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A 10-year-old boy decided to study judo (柔道), although he had lost his left arm in a car accident.
  The boy began lessons with an old Japanese judo teacher, Mr. Tanaka. The boy was doing well, but his teacher had taught him only one move in three months of training.
  “Mr. Tanaka,” the boy finally asked, “shouldn’t I be learning more moves?”
  “This is the only move you know, but this is the only move you’ll ever need to know,” his teacher replied.
  Several months later, Mr. Tanaka took the boy to his first tournament (锦标赛). The boy won his first three matches, using his one move to win. The boy was now in the finals, and was amazed by his own success.
  This time, his opponent (对手) was bigger, stronger, and more experienced. The referee (裁判) wanted to stop the match.
  “No,” the teacher insisted, “let him continue.” Soon, his opponent lowered his guard. At that moment the boy used his move to pin (钉住) him. The boy won the match and became the champion.
  On the way home, the boy and his teacher reviewed every match. Then the boy asked what was really in his mind.
  “Mr. Tanaka, how did I win the tournament with only one move?”
  “You won for two reasons,” his teacher answered. “First, you’ve almost mastered one of the most difficult throws in all of judo. And second, the only defense (防守) for that move is for your opponent to catch your left arm.”
  The boy’s biggest weakness had become his biggest strength (优点).
小题1:The boy decided to study judo though ____________.
A.he was only ten years old
B.he would have an old teacher
C.he had lost his left arm in a car accident
D.he knew he was not clever
小题2:How did the boy feel when he was in the finals?
小题3:What can you infer (推断) from the passage?
A.The boy wasn’t doing well at first.
B.Mr. Tanaka is a good teacher because he knows his student’s strength and weakness.
C.The referee believed the boy would win.
D.The boy had predicted that he would win.


小题1:细节理解题。文章第一句although he had lost his left arm in a car accident.尽管他在一次车祸中丧失了左臂,故选C。
小题2: 判断推理题。Then the boy asked what was really in his mind.“Mr. Tanaka, how did I win the tournament with only one move?”男孩问了他心中一直存在的问题“我怎么能用一招取得胜利呢?”由此可判断,男孩对于自己最后的胜利感觉惊讶,故选B。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Bluce Lee was born in San Francisco. He appeared in his first movie with his father when he was only 2 months old. Bruce and his parents returned to their home in Hong Kong in 1941. And Bruce Lee began his life-long interest in the Chinese Kung Fu. He studied with Yip Man, a Kung Fu master. Bruce was also often seen in many street fights. So his parents sent him back to the United States. He became a student at the University of Washington in Seattle. Later he opened a school to teach Kung Fu in Oakland, California.
In 1966, Bruce Lee acted in an American television series(系列) called The Green Hornet. The program was not a success, but many Hollywood movie actors began studying Kong Fu with him. He appeared in several other television programs.
Bruce Lee returned to Hong Kong in 1971 to act in a Chinese movie known in the United States as Fists of Fury. The movie was very popular in Asia. Another film, The Chinese Connection, followed it. In 1973. Bruce Lee made his the most famous movie Enter the Dragon. It became a major hit which made Bruce Lee a world famous movie star.
Bruce Lee died a few weeks before the movie was put on. He was 32 years old then. It's said that his early death ended what would have been a very successful movie career.
小题1: What was Bruce Lee interested in all his life?
小题2: Please put the following movies in order according to their time.
a. Enter the Dragon     b. Fists of Fury          c. The Chinese Connection
A.b, c, aB.b, a, cC.a, c, bD.a, b, c
小题3: According to the passage, which of the following is true?
A.Bruce Lee set up a Kung Fu school while he was studying in Seattle.
B.The movie Fists of Fury made Bruce Lee famous in the world.
C.Bruce Lee was only two months old when we first saw him in a movie.
D.Bruce Lee was sent back to America because of fighting often in the school.
小题4:The phrase a major hit in the passage means                    .


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Once a great boxer(拳击手), Tom Brown, went to a restaurant for dinner. He put his bag near the door, but he was afraid that someone would take it away. So he got out a pen and a piece of paper and wrote on it, “The great boxer, Tom Brown, left his bag here and he will be back in a few minutes.” He put the paper on his bag and went to have his dinner. When he came back, his bag wasn’t there. But he found a piece of paper on the ground. It said, “A great runner took away your bag, and will not be back.”
小题1:Tom Brown went to the restaurant ________.
A.for his bagB.to see a doctor
C.for dinnerD.for his pen
小题2:Tom Brown was afraid _________.
A.to put down the bag next to the door.
B.he couldn’t find his pen
C.he couldn’t get enough food for himself from the restaurant.
D.thieves(小偷) would take his bag away.
小题3:Tom Brown wrote the words on the paper because he ________.
A.was a boxer
B.thought the thief (小偷) would not steal his bag when he read the words.
C.wanted to catch the thief
D.wanted to get to know the runner.
小题4:When Tom Brown came back, he _______________.
A.found another piece of paper on the ground.
B.found his bag wasn’t there
C.saw the runner running towards to him
D.both A and B
小题5:Which of the following is NOT right?
A.The runner was foolish.
B.The boxer didn’t know the runner at all.
C.The runner was the thief.
D.The runner made a joke on Tom Brown.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

As Grade 9 students,we are busy studying for the coming entrance exam.Every day we have lots of exercises to do and many ___to take .Some of us feel upset,and some even lose heart.But we’ll not help ___if we lose heart. There’s a saying ,”Difficulty is like a spring(弹簧).If you are weak,it will be ____.”If we have a problem we should face it__ a smile.Once I____ a short story called The Smile. In this book,he _____his experiences as a soldier in World War II. He  _by enemy and sent to jail.(监狱)But he tried to think of ways to run away._ __he wanted to smoke ,but he had no match. So he asked his jailor for a __.When the jailor came up to him ,he smiled ______and naturally.The jailor seemed to be affected and smile,too.Then they began to talk. They ___took out pictures of their families and showed them to each other.The soldier said sadly he would never see his ___again because he was to be killed .He would never have a chance to see his children grow up.The jailor was moved by the soldier’s words.___ ___saying a word ,he unlocked the cell and quickly let him go .__ __ a smile ,the soldier was saved. Even in a terrible solution the man  was optimistic .He didn’t____.Surely we can do the same.Life is like a mirror,if you smile at it,it will smile back at you,too.
A.ourselvesB.yourselvesC. themselvesD. myself
A.weakB.strongC.longD. short
A.byB.forC.withD. to
A.talked toB.talked with C.talked aboutD.talked over
A.was killedB.was taughtC.was caughtD.was told
A.One dayB.Some dayC.A dayD.Any day
A. bookB.penC.lightD.cake
A.WithoutB.ExceptC. ThroughD.With
A.At the beginning ofB.As a result ofC.At the end ofD.As well as
A.give inB.give outC.give awayD.give up


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Once there was a parrot on sale in a pet store. It was a beautiful red and blue bird. It sat on a perch ( 横杆 ) in the middle of the store, so that everyone could see it when they came in. The owner was very proud of it and asked a high price for it.  
One day a man went into the store. “ That’s a beautiful bird,” he said to the owner, “ But why is it so expensive? Is it an unusual bird?”
“ No, it’s not very unusual. It’s expensive because it can talk.” the pet store owner said.
“ I see. How can I make it talk?” the man asked.
The owner asked him, “ Do you see those strings ( 细绳 ) tied to each of the bird’s legs?
“ Yes,” the man answered.
“ Well, you pull those strings,” the pet store owner told him. That will make the parrot talk.”
The man asked, “ Do you mind if I try?”
“ Not at all,” the owner said.
The man walked up to the parrot and pulled the string on its left leg. The parrot said, “ Good morning.”
The man pulled the string on the parrot’s right leg. This time the parrot said, “ How are you today?”
“ That’s not very interesting,” said the man. “ Any parrot could do that.” Then he laughed, “ But what would happen if I pulled both strings at the same time?”
“ I’ll fall off my perch, you fool !”the parrot said.
小题1: The parrot was expensive because ________.
A.it was pretty beautifulB.it could talk with people
C.it was a very unusual birdD.it was in the middle of the store
小题2:The parrot would talk when ________.
A.people came into the pet storeB.it was the pet store owner
C.people said it was beautifulD.people pulled the strings on its legs
小题3: Which is the first sentence that the parrot said to the man?
A.Good morning.B.How are you?
C.That wasn’t interestingD.I’ll fall off my perch, you fool!
小题4: From the story we know the parrot was ________.
小题5: The best title for the passage should be ________.
Unusual Parrot   B. Parrot Talk      C. Silly Man     D. Clever Owner


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

One day, a middle school teacher comes into the classroom and says to his students, “Today I want you to write about yesterday’s football match. I'm going to take your exercise books home with me. Now please begin.”
The students all take out their pens and exercise books and begin to write. A boy called Tom thinks hard(努力). But he doesn't write down a word. Five minutes later, he finishes(完成). He stands up and looks at the teacher. The teacher asks, “What is the matter, Tom?” “I have finished, sir.” says the boy. “Well, give me your book.” The boy goes to the teacher and hands in (交)his exercise book. The teacher opens it and reads, “Rain, no match. ”
小题1:The teacher asks the students to            .
A.read the textB.write about a match
C.do their homework D.have a lesson
小题2:The teacher is going to read the students' exercise books     .
A.in classB.at homeC.at schoolD.in classroom
小题3:Five minutes later, he __________           .
A.writes down many thingsB.writes down "Rain, no match"
C.writes a wordD.doesn't write down a word
小题4:Tom is          to hand in the exercise book.
A.the third(第三)B.the last(最后)
C.the first(第一)D.the second(第二)
小题5:Tom writes          about the match.
A.nothingB.a lotC.lots of thingsD.Much


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Lisa is an English girl. She is       . She is twenty-two years old now. She is        actor. She is very nice.        hair is long and blond. She        blue and big eyes. Her        like her very much.
Lisa looks        Huang Yongmei, a good actor. The actor        Hong Kong. Lisa’s favorite        is red. She is often(经常)       . Lisa likes apples, oranges and bananas.        is her good friend? Oh, she is Sally.
A.atB./C.likeD.the same
A.come fromB.fromC.is fromD.in
A.in a redB.in redC.at a redD.at red


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

My husband and l were talking about possible colours because it was time for painting the kitchen again. The children, sat nearby and suddenly shouted, "Not the measuring(测量)stick!”
The measuring stick isn't a real stick but the kitchen side of the door between our kitchen and the dining room. Along the edge we have   each child's growth by making a mark showing his or her    on every birthday. Over the ten years so many    pens, pencils and markers were used that the door came to be   like a painting.
Names and dates   different hand-writing, and I can   by the script(手迹)who measured whom. An eight-year-old brother measured his three-year-old sister, a grandchild measured her grandmother, my husband measured me. At parties, when this door swings, friends stop to     the names and dates. When we ask if they would like to leave their marks, they usually had a smile.
Many of these listed on the door are still    While some have stopped. Some is still with us only in memory. When my mother came to see our eldest daughter graduating from university, we measured her, too. It was her last visit to our home.
We haven't decided on the new kitchen colour plan yet, but one thing is   :Whether we paint the trim curry gold, Chowning's Tavern red or Federal blue, the back of the kitchen door will be always     with lots of names and dates in different colors.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Once, a circle lost a piece of its own. The circle wanted to be whole, so it went around, looking for its   41  piece. But because it was not complete, it could only roll (滚) very slowly. It enjoyed the flowers and the sunshine   42  the way. It talked with worms. It found lots of different pieces, but   43  of them fit. So it left them all by the side of the road and kept on   44  for the lost piece. Then one day the circle found a piece that fit   45 . The circle put the piece into   46  . It could be whole with nothing lost. It was so happy and began to roll. As it was a perfect circle, it could roll very fast, too fast to see flowers or talk to worms. It realized how different the world was when it rolled so quickly. It felt so sad   47  it stopped, left its found piece by the side of the road and rolled very slowly.
Sometimes we are perfect when we lose something. A man who   48  everything is poor in some ways. He will never have hopes, dreams or something   49 . He will never know someone loves him or someone is giving him something he has always wanted or never had.
We couldn’t be perfect. But we must be brave enough to love, strong enough to forgive, kind enough to share   50  with others and clever enough to know there is enough love  around us and then we can always have a wonderful time in our life.
A.noneB.allC.every oneD.each
A.lookB.lookingC.to lookD.looked

