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综合填空;用方框中所给的单词适当的形式填空,使短文正确、通顺、连贯。 每词限用一次。

book,    finish,    be,   one,   great,   will,   live,   from,   dream,   move
A little girl called Fan Yi has caught many people’s attention recently. The little writer’s 【小题1】 __________ English story, Swordbird, was on the New York Times’ bestseller list for children’s fiction.
Fan Yi was born in Beijing in 1997. She 【小题2】___________ her second grade of primary school in Beijing. She 【小题3】 ___________ to the US with her parents at the age of 7. She has shown 【小题4】___________  interests in birds since she was a little girl.
When Fan 【小题5】___________ studying American history at school, she read many articles(文章) about the September 11 Attacks(9.11事件). She wanted all people to【小题6】___________   in peace with each other. Around that time, she had a(n) 【小题7】___________   one night. In the dream, some birds fought with each other. Fan got an idea 【小题8】___________  the dream and turned it into a story. In it, she showed her idea of peace in the world.
In the future, Fan will write more【小题9】___________  for the Swordbird series. Will she become another J.K Rowling? We【小题10】___________  have to wait and see.




科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空

A.by the end of    B. president    C. surprising    D. surprised    E. turned out
Michelle was flying from Houston to London, and during the flight, she began talking to John, the man in the seat next to her. She found out that he was  【小题1】  of a famous jeans company based in Texas, in fact, she was wearing a pair of blue jeans from his company! But that wasn’t the most  【小题2】  thing. He had lived in San Francisco when he was in high school, and it  【小题3】  that he knew Michelle’s best friend, who also grew up in San Francisco! They continued talking. And  【小题4】  the trip, they felt that they had known each other for much longer than eight hours.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空

A. crying     B. laughing   C. shoes    D. all the time    E. asleep
When I was ten, my mother worked all day, so I had to take care of my younger sister. At that time, my little sister was about four years old and she missed mum  【小题1】  .
One day, after I had given her dinner, she started    【小题2】  for mum. She was so young and really needed mum. So I dressed her up, put on her   【小题3】 , carried her on my back and walked out. Soon she fell     【小题4】 .
About half an hour later, I found that she had lost a shoe while sleeping. I took her off my back and put her down.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空

take,     bad,     medicine,    hear,     careful,    nothing,
come,    month,   into,        and,      wrong,    when
Mr. Shute lives in a village. He has got a big family and a strong dog. His farm
is small __【小题1】____  he is often free in winter. So he goes to a city and finds work there.
  Once he stayed there for about two __【小题2】______.When New Year was coming, he went
back home to see his wife and children. On his way home, something was ___【小题3】_____
with his eyes .When he knocked on his door, his dog ___【小题4】out and was not friendly to him.
His wife hurried to drive it away. The next morning he went to see a doctor. The doctor
looked over his eyes___【小题5】____and gave him some____【小题6】___.
Before he left, he told the doctor about his dog. When he___【小题7】this, the doctor
began to laugh and said," Maybe something is wrong with your dog's eyes, too. ".__【小题8】_____
he got home, he told his wife about it. The woman said, "I'm afraid it's true. If a thief comes
____【小题9】_____  our house, it won't see him and he'll steal something here."
Mr. Shute thought his wife was right. He then made his dog____【小题10】___ his medicine instead.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空

【小题1】Although David is only 2 years old, he can learn to sing the song by_______ (he).
【小题2】I'm doing a survey about how __________ (improve) English quickly.
【小题3】My daughter likes collecting. She has collected all kinds of ___________ (knife).
【小题4】I think there will be ____________ pollution in the future if we plant more trees now. ( little )
【小题5】He did his homework so __________ that he made few mistakes. ( careful )

【小题6】"Would you mind _______ the dishes?" "OK. I'll do them right away."
【小题7】 Henry gets on well with everyone in our class. He's always _________    to all of us.
【小题8】Martin was_    in Chinese history after he came to China and he read a lot about it.
【小题9】Teenagers are not _________ to smoke because smoking is bad for their health.
【小题10】_________ of children like watching the TV show Where Are We Going ,Dad? It's really fantastic.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空

others  learn  policeman  difference  happy  stop  those  what  from  difficult
Want an “OK” from your parents when you start to miss your favorite on-line game? It’s    【小题1】 but possible now.
Last week, the China Youth Internet Association said it would find more games for teens. It has made standards (标准) for computer games for  【小题2】 kinds of age groups. These standards are the first in China.
“We hope the standards can tell students   【小题3】  games they can play,” said Shao Dehai, head of the association. “Students can keep away from bad games.”
Which games are OK? Many people made the standards. They were  【小题4】  for grown-ups. It’s better for makers to use stories from history and geography in their games. This makes  【小题5】  more fun.
Junior games have rules for players as well. If you use bad words too many times, you may be   【小题6】  from playing the game.
You can’t spend too much time on games. The computer will stop the game when your time is up. Great, right? Your mum may even be   【小题7】  than you.
These standards aren’t ready yet. The association is asking for ideas  【小题8】 all game-lovers. Want to know more about the standards? Go to www.game315.com/yxfj. At this website you can also tell  【小题9】  how you feel about some games. If you have some good ideas for the standards, you can write to: game@swm.com.cn.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空

A boy found an eagle’s(鹰) egg and he put it in the nest of a chicken. Soon the egg broke open and the eagle 【小题1】            out. He thought he was a chicken. He grew up doing what chickens do—searching in the dirt for 【小题2】            and flying short distances with a noisy waving of wings. It was a hard life. Little by little the eagle grew 【小题3】           . One day he and his chicken friend 【小题4】           . a beautiful bird flying in the air, high (【小题5】          the mountains.
“Oh, I wish I could fly like that!” said the eagle. The chicken 【小题6】           , “Don’t give it another thought. That’s the great eagle, the 【小题7】            of all birds—you could never be like him!” And the eagle didn’t give it 【小题8】            thought. He went on cackling(咯咯) and complaining(抱怨) about 【小题9】          . Finally he died thinking he was a chicken.
My friends, you 【小题10】            were born an eagle. The God expected you to be an eagle, so don’t listen to the chickens!


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空

activities       nervous       recently      when       called
My school went on a camp in the north of the city 【小题1】__________. We did simple things like
cooking food in the bush and sleeping in tents. But they’re the exciting 【小题2】__________ that I enjoyed most.
One of the activities was 【小题3】__________ Flying Fox. 【小题4】__________ you are taking part in the activity, you are attached to a wire that stretches from the top of a cliff to the ground. Then you jump off the cliff. There are very strong ropes and clips so you are very safe.
Before I went on the Flying Fox, I was a bit 【小题5】__________. My classmates kept on encouraging me. So I closed my eyes and jumped. I felt my whole body was flying! It was so exciting!


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空


little    one    child     fly    give up
【小题1】You are an excellent boy. Never _______________ trying easily.
【小题2】The football belongs to these _______________. Give it to them.
【小题3】Brian usually _______________ to Canada because he thinks it’s very fast.
【小题4】This is my _______________ time to visit London and I’m very excited.
【小题5】The more plants there are, the _______________ pollution there will be.

