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小题1:_________are needed in AL Hotel.
小题2:If you like children and have two-day free, you can call at _________for a job.
小题3:If the owner of the large house asks a cleaner to tidy his house once a day, how much will the cleaner get in a week?
小题4:If you’re a college student of English who enjoys writing, during your summer holidays you will be more interested in the job in ________.
小题5:The above jobs ads are probably from_________.
A.a science bookB.a story bookC.a novelD.a newspaper


小题1:细节理解题。根据原文可知第一个招聘信息是AL Hotel,招聘的是服务员。故选C。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Ye Shuhang:
In some ways, reference books (参考书) are useful. They help us understand textbooks better. For example, if we can’t learn a language point well in English class, a reference book can help us to review the point. So I think it’s better to have such books.
Jiang Yixing:
Reference books have some disadvantages. Some reference books show answers to the exercises in textbooks. This isn’t very good. Students will just copy the answers directly instead of thinking for themselves. Day after day, students will begin to rely on (依赖) reference books and won’t listen carefully in class.
Jin Yourong:
Sometimes, reference books are useful. Some reference books show something a little bit more difficult than the textbooks. They challenge us and let us reach a higher level in our studies. So if you want to learn more, reference books are needed.
Yang Haoyu:
I don’t think reference books are helpful. If we listen to our teachers carefully and solve the questions at school, this is enough to grasp (掌握) all the knowledge. Besides, the school has given us too much homework. More reference books will only make us sick of studying. And for some subjects like English, if you want to learn well, the best way is to speak, not just do exercises.
小题1:__________ think reference books are useful in our study.
A.Ye Shuhang and Jiang Yixing
B.Jiang Yixing and Jin Yourong
C.Ye Shuhang and Jin Yourong
D.Jin Yourong and Yang Haoyu
小题2:In Ye Shuhang’s opinion, reference books can ________________.
A.show answers to the exercises in textbooks
B.help us review the point
C.let us reach a higher level in our studies
D.make us tired of studying
小题3:From the four students’ opinions, we can guess that_____________.
A.Reference books are too expensive
B.Some students buy reference books for their study
C.No one will buy reference books any more
D.Reference books are useful for everyone


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Supermarket  A
Business Hours:   8:30 a.m.~10:30 p.m.
Eggs (1 kilo):    ¥4.90
Apples (1 kilo):  ¥2.00
Pork (1 kilo):    ¥16.80
Supermarket  B
Business Hours:   8:00 a.m.~10:00 p.m.
Eggs ( 1 kilo):   ¥4.50
Apples (1 kilo):  ¥1.97
Pork (1 kilo):    ¥16.20
Supermarket  C
Business Hours:   8:00 a.m.~10:30 p.m.
Eggs (1 kilo):    ¥4.70
Apples (1 kilo):  ¥2.10
Pork (1 kilo):    ¥16. 80
Supermarket  D
Business Hours:    8:30 a.m.~9:30 p.m.
Eggs ( 1 kilo):    ¥6.60
Apples (1 kilo):   ¥1.90
Pork(1 kilo):      ¥16.60
小题1:The price of the pork in __________ and __________ is the same.
A.Supermarket A; Supermarket B
B.Supermarket A; Supermarket C
C.Supermarket B; Supermarket D
D.Supermarket C; Supermarket D
小题2:If you want to do some shopping in Supermarket D, you can’t buy things at _______.
A.8:00 a.m.B.6:30 p.m.C.11:30 a.m.D.8:30 p.m.
小题3:On Sunday, Mrs. Green wants to buy two kilos of eggs, three kilos of apples and a kilo of pork in Supermarket B, she should spend___________ on them.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Welcome to F4 Clothes Store.
We have T-shirts in all colors for 50 yuan each.  Do you like sports shoes? They are only 80 yuan.
Come and see for yourself.  Telephone number: 63721588 &63731586 .
Musicians Wanted
Are you good at playing the piano? Can you play the guitar well?
Can you sing and dance well? If you can, we’d like you to take part in our school music festival.
Please call Tim at 63721563.
Painted Skin II
Do you want to go to a movie? Then come and see Painted Skin II. It’s an exciting movie.
Time: 9:00 am, March 28th            Place: Bailu Cinema
Please call Mr. Li if you want to see the movie. His phone number is 63731619.
小题1:You can buy a pair of sports shoes and a T-shirt for only_____.
A.50 yuanB.80yuanC.130 yuanD.160yuan.
小题2:If you want to be in the school music festival, you should call Tim at________.
小题3:You can see Painted Skin II  __________.
A.on the morning of March 28thB.in the evening
C.at 9:00 pm in Bailu CinemaD.on March 28th in F4 Cinema


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Renmin Hospital
Xia Zhanhui, Doctor
68 Guangming Road, Shenzhen
Tel: 0755-6357617
Email: xzh6357617@126.com
Pudong No.1 Restaurant
Xu Guoqing, Manager(经理)
66 Huangpu Road, Shanghai
Tel: 021-55326788
SDTV Station (电视台)
Wang Tao, Office worker
20 Quancheng Road(路), Ji’nan
Tel: 0531-76453210
Email: wangtao888@163.com

小题1:Wang Tao works in ____.
A.SDTV StationB.Pudong No.1 Restaurant
C.Renmin HospitalD.Shuntong Taxi Company
小题2:We can call Xu Guoqing at ____.
A.0531-76453210B.0755- 6357617C.13872205368D.15823017699
小题3:If your friend is ill (生病的), he can call ____.
A.Wang TaoB.Xu GuoqingC.Xia ZhanhuiD.Liu Yong
小题4:You can’t get in touch with (与……联系) ____ by Email.
A.Wang TaoB.Xu GuoqingC.Xia ZhanhuiD.Liu Yong
小题5: Liu Yong lives in ____. He is a ____.
A.Ji’nan; workerB.Shanghai; manager
C.Shenzhen; doctorD.Tianjin; driver


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

What is the most famous building in Australia? It must be the Sydney Opera House. In fact, it is one of the top 10 famous buildings in the world. The Opera House with a “sailing roof” was designed by a famous Danish architect (丹麦建筑大师), Utzon. The base for the building was started in 1959, years before the designs were finished. Utzon spent four years designing the Opera House. In 1962, the designs were finalized (定稿) and the construction began. In 1967, they started the decoration (装璜) inside. It took 14 years in total to build the Opera House. Queen Elizabeth II officially opened it on October 20th, 1973.
The Sydney Opera House cost around $100 million and was paid for by the public (公众). The Opera House includes 1,000 rooms. It is 185 metres long and 120 metres wide. Each year, this fantastic building attracts 200,000 tourists to come for a visit or enjoy events in it.
The Opera House reaches out into the harbour (港湾). It is amazing and unforgettable, offering people a strong sense of beauty.
小题1:The designer of the Sydney Opera House was from    .
小题2:The underlined word “construction” means     in Chinese.
小题3:Building the Sydney Opera House lasted    .
A.from 1959 to 1973B.from 1962 to 1973
C.from 1959 to 1967D.from 1962 to 1967
小题4:     paid for the cost of the building of the Sydney Opera House.
A.UtzonB.The publicC.Queen Elizabeth IID.The government
小题5:Which is the best title for the passage?
A.Sailing RoofB.Travelling in Sydney
C.The Sydney Opera HouseD.The Opening of the Opera House


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Do you like travelling? If you are interested, come to our travel service as soon as possible. We offer the following travel lines for you to choose from.

小题1:If you want to relax yourself at the seaside, you can call________ .
A.800-817-7223B.800-810-6288 C.800-830-7288 D.800-850-8288
小题2:Mrs. Li is planning to take the 8-Day London Tour with her daughter. How much will they pay?
小题3:If you take the 6-Day Colourful Taiwan Group Tour, you will be able to ________.
A.taste Yangzhou foodB.enjoy the view of the Thames
C.climb A-li MountainD.walk along the beaches


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

These four ads are for four children’s books. They talk about the writers, prices, sizes and so on.
Alfie’s Angels
Henriette Barkow       Ages 8-12
Pictures by Sarah Garson
Alfie wants to be an angel(天使) because angels can do anything! But his teacher has other ideas. She thinks Alfie wants to look cool.
£7.50  21.5 cm x 27cm
Languages : English and French
That’s My Mum
Henriette Barkow      Ages 8-12
Pictures by Derek Brazell
People often think that Mia’s mum is not her mother because they don’t like each other. Mia doesn’t want people to think that. Mia and her friend Kai decide to do something about this.
£6.50  21.5 cm x 27cm
Languages : English and Chinese
What Is Peace
Emma Damon         Ages 4-6
Peace is giving…not taking.
Peace is love…not hate.
And peace is many more things…
£5.99  19 cm x 21cm
Languages : English and Japanese
Farmer Duck
Martin Waddell        Ages 6-8
Pictures by Helen Oxenbury
There was a duck. It lived with a lazy farmer. While the duck worked, the farmer lay in bed. One day the other animals decided to do something for the duck.
£8.50  28 cm x 23cm
Languages : English and Korean
小题1:Why does Alfie want to be an angel?
A.Because angels can fly.
B.Because angels can do anything.
C.Because angels look like each other.
D.Because angels are cool.
小题2:How much is What Is Peace?
A.£7.50. B.£6.50. C.£5.99. D.£8.50.
小题3:That’s My Mum is written in______.
A.English and JapaneseB.English and Korean
C.English and ChineseD.English and French
小题4:Andy is a Korean boy. Which book can he read?
A.Alfie’s Angels.B.That’s My Mum.
C.What Is Peace.D.Farmer Duck.
小题5:Tom is 5 years old. Which book can he read?
A.Alfie’s Angels.B.That’s My Mum.
C.What Is Peace.D.Farmer Duck.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Wanda Shopping Centre Coupons (优惠券)
Six Hours Free Parking
  If you spend ¥100 or more in our stores, you will receive six hours of free parking. When you have spent ¥100 or more, just take this coupon to the customer (顾客) service desk and they will stamp your parking ticket to allow 6 hours of free parking.                      Offer available until December 14
Win a ¥1000 CD Collection
Win your choice of ¥1000 worth of CDs from JoJo’s Music Store. Just buy any two CDs and your name will go into the lucky competition. Select your own prize from various CDs of rock, pop, jazz and classical music. The competition ends on December 14. Prize announced on December 21.
Check JoJo’s store for more information.
10% Off
Present this coupon at the Book Store to get a 10% discount on any books you want. We have lots of books to choose from, including children's books, novels, travel guides and science fictions. You're sure to find something that you will enjoy. Shop now for Christmas, we have plenty of toys as gifts for you.
Offer available until December 14.
Half-price Movie Tickets
Buy any full-price movie ticket on weekdays, and you can buy a second ticket for a friend for only half price. The latest movies are all here, showing in any of our theaters at Wanda Sopping Center.
Off available until December 14
Free Soft Drink
Buy any meal for at least ¥6 at Mike's Café, and get a free soft drink ,We serve the best fast food in the Shopping Center. Come in and try our delicious meal and our excellent service. You won't be disappointed!
Free soft drink offer ends December 14.
小题1:What are the advertisements for?
A.Food you can order.B.Places to go on vacation.
C.Special offers at a shopping center.D.Things on sale in a big store.
小题2:. If you have spent¥100, you'll get ________ at the shopping center. 
A.six hours of free parking B.a free soft drink
C.a movie ticket at half priceD.two free CDs
小题3: Which of the following is not mentioned at this shopping center?
A.Book store.B.Music store.C.Restaurant.D.Toy store.
小题4: If you want to buy some books for¥50 with the coupon, you will have to pay________.
小题5: We can know from this passage________.
A.you and your friends can use these coupons at Christmas
B.there is more than one theatre in the center
C.you will win ¥1000 worth of CDs from JoJo’s Music Store if you buy two CDs
D.you only need to pay 6 yuan for the best fast food.

