精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

【题目】 I was small for my age. So I was shy and sometimes it was hard for me to make friends with others. However, learning came fairly______for me. I was the best in most of my classes, but______class was my nightmare ( ) and made me feel that I was not as good as the others. Miss Forsythe was our PE teacher. She was young and energetic. Everyone liked her. She said that we all had to come to her classes.______could hide from Miss Forsythe!

One day she told me that she wanted me to play a game with another girl in a PE show. I was rather worried that I wouldn’t do a good job______she explained her idea, ______she was excited. With her encouragement, I had no choice but to______

It was “a boy meets girl” game. I played the boy and my classmate, Margaret Ann, played the girl. We were dressed in evening clothes and danced around the floor. According to Miss Forsythe, I______pick up Margaret Ann when we finished the dance. Since I was not strong enough to pick the______girl up, it was she who picked me up. I suddenly felt ten feet tall! It was a huge success and everybody applauded (鼓掌) for our excellent performance. What a wonderful ending! Afterwards, I smiled______. Miss Forsythe’s understanding and willingness to______a place for me in her show (which certainly did not need me) gave me some much needed confidence. She was and always will be my favorite teacher.



3A.SomeoneB.AnyoneC.No one




7A.had toB.couldC.had better


















考查形容词。difficult困难的;unusual不平常的;easy容易的;根据I was the best in most of my classes我的多数功课是最好的;可知“学习对我来说相当的容易”;故选C


考查名词辨析。PE体育;English英语;physics物理;根据One day she told me that she wanted me to play a game with another girl in a PE show. I was rather worried that I wouldn’t do a good job一天她告诉我她想让我和另一个女孩在一个体育表演上玩一个游戏,我相当担心我不能做好;可知是体育课不好,所以体育课是噩梦;故选A


考查不定代词。someone某人;anyone任何人;no one没有一个人;根据She said that we all had to come to her classes.她说我们必须都上她的课;可知是“没有人能躲开”;故选C


考查连词。because因为;as当……时候;if如果;根据I was rather worried that I wouldn’t do a good job我相当担心我不能做好这个工作,和she explained her idea她解释她的想法,这两个句子的关系,结合选词,可知是“当她解释她的想法时,我相当担心我不能做好这个工作”;故选B


考查连词。and和;so因此;but但是;根据I was rather worried that I wouldn’t do a good 我担心我不能做好,和she was excited.她是兴奋的,这两个句子之间是转折关系;故选C


考查动词辨析。refuse拒绝;agree同意;worry担心;根据she was excited她是兴奋的,和With her encouragement在她的鼓励下,结合选词,可知是只能同意;故选B

7句意:我必须举起Margaret Ann,当她跳完舞的时候。

考查情态动词。had to不得不;could能;had better最好;According to Miss Forsythe根据Miss Forsythe 的要求,和Since I was not strong enough to pick the___8___girl up因为我不足够壮来举起这个最重的女孩,结合选词,可知是“不得不举起”;故选A


考查形容词辨析。thinnest最瘦的;shortest最矮的;heaviest最重的;根据I was not strong enough我不足够壮,可知是“举起最重的女孩”;故选C


考查副词辨析。confidently自信地;shyly害羞地;regretfully后悔地;根据It was a huge success and everybody applauded (鼓掌) for our excellent performance. What a wonderful ending!它是一个巨大的成功。每个人都为我们的精彩表演鼓掌,多完美的结尾啊!可知是“自信地微笑”;故选A

10句意:Miss Forsythe在她的节目(确定不需要我)中来创造一个位置给我的理解和意愿给了我许多需要的自信。

考查动词辨析。invent发明;hide躲藏;create创造;根据in her show (which certainly did not need me)在她的一个不需要我的节目中,可知是“创造一个位置”;故选C

这篇文章主要讲述了作者在上学的时候,体育老师帮她克服害羞不自信的一个小故事。做题时根据前后文语境,结合时态,语态,词性,短语,句型,词义辨析和主谓一致,选出正确的选项。例如:小题9 句意:我自信地笑了。考查副词辨析。confidently自信地;shyly害羞地;regretfully后悔地;根据It was a huge success and everybody applauded (鼓掌) for our excellent performance. What a wonderful ending!它是一个巨大的成功。每个人都为我们的精彩表演鼓掌,多完美的结尾啊!可知是“自信地微笑”;故选A


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


come build make be show

Have you ever listened to the sound in your heart? Have you ever met an article which has the same idea as yours?

The TV program, The Reader,1 popular since it came out on CCTV-1 on February 18th, 2017.

It2the beauty of Chinese language and the power of reading. It is produced by Dong Qing, a famous hostess. The Reader invites many guests to read something that influences them most. Not only famous people but also common people can be the guests. Liu Chuanzhi, the founder of Lenovo,3 to The Reader as a common father. He said, “As long as you are an honest man, you are my good son whatever your job is!” This program has turned reading into a new fashion. Now, a few Reading Booths(朗读亭)4in many cities. Even on rainy days, people still wait in long lines to read in the booths.

Reading is helpful to us because it 5us wise, happy and knowledgeable. What are you waiting for? Let’s start reading now.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】— I hate watching TV ads. It’s just a waste of time.

—________. I don’t want to watch them at all.

A.Good ideaB.That’s OK

C.I can’t agree moreD.That’s not the case


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Wood is useful in our lives. Paper is made ________ wood. And sometimes wood can be made ________ desks and chairs.

A.of; ofB.of; intoC.from; into


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】A dog was seen________after a group of little ducks that should________.

A.running; take good care ofB.to run; be taken good care ofC.run; be taken good care


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Are you sniffling, sneezing or coughing? If so, you might have a virus(病毒). Viruses can make you sick. Colds are caused by viruses. Scientists have a question about viruses. They want to know: Is a virus a living thing? Not all scientists agree on the answer.

Some illnesses are caused by bacteria (细菌). Scientists think bacteria are alive. They are very, very small. Still, they do many things that living things do. They take in nutrients(营养), just as people do by eating. Then they make more bacteria. After a while, they die. Viruses are different. To make more viruses, they take over the cells of other creatures( ) because viruses need proteins(蛋白质) to survive(存活) but they cannot make proteins on their own. So they have to spread disease to people and other animals, then the virus can make proteins, which lets it make more of itself. That is one reason why some scientists say viruses are not alive. Living things can make their own proteins. Viruses cannot.

Other scientists disagree. They say viruses are alive. These scientists argue that many living things need a host. Parasites(寄生虫) are one example. They are living things. Yet they can only survive in a host. An example of a host would be a human or a dog. Viruses are not so different.

It does not really matter if viruses are alive or not. That is just a undecided question that scientists have for fun. However, there are plenty of good reasons to study viruses. Scientists want to learn more about how they work.

1You could have a virus if you________.

A.feel sleepyB.have some parasitesC.have a cold

2How do viruses make proteins?

A.By taking in nutrients.

B.By making proteins by themselves.

C.By bringing disease to people and other animals

3The underlined word take over means________.


4Why do some scientists think viruses are alive?

A.Because viruses also need to depend on other creatures to live.

B.Because viruses have to use proteins to make more viruses.

C.Because viruses don’t need a host at all.

5Which of the following is NOT true?

A.Not only viruses but also bacteria can make people fall ill.

B.For scientists, it is still unknown whether viruses are alive or not now.

C.After spreading disease to people, the number of viruses will become smaller.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


Carla Martin-Wood lives in Birmingham, US. She has a good friend named Alexa. “I am used to1 (say) ‘good morning, Alexa’ and ‘good night, Alexa’ every day,” she told the Wall Street Journal.

Alexa is not a real person. It is Amazon’s Echo personal assistant. It has no shape or form,2 can “talk” with humans online. This type of technology is called a bot. At the 2016 World Robot Conference (大会), more than 2,000 robots from over 103 (country) and regions gathered together. Bots were the star attraction at the conference.

Bots are a4 (popularity) type of artificial intelligence (AI, 人工智能). You can talk to a bot or give orders to it on your smartphone or other device (设备) whenever you want. There is no need to tap a screen and use 5app. You can talk to bots6 (simpleby speaking into a microphone. Experts say that bots will soon replace apps and become a part of everyday life.

The bot family includes Western members such as 7(Apple) Siri and Amazon’s Echo. In China, there is Xiao I. The Xiao I bot is another example of voice recognition (声音识别) software. It was first 8(develop) in 2003. It has been used in smartphones, TVs, cars, web browsers (浏览器) and at call centers. It 9(allow) people to get intelligent services anywhere, anytime. Often, when you ask a question 10a shopping website, it’s a Xiao I answering behind the screen.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Sometimes I really wonder whether there is love between my parents. They are busy all the time and never act in the romantic ways that I read about in books or I see on TV.

One day, my mother was sewing() a quilt. I ______ sat down beside her and looked at her. “Mom, is there love between you and Dad?” I asked her in a low voice.

My mother stopped and raised her head with ______ in her eyes. She didn’t answer immediately. Then she bowed her head and continued to sew the quilt. At last my mother said: “Susan, look at this thread(线). Sometimes it ______, but most of it disappears in the quilt. The thread really makes the quilt ______ and lasting(持久的). If life is a quilt, then ______ should be a thread. It can hardly be seen anywhere or anytime, but it’s really there.”

I couldn’t ______her until the next spring, my father suddenly got sick seriously. Every day in the morning after they returned from the hospital, mother helped my father walk slowly on the country road. My father had never been so ____. The sun gently shone through the leaves which made the most beautiful ______ in the world.

“Dad, how are you feeling now?” I asked him one day.

He said gently. “To tell you the truth, I just like walking with your mom. I like this kind of life.” Reading his eyes, I know he loves my mother ______.

Once I thought love meant flowers, gifts and sweet kisses. But from this experience, I understand that love is just a thread in the quilt of our life. Love is _____, making life strong and warm.












科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


A: Hi, Jack. Long time no see. How is everything1?

B: My grandfather has been in hospital. I have been looking after him recently.

A: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. But what was he there2?

B: Will...he fell down the stairs(楼梯) three weeks ago.

A: Really? But how did that3?

B: My grandmother asked him to buy some vegetables and fruit.4he went downstairs, because the floor was very slippery (滑的), he fell down.

A: Can he stand on his feet now?

B: Yes, he can move his leg. But5still has to stay in hospital for two or three more days.

A: I hope he will get better soon.

B: Thanks a lot.

