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I had an unusual experience yesterday evening. While I was passing a ___56___ (教堂), I heard a strange ___57___ (噪音) from behind. It seemed that something was trying to ___58___ (捕获)  me. I felt very ___59___ (害怕) and ran home as     60    (快) as possible. That strange thing seemed to be chasing me all the ___61___ (路).
By the time I got home, I ___62___ (发现) my father had locked(上锁) the door. I shouted loudly. As soon as he heard the sound, my father ran  ___63___ ( 往楼下) and opened the door. At ___64___ (立刻) I rushed in and  ___65___ ( 关) the door. After hearing what I said, my father went out to see for  ___66___ (他自己). Then he came  ___67___ (回来) and laughed, “I think you must have made a    68  (愚蠢的) mistake . It must be the wind.”

小题1: church   
小题2:. noise 
小题3: catch  
小题4: afraid / scared / terrified  
小题5: quickly / fast 
小题6:. way 
小题7: found  
小题8: downstairs  
小题9: once  
小题10: shut / closed 
小题11:. himself 
小题12: back 
小题13: silly / foolish / fool 

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Do you hear the name--Rain? Yes, he is a popular star of South Korea. Rain's music teacher gave him that name. His real name is Jung Ji Hoon. The 27-year-old singer is very good at dancing, too. His eyes are bright and his smiles are sunny.
When he was a child. Rain was very quiet. But in Grade Six. Rain surprised all of his classmates. He danced for them. After the excellent dancing, everyone looked at him in a different way.
Rain's Songs sell well. and he acts in a few TV shows. Rain doesn't want to sing forever ."When I stop singing, I'd like to design(设计)clothes.Being a designer is my childhood dream."he said.
小题1:Where does Rain come from?
A.ChinaB.Japan.C.South Korea.D.America
小题2:Who gave him the name Rain?                        
A.His fatherB.His classmate.C.His teacherD.His mother.
小题3:Why did Rain surprise his classmates?
A.Because he was good at singing.B.Because he danced well.
C.Because he got a good mark.D.Because he worked hard.
小题4:What did Rain want to be when he was a child?
A.A singer.B.A dancer.C.A star.D.A designer.
小题5:What does the passage tell us?
A.Rain is a very popular starB.Rain is a popular designer
C.Rain was very active when he was a child.D.Rain will stop singing next


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Ellie lived with her six children in a small house. One winter, there was a big flood and quite a few houses were washed away, but Ellie’s house was high enough to keep them safe.
Many families lost everything in the flood. And Ellie took in one of the families. She shared her home with them until the family could build their own new house. Ellie’s friends could not understand why she did so because she already had so many children to look after.
“Well,” Ellie said to her friends, “At the end of World War I, there was a poor woman in a town in Germany. Her husband had been killed in the war and she had a lot of children, just like me now.”
“The day before Christmas, this woman said to her children, ‘We will not be able to have much for Christmas. I am going to get just one present for us all. Now I will go and get it.’ She came back with a little girl who had no parents, ‘Here is our present,’ she said to her own children.”
“The children were very excited to get such a present. They welcomed the little girl warmly, and she grew up as their sisters. I was that Christmas present.”
小题1:How many children did Ellie had in total?
小题2:What happened in the winter?
A.There was a flood.
B.There was an earthquake
C.There was a rain storm.
D.There was a fire.
小题3:What did Ellie do to help other families?
A.She gave them food.
B.She bought many Christmas present for them.
C.She took in one of the families.
D.She took in a girl.
小题4:What did the poor woman in German bring to her children for Christmas?
A.Many beautiful presents.B.Nothing.
C.A girl.D.A daddy.
小题5:What do we learn about Ellie in the passage?
A.She had no children.
B.Her husband was killed.
C.She had no parents.
D.She gave much money to others.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

One day something went wrong with a man’s bicycle chain(链条). The man could not repair it, so he looked    36   for help. The only house nearby belonged to a woman who had    37   there a few months earlier. The man knocked at the door, but the woman did not answer. The door had clear glass in it, and the man    38   see that the woman was home. He decided to knock again. Finally the woman came to the door. The man immediately explained his    39  . “I can fix the chain,” the woman said. Later when the bike was    40   to go, the man said, ‘Thanks. I hope I can help you some day.” “I never need help,” the woman said.
The following week the man was riding his bike    41  he noticed the woman walking down the street. A strong wind suddenly lifted her hat and sent it into the branches(树枝) of an old tree. The woman tried to get her hat with a stick, but she failed. She seemed    42   because she clearly was not dressed for tree-climbing. The man hurried over, quickly climbed up to the hat and    43   it into the woman’s waiting hands. When she put on her hat, she    44   the man as he climbed back on his bike. ‘I think I told you I never need help,” the woman said, “I’m glad you didn’t    45   me. Thanks.” Then they both smiled.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Next week, Mr. Chen will take his class to the Space Museum. There are many things about  51  there. First, the children  52  a movie about space travel. They will see how a space shuttle(飞机)  53  and later lands on the earth again!
After the  54 , Mr Chen will take them to see some models of rockets and space shuttles. Though the models landed on the moon. They put an American national flag there. Then they came  55  to the earth safely.
The children will also  56  a video about some astronauts’ living and working on a space station. They will stay there for a year or two.
The Space Museum will be a(n)  57  place for the children to know  58  about space. They will have a great time there.
A.seeB.sawC.seesD.will see
A.take offB.take awayC.takes awayD.takes off


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Much of the information we have today about chimpanzees(黑猩猩)comes from the research of Jane Goodall.
From an early age, Jane was interested in animals and animal stories. At the age of 10, she was talking about going to Africa to live among the animals there. At that time, in the early 1940s, this was a radical(激进的)idea because women did not go to Africa by themselves.
As a young woman, Jane finished school in London and then worked for filmmaker for a while. When a school friend invited her to visit Kenya, she worked as a waitress until she had earned(挣)the fare to travel there by boat. She was 23 years old at that time.
Once in Kenya, she met Dr. Louis Leakey, a famous paleontologist(古生物学家). He was impressed with her knowledge of Africa and its wildlife and hired her to help him and his wife on a fossil-hunting tour. Dr. Leakey soon realized that Jane was the perfect person to complete a study he had been planning for some time. she expressed her interest in the idea of studying animals by living in the wild with them, rather than studying dead animals like fossils(化石).
小题1: When Jane was very young, she      .
A.studied chimpanzees
B.was interested in animals
C.told stories about chimpanzees
D.both B and C
小题2: In the second paragraph, the underlined word “this” refers to(指的是)    .
A.interest in animals
B.going to Africa to live with animals
C.listening to animal stories
D.talking about animals
小题3: Jane worked as a waitress so that       .
A.she could attend school in London
B.she could work for a filmmaker
C.she could have the money to go to Kenya
D.she could buy a boat for herself


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

It was Mother’s Day. A man stopped his car at a flower shop to order some flowers. He wanted the shopper to send the flowers to his mother, who lived two hundred miles away.
As he got out of his car, he found a young girl sitting on the road crying.
He asked her what was wrong and she replied,“I want to buy a red rose for my mother, but I only have seventy-five cents. A rose costs two dollars.”
The man smiled and said, “Come into the shop with me, and I’ll buy you a rose.’
He bought the little girl her rose and ordered his own mother’s flowers. As they were leaving, he offered to drive the girl home. She said, “Yes, please! You can take me to my mother.” She brought him to a cemetery(墓地), where she placed the rose on the grave.
The man was moved. He returned to the flower shop, picked up the flowers he ordered, and drove two hundred miles to his mother’s house.
Today is the day for your mother. Send a flower to your kind and beautiful mother.
小题1:The man went to the shop to ________.
A.have a restB.help the girlC.buy some foodD.order some flowers
小题2:The man’s mother lived ________ away from him.
A.2 kilometersB.75 milesC.200 milesD.200 kilometers
小题3:The girl was crying on the road because ________.
A.she was hungry
B.she got hurt
C.she couldn’t afford a rose
D.she couldn’t find her way home
小题4:After the man bought the girl a rose, they went to ________ together.
A.the cemeteryB.his shopC.the girl’s homeD.his mother’s house
小题5:We can learn from the passage that _________.
A.the girl loved flowers very much
B.the girl loved her mother very much
C.the shopkeeper sent the flowers to the man’s mother
D.the man drove to his mother’s house to look after her


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Buckingham Palace is in London, England. Buckingham Palace is famous because Queen Elizabeth(伊丽莎白女王)of England lives there. She became queen in 1952.
Buckingham Palace is a big and beautiful building. Queen Elizabeth and her family live on the second floor of the palace. The queen also has her office at the palace. Queen Elizabeth often asks important people to eat dinner at the palace. She invites 9,000 people to each party!  
Buckingham Palace is like a small town. It has a police station, a hospital, two post offices, a movie theatre, a swimming pool, two sports clubs, a garden and a lake. The palace has about six hundred rooms. About four hundred people work there. Two people have very unusual jobs. They take care of the clocks. There are 300 clocks in Buckingham Palace. 
Queen Elizabeth’s day starts at 7:00 in the morning. Seven people take care of her. One person prepares her bath, and another person prepares her clothes. Another person takes care of her dogs. The queen loves dogs.
It’s very interesting to have dinner at Buckingham Palace. You have to follow rules. Queen Elizabeth starts to eat first, and then everybody eats. When the queen finishes eating, everybody finishes eating. You can’t leave the table during dinner.
People visit the rooms in Buckingham Palace in August and September. There are wonderful things to see. Don’t forget that Queen Elizabeth is one of the richest people in the world.
小题1:Which floor does the queen live on?
A. the ground floor    B. the second floor 
C. the sixth floor  D the tenth floor
小题2:The underlined word “unusual” means ___________ in Chinese.
小题3:How many rooms does Buckingham Palace have?
小题4:According to the text, everyone has to ____________ during dinner at Buckingham Palace.
A.stay at the table
B.listen to music
C.finish eating later than the queen
D.finish eating earlier than the queen
小题5:Which sentence is NOT true?
A.We can guess the clocks in Buckingham Palace are very important.
B.Buckingham Palace is a palace and a home, too.
C.People can visit Buckingham Palace all year round(全年).
D.Queen Elizabeth can swim or do other sports.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

One afternoon just before Christmas it was cloudy with strong wind. An old man was walking in the street when he saw a little boy   56  in front of a beautiful shop window. The old man asked  57  he was crying there. The little boy said that he had lost the   58  dollars given by his mother. When the old man heard this, he put his hand   59  his pocket, took out a small wallet and gave the boy what was inside. The little boy looked at   60  and stopped crying. The old man walked away.
An hour   61 , the old man was going back home by the same route. To his surprise, he saw the same boy at the same place. The boy was standing in the   62  wind. He went up to him and asked if he had really lost his   63 . The little boy said that he had found his ten dollars. He was waiting for him there. He wanted to   64  the ten dollars to him. The old man was so moved that he could say   65 .

