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It's Saturday today. Mr Black is working in the g 1   . He is w 2   some flowers. Mrs Black is c 3   lunch for the family. She is g 4   at cooking. She can m 5   lots of delicious food. Now she is cooking some beef,fish and v 6   . Tom is talking with his friend Jeff in the s 7   room. They are football f 8   , They often play football after class. They are t 9    about Owen now. Maria is in her bedroom with her dog,Cody. She is playing the computer games. Cody is sitting b 10 her and looking at Maria.

1.        2.        3.         4.         5.       

6.         7.         8.        9.        10.       

 l. garden 2. watering water在此处是动词。3. cooking 4. good 5. make 6. vegetables

7.sitting 8. fans 9. talking 10. beside在……旁边。

题目来源:初中英语丢分题每周一练七年级下册 > 能力训练14


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 The Greens and the Kings live on the same street.

The Greens u 1    get up at 5:45 and eat b 2    at 6:30. They eat lunch at 12:15 and have dinner 1 3    at a 4    7:10 p. m. They go to s 5    at 9:30 at night.

The Kings o 6    eat the first meal at 8:30. They eat lunch at 12:30 and have s 7    at 6:40 p. m. Then they go out for a w 8    . S 9    Mr King watch TV at 9:00. They go to b 10 at 10:00.

1. u      2. b       3. 1       4. a      5. s      

6. o      7. s       8. w        9. S       10.       


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

There're different k 1    of animals in the zoo. We see the zoo keepers give them food to e 2    . They don't have to find food by t 3    . They just eat,walk and sleep a 4    day. So many of us may think that the animals there are h 5    and lucky. But most of them are sad. Why?

They're no 1 6    free!Animals like elephants, monkeys and tigers usually live freely and happily in forests or mountains. Tigers, for example, run,jump,play with their children and catch s 7    animals for food. But now they have to stay in small rooms in the zoo. Their life in the zoo is quite d 8    from their life in the forests. Now many of us think more animals should go b 9    to forests and mountains so that the earth will become b 10    .

1.        2.        3.         4.         5.       

6.        7.        8.         9.         10.        


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

It is winter. Some children and two women are on 1    ,and they are skating(滑冰) on the ice. They are having a 2    time. Suddenly (突然) the ice breaks(破裂) .One of the boys falls into the water. The children are very 3    and crying, "Help!Help!" They don't know 4    to do. The two women hear 5    and skate over to get the boy out of the water.

The ice is thin(薄的) ,and the water under it is very 6    . The two women fall into the water, too. But they try their best to save(救) the little boy. Many people run over to 7    them. A young man jumps(3兆) into the water to help the 8    people. At 9    ,they are all out of the water. They are sent to a 10    at once. Now,they are all well again.

(   ) 1.A. home   B. vacation   C. work   D. way

(   ) 2.A. bad   B. good     C.right   D. wrong

(   ) 3.A. frightened   B. sad   C. surprised   D. shy

(   ) 4.A. how   B. who   C. what   D. when

(   ) 5.A. them   B. they   C. him   D. her

(   ) 6.A. hot   B. warm    C.cool   D. cold

(   ) 7.A. cry   B. meet   C. see   D. help

(   ) 8.A. five   B. two   C. three   D. four

(   ) 9.A. last   B. first   C. next   D. best

(   ) 10.A. home   B. hospital   C. school   D. park


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

These are the photos of me and my friends. We are 1    for the coming New Year's Party. In the first 2   ,Lisa and Tommy 3    singing songs together. Lisa sings very 4    . She says she wants to be a pop singer 5    she grows up. In the second photo, Ann and Jane are dancing. Ann likes 6    very much. I think she will become a great dancer when she grows up. In the third photo, there 7    four students who are playing the trumpets. I am the boy in a blue shirt. I like playing 8    trumpet very much. I practice it every day. I want to be a 9    when I grow up. We are all very busy,but we are very happy. I'm 10    forward to the New Year's Party.

(   ) 1.A. prepare   B. prepared   C.preparing   D. prepares

(   ) 2.A. friend   B. photo   C. photos   D. photoes

(   ) 3.A. is   B. /      C. are   D. be

(   ) 4.A. well   B. good   C. much   D. bad

(   ) 5.A. where   B. when   C. which   D. that

(   ) 6.A. dance   B. danced   C. dancing   D. danceing

(   ) 7.A. is   B. are   C. have   D. has

(   ) 8.A. a   B. the   C. /    D. an

(   ) 9.A. music   B. musical   C. musician   D. player

(   ) 10.A. looking   B. seeing   C. watching   D. looked


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Mr Smith is an old writer. It is Sunday, and he comes to a small town(城镇) .Not many people there know him. He is walking in the street. He sees a bookshop on the other side of the street. He goes into the shop. "May I have a look at the book on the right,please?" says the writer to the salesgirl(女售货员) .The girl doesn't answer. The writer asks again and again but she doesn't answer. "I'm old," says the writer. "I can't see clearly. It isn't a salesgirl. It is a plastic model (塑料模特) .""What?" shouts(大叫) the girl at Mr Smith. "Do you say I'm a plastic model?" "Oh," says the writer. "I'm sorry. It isn't a plastic model. It can talk. It must be a robot. "With these words the writer leaves the shop and goes away. The girl is standing there. Her face turns(变) red.


(   ) 1) Mr Smith wants        in the bookshop.

   A. to buy a robot   B. to sell his books

   C.to look at a book   D. to write a book

(   ) 2) The salesgirl doesn't answer Mr Smith and it shows(表明) that .

   A.she can't speak

   B.she is a robot

   C.she can't see him clearly

   D.she is impolite(不貌的)

(   ) 3) At first(开始) Mr Smith thinks the salesgirl is .

   A. a writer   B. a plastic model

   C.a robot   D. a manager

(   ) 4) At last(最后) Mr Smith thinks the salesgirl is .

   A. a plastic model   B. a robot

   C.a toy   D. a reader(读者;)

(   ) 5) Which of the following is right?

   A.Some people know Mr Smith in the town.

   B.There are no salesgirls in the bookshop.

   C.Mr Smith must be a robot, too.

   D.The salesgirl's hair and eyes are red.

2.判断正(T) 误(F) 。

(   ) 1) The writer sees a bookshop across from the street.

(   ) 2) He wants to have a look at the book on the left.

(   ) 3) The salesgirl is angry when the writer says she is a plastic model.

(   ) 4) At last he buys nothing.

(   ) 5) The salesgirl's face turns red because she is very shy.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

The Greens are English. Now they are in Beijing. This is their first visit to China. They are going to stay in China for three weeks. They want to visit some big cities and villages. They want to learn some Chinese, too.

Mr Green is a driver. He likes driving in Beijing very much. Mrs Green is a teacher. She often visits a middle school near Beijing, and she likes to speak English with the students there.

They take a lot of photos in China. When they are back to England, they are going to show the photos to their friends. They want the English people to know more about China.


(   ) 1) The Greens are from        .

   A. America   B. England   C. Australia   D. Canada

(   ) 2) The Greens are staying in        now.

   A. Shanghai   B. London   C. Beijing   D. Hangzhou

(   ) 3) Mr Green is a .

   A. driver   B. farmer   C. worker   D. teacher

(   ) 4) Mrs Green likes talking with the Chinese in        .

   A. Chinese   B. English   C. Japanese   D. French

(   ) 5) The Greens take many photos in China because they        .

   A.like taking photos

   B.want to sell their photos

   C.want to take the photos to America

   D.want the English people to know more about China


1) The Greens are going to vBeijing for three weeks.

2) Mrs Green likes to talk with students i        English.

3) They take m        photos in China.

4) They are going to s   their photos to their friends.

5) They want the English people to know a   China.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

你的美国笔友Tom"五一"节要到中国旅游,你将到机场(airport) 去接他。请给他写封信,描述一下你的相貌和衣着,以便他在机场能认出你。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

One Saturday morning, the Whites went to the movies. They g1   home very late. Mr White o2    the front door and they both went i3    the house. It was very dark,so Mrs White t4    on the light. On the way to their bedroom, Mrs White said, "Listen,John!I can h5    some voices in the bedroom." They both s6   quietly outside the bedroom. Yes!They could hear some voices in the room.

"You're right," Mr White said, "T7    are two men in it. They are talking.”Then he shouted(叫喊) ,"Who is there?" But n8    one answered. Mr White opened the door quickly and turned on the light. The room was e9    . Then Mr White found something and laughed. The radio was on! "I f10    to turn it off this morning," Mr White said.

1.         2.         3.        4.         5.       

6.         7.         8.        9.         10.       

