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The price of this watch is ______ .       

[  ]

A. expensive  B. cheap  C. high  D. much


科目:初中英语 来源:走向清华北大同步导读·初三英语 题型:050


  During the summer holidays there will be a changed schedule of services for the students. Changes for dining-room and library service hours and for bus schedules will be put up on the wall outside of the dining-hall. Weekly film and concert schedules will be put up each Wednesday outside of the student club.

  In the summer holidays, buses going to the town centre will leave the gate every hour on the half hour during the day. The dining-room will serve three meals a day from 7∶00 a.m. to 7∶00 p. m. during the week and two meals from noon to 7∶00 p. m. on weekends. The library will be open at its usual hours during the week, but have shorter hours on Saturdays and Sundays. The weekend hours are from noon to 5∶00 p. m.

  Students must have a new summer card if you want to use the library lending services. This announcement will also be seen in the next week’s student newspaper.


1.This announcement is to ________.

[  ]

A.tell students of important schedule changes

B.tell students of new bus and library services

C.show the excellent services for students

D.ask students to change their library cards

2.From this passage we know ________.

[  ]

A.there is a film each week in the student club

B.there is a film or a concert each week in the student club

C.there is a film or a concert on every Wednesday in the student club

D.there will be no changes about the schedules of the weekly film and concert during the summer holidays

3.At which of the following times will the bus leave the gate?

[  ]

A.8∶00, 9∶00, 10∶00, 11∶00

B.8∶30, 9∶30, 10∶30, 11∶30

C.8∶00,9∶00, 10∶30, 11∶00

D.8∶00, 9∶30, 10∶00, 11∶30

4.In the summer holidays, the library will have ________.

[  ]

A.no special hours

B.special hours on weekdays

C.special hours on weekends

D.special hours both on weekdays and weekends

5.We may know that during the summer holidays ________.

[  ]

A.few students will stay in the university

B.no breakfast will be served on weekends

C.the student newspaper will sell more copies

D.there will be a concert or a film each Wednesday


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:014


The teacher kept us ______ our homework till 5:00 p.m.


[  ] 

A. to do  B. do  C. doing  D. did


科目:初中英语 来源:2013届北京市延庆县九年级上学期期末考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:完型填空

Haircuts from the Heart

Even though Rebecca didn't enjoy having long hair, still, month after month for two and a half years, Rebecca let her hair grow until it nearly reached her waist. At the right time,  1   would donate(捐献)her beautiful hair to a group in Palm Springs, Florida called Locks of Love.
Locks of Love is a special   2  called a charity(慈善机构). The members of this group work to help others in need.   3  the healthy cut hair that Rebecca sends them, they will have a wig(假发) made for a child who needs it. Children who need wigs are those who   4   all their hair because of illness or as a side effect from certain medicines they have to   5  . Rebecca's hair will be used to help replace the   6   that another child has lost. It will also replace some of the bad feelings that child may have from not having hair.
The day finally came to cut her long hair. Rebecca had chosen a beauty  7   in her city that gave to the Locks of Love program. The hairstylist who worked there took the time to make sure Rebecca's hair was cut and packaged properly .
First the hairstylist made sure that Rebecca's hair was clean, dry, and not damaged by chemicals. The hairstylist also made sure that the cut hair would be at least ten inches long. Then he cut Rebecca's hair. Rebecca had   8   to have her cut hair bundled into a ponytail(绑成马尾辫). She took great   9   in placing the cut ponytail into a plastic bag and then an envelope to be mailed to Locks of Love. Finally as her reward, Rebecca's   10   hair was styled.
Now with short hair, Rebecca made another important decision. She decided to let it grow long again. 11   she will give it to Locks of Love. Judging from last time, she   12  it will take about three years. Even though Rebecca no longer has long hair, she certainly has a big heart.

A.itB.sheC.he D.you
A.Keeping B.BuyingC.UsingD.Holding
A.AgainB.Never C.PerhapsD.Clearly
A.expectedB.realizedC.remindedD.p redicted


科目:初中英语 来源:2012届山东省章丘市曹范中学初三中考第一次模拟英语试卷 题型:选词填空


give  do   read   study   clean
A Thanks-giving Campaign Day
Today, we had a thanks-giving campaign day in our school with a lot of activities. In the morning, I made some thank-you cards and they 1_____________ to my teachers after class. The teachers were very happy to get them. From 3’ 00 to 4’ 00 p. m, I joined in a speech contest. In it, I 2_____________ a thank-you letter to Mum and Dad. After I came back home in the evening, I helped my parents 3_____________ the room and cook supper.
I had such a meaningful day today. I realize that my parents and teachers and many others 4 _____________ a lot for me now. I must thank them by 5_____________ harder and becoming a useful person in the future.


科目:初中英语 来源:2012年人教版初中英语九年级下册第五单元练习卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


during, appointment, anxious, attempt, might, too many, symphony, crucial

1.The prisoners ______ to escape, but failed.

2. I have a datal ______ at 3 p.m.

3. There are extra trains to the seaside ______ the summer.

4. I’m very ______ about my son’s health.

5.There would be ______ people in the ______ hall.

6. Getting this contract is ______ to the future of our company.

7. If you have any idea where it ______ be, please call me.


