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Celine Dion was born in a small town in Canada. She is one of the fourteen children in a musical f 1       Her parents and the b 2       family formed a singing g 3       They were very wellknown in t 4       hometown. Celine's mother wrote her f 5       song for her and she recorded the song with her brother at the a 6       of 12. Rene Angelil,a rock manager,1 7       them very much. He a 8       Mrs. Dion and her two children to come to his office. After that,he h 9      Celine a lot. In 1994,t 10       got married.

1. f       2. b       3. g        4. t       5. f         

6. a      7. 1       8. a       9. h       10. t        

1. family   2. big

3. group   4. their

5. first   6. age

7. liked   8. asked

9. helped   10. they

题目来源:中学英语组合训练完形填空+短文填词七年级 > Unit12


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  Jack is the name of a game. It's very popular with children. To play jacks,you'll need a small ball and ten small other objects called jacks.

  The rules for this game are quite easy. To begin,you put the ten jacks on the floor or ground in front of you. Toss the ball up(but not too high) , pick up one jack,and then catch the ball. Keep the jack in your hand and then go on to pick up the other jacks one at a time. You lose (失去) your turn if you don't catch the ball,you don't pick up a jack,or you drop any jacks from your hand.

  When you finish all ten jacks,you now try to do the same thing again but with two jacks at one time. This is more difficult,of course. You lose your turn if you make any of the other three mistakes or if you don't pick up two jacks each time!

(   ) 1. A good title for this passage is       .

   A. A Simple Game

   B. Tossing a Ball

   C. Two Jacks

   D. One Jack

(   ) 2. The word "Toss" here means       .

   A. let something fall

   B. throw

   C. catch

   D. let something keep in the sky

(   ) 3. If a player picks up all ten jacks two each time. How many times does the player pick up jacks?

   A. Ten. B. Fifteen.

   C. Five. D. Twenty.

(   ) 4. Jacks are       .

   A. names of boys

   B. friends of the player

   C. small objects

   D. small children

(   ) 5. After you pick up the ten jacks one at a time,you do the same thing again but with        jacks at one time.

   A. three   B. four

   C. five   D. two  


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Tom grows the nicest vegetables and fruits and the most beautiful flowers in the village. Plants grow in Tom's garden all through the 1        and they are much 2       .

Tom cuts some flowers for his sitting room table,eats some fruits and vegetables,but he 3        most of them in the market.  His vegetables,fruit and flowers are so 4        and beautiful that they sold much more 5        in the market than those of other villagers.

How does Tom grow these beautiful things? He is so 6        that he just sits under his orange tree with his radio.

He 7       the music all day.

That is quite true. Tom 8       things in spring,summer,autumn and winter. After that he sits with his radio. And everything 9       . It is the music that does the work. Tom knows more clearly that music makes the biggest vegetables and the most beautiful flowers. Plants love 10        as much as people.

(   ) 1. A. week   B. month   C. season   D. year

(   ) 2. A. better   B. worse   C. less   D. later

(   ) 3. A. buys   B. sells   C. borrows   D. lends

(   ) 4. A. dear   B. bad   C. big   D. small

(   ) 5. A. politely   B. quickly   C. slowly   D. carefully

(   ) 6. A. angry   B. busy   C. tired   D. lazy

(   ) 7. A. listens to   B. hears   C. watches   D. speaks

(   ) 8. A. fills   B. plants   C. throws   D. makes

(   ) 9. A. does   B. moves   C. grows   D. plays

(   ) 10. A. work   B. rain   C. stories   D. music


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Our English teacher is Miss Gao. She is tall and slim. She is pretty and k 1       . We have f 2       in each English lesson. She wants us to be g 3       at English. So she h 4       us a lot after class. We like asking her for help w 5       our English. One Sunday,I was doing my English h 6       . But I couldn't work out one of the p 7       . So I c 8       Miss Gao for help. She s 9       me an email to help me. I like h 10       very much.

1. k          2. f       3. g       4. h       5. w        

6. h        7. p       8. c       9. s          10. h      


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Paris has a beautiful name,the City of 1       Do you know 2        it means? Many beautiful buildings are lighted at 3       ,The streets are very 4       . When you 5        in Paris,you must not turn 6        your headlights (汽车前灯) even after dark. Paris is full of life all day and all night. But this is not the 7        reason (原因) for its beautiful name. For hundreds of years,Paris has been the center of science and art. 8       scientists and artists have come to 9        here. For this reason also,people 10       it the City of Lights.

(   ) 1. A. Flowers   B. Cars   C. Lights   D. Rivers

(   ) 2. A. what   B. how   C. where   D. when

(   ) 3. A. noon   B. night   C. day   D. evening

(   ) 4. A. black   B. dark   C. noisy   D. bright

(   ) 5. A. walk   B. go   C. drive   D. lives

(   ) 6. A. off   B. down   C. out   D. on

(   ) 7. A. only   B. other   C. any   D. another

(   ) 8. A. No   B. Few   C. Many   D. A few

(   ) 9. A. study   B. drive   C. play   D. have dinner

(   ) 10. A. make   B. call   C. build   D. find


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

I'm glad it's Sunday again. I can stay in bed 1        I like,drinking tea and 2        those thick newspapers that are brought 3        the newsboy through the letterbox at 8: 30. In this way,I can catch up with all the 4        I haven't got time to read during my work time.

When I 5        the papers,I then prepare my bath. The Sunday morning bath is 6        of the week. There's no need to hurry because there's no bus to 7        and my friends are told not to call me up before noon on Sundays,so there is no danger of 8       by the telephone.

9       spend the afternoon after lunch is always a bit of problem. In summer I can go to the park and sit in a chair 10        boys playing football,while in winter I sit in front of the fire and 11        when reading a book,sometimes I turn on the television and sleep through an old film.

Then there's the 12        ahead of me. Perhaps I'll call on some friends or go to the cinema 13       a new film I want to see or to town for a concert. Oh,there are 14        pleasant ways of passing Sunday evenings. The only sad thing is that Monday morning is getting 15      

(   ) 1. A. as long as   B. as soon as   C. as well as   D. as much as

(   ) 2. A. read   B. reading   C. to read   D. am reading

(   ) 3. A. from   B. with   C. and   D. by

(   ) 4. A. things   B. books   C. information   D. knowledge

(   ) 5. A. am reading   B. have read   C. had read   D. read

(   ) 6. A. the much pleasant   B. the more pleasant

   C. the most pleasant   D. the very pleasant

(   ) 7. A. sit   B. catch   C. get in   D. take

(   ) 8. A. trouble   B. being troubled

   C. troubling   D. to be troubled

(   ) 9. A. What to   B. How to   C. When to   D. Where to

(   ) 10. A. looking   B. seeing   C. looking at   D. watching

(   ) 11. A. fall asleep   B. go to sleep   C. go to bed   D. get to sleep

(   ) 12. A. supper   B. friend   C. evening   D. work

(   ) 13. A. whether there's   B. if there will be

   C. when there has   D. if there will be

(   ) 14. A. so many   B. such many   C. a lot   D. quite few

(   ) 15. A. busier   B. longer   C. near   D. away


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Once there was a boy in Toronto. His name was Jimmy. He started p 1       when he was three years old,and when he was five he was already very g 2       at it. He painted (绘画) many beautiful and I 3        pictures,and a lot of people bought his pictures. They said, "This boy is going to be f 4       when he's a little older,and then we're going to s 5       these pictures for a lot of money. " Jimmy's pictures were d 6       from other people's because he never painted on all of the paper. He painted on half of it,and the other half was always e 7       .

"That's very clever," everybody said. "No o 8       painters have ever done that!"One day somebody asked him, "Please tell me this,Jimmy. Why do you paint on the bottom (底) half of your pictures,but not on the t 9       half?"

"Because Fm small," Jimmy said, "and my brushes can't r 10       very high."

1. p       2. g      3. l       4.f       5. s      

6. d       7. e       8. o       9. t      10. r       


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Ballpoint pens have made life easier for millions of people. At one time 1        did not like their students to 2        with pen. Perhaps it was because pens can leak (漏) and it is 3        to spill (溢出) the ink. And it is hard to write on thin or cheap paper with them. Ladislao Biro 4        for a newspaper in Budapest. He spent all day 5        his desk. Day in and day out,he corrected 6        of thin,cheap paper with a pen and ink. He often had to stop to 7        his pen and it did not write 8        on the thin paper. He and his brother George 9        some experiments. They wanted a pen that did not leak,with ink that did not spill. Why not 11       a little ball at the end?

Two Englishmen,Henry Martin and Frederick Miles,like the II. It was the 12        of the Second World War. The Air Force 13       a nonleak,nonspill pen for the men to write with in 14       . Martin and Miles made and 15        many thousands of Biro "writingsticks" to the Air Force.

(   ) 1. A. factories   B. schools   C. shops   D. restaurants

(   ) 2. A. play   B. write   C. come   D. meet

(   ) 3. A. easy   B. hard   C. free   D. popular

(   ) 4. A. left   B. waited   C. looked   D. worked

(   ) 5. A. on   B. near   C. at   D. in

(   ) 6. A. mistake   B. books   C. pages   D. diaries

(   ) 7. A. mend   B. fill   C. brush   D. change 

(   ) 8. A. well   B. down   C. out   D. up

(   ) 9. A. kept   B. finished   C. began   D. studied

(   ) 10. A. find   B. wear   C. grow   D. use

(   ) 11. A. matter   B. result   C. meaning   D. idea

(   ) 12. A. day   B. time   C. break   D. year

(   ) 13. A. bought   B. took   C. needed   D. preferred

(   ) 14. A. planes   B. ships   C. trains   D. buses

(   ) 15. A. sold   B. lent   C. moved   D. passed


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

The water and the land are thought part of the earth surface (表面) .The air is 1        thought a kind of blanket (毡子) 2       the earth. But it is 3        than that. Maybe you have been in a cave (洞穴) 4       in the earth. Did you think about the air that was in the cave? The land has some air mixed in it. Air is even mixed 5        the water in the sea. These examples show that some air is 6        the earth's surface as well as above it.

Men once 7        that there were four basic things from which everything else was made. They8       these things―earth,fire,air and water the four elements (元素) .9       man made more observations,they10       that fire was not an element. 11       they concluded (得出结论) that land,air and water were not elements,12       .

13      ,there are more than100 elements from which scientists believe all things are made. 14       land,air and water are not elements,they are three main parts of man's environment (环境) .You will 15        more about them as you study the earth.

(   ) 1. A. usually   B. seldom   C. never   D. sometimes

(   ) 2. A. above   B. around   C. across   D. among

(   ) 3. A. better   B. more   C. less   D. worse

(   ) 4. A wide   B. high   C. long   D. deep

(   ) 5. A. at   B. in   C. with   D. to

(   ) 6. A. below   B. before   C. between   D. beside

(   ) 7. A. found   B. thought   C. knew   D. understood

(   ) 8. A. called,                   B. told   C. name   D. said

(   ) 9. A. That   B. For   C. As   D. So

(   ) 10. A. believe   B. planned   C. decided   D. want

(   ) 11. A. End   B. At last   C. Hardly   D. Nearly

(   ) 12. A. too   B. neither   C. also   D. either

(   ) 13. A. True   B. Read   C. In fact   D. Correctly

(   ) 14. A. When   B. As   C. Since   D. Though

(   ) 15. A. exam   B. study   C. exercise   D. know

