精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

  -Did they ________ an English class last Saturday?

  -Yes, they ________.

[  ]

A.had, did
B.had, had
C.have, had
D.have, did

科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:054


 A young man once went into town and bought himself  1  trousers. When he  2  home, he went upstairs to his bedroom and put them  3  He found that they were about two inches too  4  .

 He went downstairs and there his mother and two sisters were  5  up the tea things in the kitchen. These new trousers  6  too long. he said. They need to be shortened by about two inches. Whould one of you mind  7  this  8  me, please?His mother and sisters were busy and  9  of them said  10  .

 But as soon as his mother was free she went  11  upstairs to her son's bedroom and shortened the trousers by two inches. She came downstairs  12  saying anything to her daughters.

 Later on, after supper, the elder sister remembered her brother's trousers. She was a kindhearted girl,  13  she went upstairs and shortened the trousers by two inches.

 The younger sister went to the cinema, but when she came in, she, too, remembered  14  her brother  15  . So she ran upstairs  16  her scissors(剪刀)and took two inches  17  legs of the new trousers.You can imagine the look  18  the young man's face  19  he put the trousers on the  20  morning.


(1)  A.    a

B a copy of

C a pair of

D a piece of

[  ]

(2)  A.    arrived at

B got to

C got

D reached to

[  ]

(3)  A.    up

B on

C in

D off

[  ]

(4)  A.    big

B small

C long

D short

[  ]

(5)  A.    eating

B drinking

C washing

D keeping

[  ]

(6)  A.    be

B am

C is

D are

[  ]

(7)  A.    doing

B to do

C do

D did

[  ]

(8)  A.    on

B for

C by

D with

[  ]

(9)  A.    no

B nobody

C none

D neither

[  ]

(10)  A.    something

B nothing 

C none 

D anything

[  ]

(11)  A.    quietly 

B noisily 

C slowly 

D openly

[  ]

(12)  A.    with 

B but 

C no 

D without

[  ]

(13)  A.    so 

B and 

C then 

D than

[  ]

(14)  A.    that 

B which 

C what 

D when

[  ]

(15)  A.    said 

B had said 

C has said 

D says

[  ]

(16)  A.    with 

B without 

C take 

D bring

[  ]

(17)  A.    of 

B away 

C off 

D in

[  ]

(18)  A.    in 

B on 

C over

D from

[  ]

(19)  A.    when

B while

C as

D whenever

[  ]

(20)  A.    tomorrow

B next

C second

D last

[  ]


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:054


Mr.King worked in a factory. He was tall and (1) ,He liked playing basketball. He spent a lot of (2) on it and sometimes he Was late for the work. It made his boss (3) and one day the young mall (4) .He tried to find another piece of work,but he (5) .Several months later he got into trouble and lived a (6) life.

Once he met with his friend in the street. The mall felt (7) for him and introduced him to his brother who was a (8) of a spare time physical cultural school. It was just in great need of some swimming coaches and he began to (9) the children to swim there. He wasn't a good worker and he wasn't a good coach,either. Two months later the children (10) nothing. Few of them could swim in the (11) river.

It was Saturday and the weather was very (12) .The children wouldn't stay in the classroom and they hoped to swim in the river. Mr King found it was difficult to (13) them. He had to agree with them. Before they started,he drew a line (14) the knee of each child with a red pen. He said to them,“Come out of the river at once if the water (15) the line!”

(1)                              [  ]


(2)                              [  ]


(3)                              [  ]


(4)                              [  ]

B.was used
C.sent off
D.was sent off

(5)                              [  ]


(6)                              [  ]


(7)                               [  ]


(8)                                [  ]


(9)                               [  ]


(10)                               [  ]


(11)                               [  ]


(12)                                [  ]


(13)                                [  ]


(14)                                 [  ]


(15)                                  [  ]



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

When I was a little girl,my mom liked to make breakfast food for dinner every now and then.And I remember one__1__when my mom placed a plate of eggs,sausage and extremely__2__toast (土司面包) in front of my dad.I remember__3__to see if anyone noticed!__4__all my dad did was reach for his toast,__5___at my mom and ask me how my day was at school.

When I__6__from the table that evening,I remember hearing my mom__7__to my dad for burning the toast.And I’ll__8__forget what he said,“Baby,I love burnt toast.” Later that night,I went to__9__Dad good night and I asked him if he really__10__his toast burnt.He wrapped me up in his__11__and said,“Debbie,your mom had a__12__day at work today and she’s really tired.And besides,a little burnt toast never__13__anyone!” In bed that night,I thought about the scene at dinner and the__14__my dad showed to my mom.

To this day,it’s a cherished (珍贵的)__15__from my childhood that I’ll never forget.And it’s one that came to__16__just recently when Jack and I sat down to eat dinner.

As I__17__the plate in front of Jack,I waited for a(n)__18__about the burnt toast.But all I got was,“Thank you,dear!This is__19__.I know you had a hard day!” Just then,I thought about my parents,and was quietly thankful for having a__20__where burnt toast wasn’t a deal?breaker either!

1.A.noon                        B.afternoon

C.morning                       D.night

2.A.expected                     B.burnt

C.sweet                        D.delicious

3.A.being encouraged               B.being allowed

C.waiting                        D.refusing

4.A.Yet                         B.Although

C.So                           D.Until

5.A.laugh                        B.smile

C.shout                         D.stare

6.A.got up                       B.got back

C.broke away                    D.put forward

7.A.report                      B.shout

C.apologize                      D.complain

8.A.almost                      B.never

C.often                         D.hardly

9.A.ask                         B.greet

C.tell                           D.kiss

10.A.liked                       B.got

C.cooked                       D.made

11.A.head                       B.heart

C.arms                        D.hands

12.A.boring                      B.hard

C.disappointing                   D.sad

13.A.hurts                       B.comforts

C.invites                        D.hates

14.A.interest                     B.surprise

C.kindness                       D.satisfaction

15.A.feeling                      B.story

C.choice                        D.memory

16.A.life                        B.mind

C.an end                        D.a conclusion

17.A.set down                    B.took away

C.finished up                     D.washed up

18.A.answer                     B.question

C.comment                     D.suggestion

19.A.possible                     B.true

C.terrible                        D.great

20.A.condition                    B.future

C.situation                       D.marriage


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


One afternoon, my son Adam asked me, “Are all people the same even if they are different in color?”    I thought for a while, and then I said, “I’ll explain,  31 you can just wait until we make a quick stop at the grocery store. I have something interesting to show you.”

   At the grocery store, we 32 some apples—red, green and yellow ones. Back home, I told Adam, “It’s time to  33 your question.” I put one apple of each type on the table. Then I looked at Adam, who had a  34 look on his face.

“People are like apples. They come in all  35 colors, shapes and sizes. On the  36 , some of the apples may not  37 look as delicious as the others.” As I was talking, Adam was  38 each one carefully.   Then, I took each of the apples and peeled them,  39 them back on the table, but  40 a different place.

  “Okay, Adam, tell me which is which.”

  He said, “I  41 tell. They all look the same now.” “Take a bite of  42 . See if that helps you decide which one is which.”

  He took big bites, and then a huge smile came across his face. “People are  43  like apples! They are all different, but once you  44 the outside, they’re pretty much the same on the inside.”

   He totally  45 it. I didn’t need to say or do anything else.

31. A. although      B. so             C. because       D. if

32. A. bought       B. ate            C. saw       D. found

33. A. check           B. tell                C. answer        D. improve

34. A. worried      B. satisfied         C. proud         D. curious

35. A. usual         B. normal         C. different       D. same

36. A. outside          B. whole          C. table          D. inside

37. A. still          B. even           C. only          D. ever

38. A. examining     B. listening        C. drawing       D. picking

39. A. keeping      B. placing         C. pulling         D. giving

40. A. on          B. towards            C. for         D. in

41. A. mustn’t      B. can’t           C. shouldn’t     D. needn’t

42. A. each one      B. each other       C. the other       D. one other

43. A. just          B. always             C. only          D. never

44. A. put away     B. get down       C. hand out       D. take off

45. A. made         B. took              C. got             D. did


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Alice was a young woman who liked to exercise for her health . In fact , she walked five kilometers before____1___ every morning , and went swimming once a week at the swimming pool . She didn’t smoke and never  2   . She didn’t eat chocolate . She didn’t eat sweet and fatty food , ____3_____ . She weighed herself every day .

  Once Alice was on her daily walk when she saw a   4  sitting in a rocking chair under a tree . He looked very old and his hair was white . he looked thin and weak , and his hands were shaking ,   5  he looked very happy .

  He smiled at her and said , “Good morning , lovely day , isn’t it ?”

  He had a wide smile   6  his face , and his eyes shone with happiness . But Alice saw that he did not have teeth .

  “Good morning!” replied Alice . “Yes , it is a lovely day .”

  Alice thought he   7  very old and wise . She thought he must be at least 90 years old ! She decided to ask him about the   8 of a happy old age .

  “I hope you don’t  9  me asking ,” she said , “ but what is your secret for being so happy at your age ? I hope I can look as happy as you do  10 I am your age ”

The man in the rocking chair said , “My secret for   11  ? I smoke twenty packets of cigarettes every week , and drink three bottles of wine every day . I eat hamburgers and chocolates whenever I want . I never eat vegetables . I never walk anywhere and I never play sports . I sit at home every day . ”

Alice was  12  . She didn’t expect the man to give her an answer like that . She wondered how the man got to be so old when he did  13  wrong . She thought he should be   14   and unhappy . Perhaps she was wrong . Maybe , she thought , people could live a long happy life  15  eating well or doing lots of exercise .

“How old are you ?”she asked .

“It’s my birthday today ,” said the man , “I’m forty—seven !”

1.  A. lunch     B. breakfast      C. dinner        D. supper

2.  A. exercised   B. drank            C. worked       D. slept

3.  A. too       B. also          C. either            D. still

4.  A. man      B. woman       C. boy          D. girl

5.  A. so        B. but          C. and          D. or

6.  A. in        B. with         C. at           D. on

7.  A. saw      B. looked        C. listened       D. found

8.  A. secret     B. dream        C. plan         D. future

9.  A. stand      B. mind         C. allow         D. enjoy

10. A. when     B. since         C. though       D. for

11. A. health     B. success       C. happiness     D. life

12. A. surprised   B. worried       C. excited       D. relaxed

13. A. something B. anything      C. everything        D. nothing

14. A. angry     B. serious       C. quiet         D. sick

15. A. through    B. from         C. without       D. by

