D.when

