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Computers are useful machines. They can help people a lot in their daily life. For example, They can help people to save much time to do much work, and they can help people to work out many problems they can’t do easily. Our country asked everyone except the old people, to learn to use computers before the twenty-first century.
Today more and more families own computers. Parents buy computers for their children. They hope computers can help them improve their studies in school. Yet, many of the children use computers to play games, to watch videos or to sing karaoke, instead of studying. So many teachers and parents complain that computers can’t help children to study but make them fall behind. So computers are locked in boxes by parents.
In some other countries, even some scientists also hate computers. They say computers make millions of people lose their jobs or bring them a lot of trouble.
Will computers really bring trouble to people or can they bring people happiness? It will be decided by today’s students themselves!
小题1:Our country asked everyone to learn to use computers except the ________ .
A.young peopleB.old peopleC.studentsD.adults
小题2: Why do we say the computer is a useful machine? Because _____
A.Our country asks us to learn it.B.it can help us to do a lot of things.
C.We can use it to play games only.D.it can help us to find jobs only.
小题3:What do many teachers and parents complain about? They complain about _____ .
A.their students and children use computers to learn well.
B.computers let them lose their jobs
C.computers make their students and children fall behind
D.computers bring people a lot of trouble
小题4:In this passage we know computers _____
A.also bring us trouble B.bring us happiness only
C.are hated by peopleD.are good for people’s health
小题5:How do you understand the last sentence of this passage? It means ____
A.computers are used by people
B.people can live well without computers
C.one must decide how to use computers
D.computers are strange machine


小题1:本文第一段最后一句为Our country asked everyone except the old people, to learn to use computers before the twenty-first century.所表示的含义为在21世纪到来之前所有的人都要学习电脑,老人可以不学,故本题选B。
小题2:本文的第一句为Computers are useful machines. They can help people a lot in their daily life.所表示的含义为电脑是有用的机器,他能帮助我们做许多事情,故本题选B。
小题3:本文第二段的倒数第二句为many teachers and parents complain that computers can’t help children to study but make them fall behind.所表示的含义为许多父母和老师抱怨电脑使他们的孩子学习成绩落后,故本题选C。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The rising costs of health care have become a problem for many countries in the world. To deal with this problem, it is reported that a big part of the government’s health budge(预算)has been used for health education and disease prevention instead of treatment. Actually, many kinds of diseases are preventable in many ways and preventing a disease is usually much cheaper than treating it. For example, people could avoid catching a cold if they dressed warmly when the weather starts getting cold. But many people get sick because they fail to do so, and have to spend money seeing a doctor.
Daily habits like eating more healthy food would have kept millions of families from becoming bankrupt(破产)if the patients had taken ways for early prevention. For example, keeping a balanced diet(均衡饮食), such as not consuming too much animal fat and trying to have enough vegetables and fruits, seems to be quite important.
One very effective and costless way of prevention is regular(定期的)exercise, which is necessary for a healthy mind and body. Regular exercise, such as running, walking, and playing sports is a good way to make people feel better.
In addition, health education plays a key role in improving people’s health. By giving people more information about health, countries could help people understand the importance of disease prevention and ways to achieve it. For example, knowing one’s family medical history is an effective way to help keep healthy. Information about health problems among close relatives will make them aware of what they should do to prevent certain diseases through lifestyle changes, which will work before it is too late.
However, paying more attention to disease prevention does not mean medical treatment is unimportant. After all, prevention and treatment are just two different means toward the same effect. In conclusion, we could save money on health care and treat patients more successfully if our country spends more money on health prevention and education.
小题1: What’s the meaning of the underlined word “consuming” in Paragraph 2?
小题2:What’s the best title of the passage?
A.Health or Illness?B.Exercise or Illness?
C.Prevention or Education?D.Prevention or Treatment?
小题3:We can learn from the passage that ______.
A.more health education should be given
B.dressing warmly can prevent diseases
C.a balanced diet is cheaper than regular exercise
D.the government’s health budget should be increased


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

In many high schools,there are strict rules about using mobile phones. If your phone rings in class,for example,the teacher will be very angry.
Every mobile phone has a ringtone (铃声). It tells you that someone is calling you. Now,there is a ringtone called “mosquitotone (蚊子铃声)”. Using it,students can receive calls and text messages (短信) in class but the teacher will not realize what is happening. How?
Mosquitotone has a special sound. Only children and teenagers can hear it. As we get older,we are unable to hear some sounds with high frequencies (频率). As a result,a child or teenager can hear the mosquitotone ringtone, but its_inaudible_to someone 20 or older.
But sometimes,people over 20 can hear the ringtone. One British student’s phone uses mosquitotone. In class,the student’s phone rang. The 32­year­old teacher looked at the student and became unhappy. “I heard that. You know the rule:no mobile phone in class.”
Not all the students are interested in mosquitotone. Jerry Jones,a high school student of 17,says,“Using mosquitotone too often is bad for our hearing. I may use it for pleasure,but not in class. It’s unfair to the teachers!”
What do parents think of mosquitotone?“I think it is perfect for places like movie theaters,” says Connie Neeson,44.“Think about it. Yon’re watching a film and someone’s mobile phone rings. Mosquitotone is good because many people don’t hear it. However,it also has a bad influence on their study if students use it in class.”
小题1:Mosquitotone works because ________.
A.it is very loudB.it has no sound
C.it has a beautiful soundD.it uses high frequencies
小题2:The under lined part “its_inaudible_to” means “________”.
A.it can’t be seen byB.it can’t be heard by
C.it isn’t popular withD.it isn’t healthy for
小题3:The 32­year­old teacher felt unhappy because the student ________.
A.was late for classB.didn’t do his homework
C.couldn’t answer her questionD.was using a mobile phone in class
小题4:Connie Neeson thinks that mosquitotone ________.
A.has no bad influenceB.is unfair to the teachers
C.has its advantage and disadvantageD.can’t be used in any public place


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Do you know what are good manners (礼貌)?In fact , having good manners is   46   in different countries . In some Asian countries , it is good manners to take off your   47   before you go into a house .   48   in European countries , even if they sometimes are very dirty, this is not done. If you are a guest (客人)in a Chinese house , when you have a meal , you usually do not   49   food . You often leave a little to show that you have had    50  . But in England , a guest always finishes food to show that he   51   it . We must know the customs (风俗) of other countries , so that they will not think    52   bad--mannered . People all over the world   53  that a well—mannered person should be kind and   54    to others. If you remember this , at least you will not go far wrong . Everybody likes a person   55   good manners , and no one likes a person with bad manners. Keep your manners, please . 
A.the sameB.differentC. the goodD.wrong
A.SoB.If C.ButD.Although
A.buy B.cut up C.eat upD.cook


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

We all know that it is __1__to keep healthy. But not all people know ___2__to keep healthy.
After five days’ hard work, we need to have a good rest at weekends. But it seems that some don’t know how to spend weekends in the right way. They enjoy ___3__ cards at night and don’t go to bed until midnight. Some gamble (赌博) all night. They forget that to get___4__sleep is good for health. Some never get up early in the __5___ and take some exercise. It is true that doing exercise is very important for us to keep ___6__. Some smoke(抽烟)___7________. Some drink too much wine(酒). ____8___ too much is harmful (有害) to the body. Some eat too much rich food and get fatter and fatter. If you are much too fat, you may always ____9___ tired. Vegetables are good to the body. But some don’t like eating vegetables. _____10___ is also very good to body. As a saying (谚语) goes, "An apple every day keeps the doctor away." So don’t forget to eat some fruit.
A.to playB.playC.playingD.plays
A.muchB.manyC.a littleD.enough
A.lots ofB.a lotC.a lot ofD.a lots of


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The expression “down to earth” means being open and honest. It is easy to get on with some one who is down to earth. A down-to-earth person is the opposite of someone who acts important or proud.
Down-to-earth people could be important members of society. But they do not consider themselves to be better than others who are less important. A person who is filed with his own importance and pride is said to have his nose in the air.
Americans use another expression that is similar in some ways to down to earth. The expression is both feet on the ground. Someone with both feet on the ground is a person with a good understanding of reality(现实). He may have dreams, but he does not allow them to have influence on his understanding of what is real.
The opposite kind of person is one who has his head in the clouds. Someone with his head in the clouds is a person whose mind is not on what is happening in real life. Such a person may be called a day-dreamer.
When we have both our feet on the ground, and when we are down to earth, we do not have our noses in the air. We act honestly and openly to others. Our lives are like the ground below us— solid(牢固的) and strong.
小题1:A down-to-earth person could be_____________.
A.social and proudB.good and oppositeC.real and importantD.strong and changeable
小题2:The expression “has one’s nose in the air” means_____________.
小题3:This passage mainly talks about_____________.
A.the use of some expressionsB.dreams and achievements
C.the lifestyle of honest peopleD.honesty and understanding
小题4:If you want to understand what is real in life, you have to_____________.
A.get along with other people easilyB.learn from those who are down to earth
C.be a good dreamer with quick mindD.have both your feet on the ground
小题5:If you only consider your own importance, __________.
A.you’ll think you are better than others
B.your life will be like the solid and strong ground
C.you’ll be hated by down-to-earth people
D.your life will be filed with love


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Many students ask for advice about improving their English. There are three basic questions.
The first question is about real English. Li Hao from Hubei wrote, “I enjoy watching English films and listening to real English songs. But it takes a long time. What do you think?”
This is a great way to learn English! Talk about the film or song with your friends, and guess the meaning of the new words. Just enjoy yourself!
The second question is about speaking. Sam, from Suzhou wrote, “Our school has a foreign teacher. But I’m shy and can’t speak to her. What should I do?”
When I visit China, lots of people in the street say, “Hello! How are you? Where are you from? Do you like China?” These are good questions to start a conversation. Many people are shy when they speak English, so before you begin, take a deep breath and smile! Smiling always helps.
The third question is about vocabulary. Olive, from Anhui wrote, “I want to remember all the new words. I wrote them down, but I forget them quickly. What should I do?”
Try to remember eight or nine words a day. Write them on pieces of paper and place them in your bedroom. Say the words when you see them, and change them every day. And when you’re shopping, how about counting the English words, or saying the English names for everything you see?
小题1:How many basic questions do the students often ask?
小题2: What should you do if you are shy to speak English?
A.Watch English films.
B.Write down the words first.
C.Listen to real English songs.
D.Take a deep breath and smile before you begin?
小题3:What is Oliver’s problem?
A.He’s too shy to talk with others.
B.He’s not able to count English words.
C.He can’t remember new words.
D.He doesn’t know what real English is.
小题4: What’s the best title of this passage?
A.How to learn English
B.Talking about English films
C.Advice about English writing
D.The way of beginning an English conversation


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Middle school students have far too much homework. They usually have to sit up three or four hours every night doing their homework. Now one school in my hometown has made a rule of limiting(限制)homework. The homework is limited to an hour a day and the students have no homework on the weekend. I think this is an excellent idea that will allow students to live better and healthier lives.
Less homework will give students more time to enjoy other pastimes(休闲活动).I have many books which I received as gifts from my parents and friends. They have been kept there on my shelf for several years! Because of homework, I will have not read a single one of them. With less homework, students will be freer to develop their interests in art, music and other hobbies.
More time free from homework will get our physical health better. Many students
like sports, but they have little time to play football, basketball, volleyball and so on. They hardly have time to have a trip or take part in any social activities. They must spend so much time solving math problems and doing grammar exercises. Besides, staying up late to finish their homework leaves many students exhausted in the morning. Not getting enough sleep is not only unpleasant; it also makes students more likely(有可能得)to get colds and other illnesses.
小题1: Which is the best title for the passage?
A.Students dislike homeworkB.No use doing homework
C.Homework is good for studyD.Homework should be limited
小题2: According to the passage, what is an effect of having a lot of homework?
A.Students have little time for their hobbies.
B.Students have to finish their homework.
C.Students are more active in class.
D.Students are good at their lessons.
小题3: The author of the passage may be ________.
A.a teacherB.a studentC.a parentD.a doctor
小题4: According to the passage, what makes students more likely to get colds?
A.No having time to exercise.B.Not getting enough sleep.
C.Getting up early for school.D.Reading too many books.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Zhalong is a nature reserve in Heilongjiang in north-east China. It is one of the world’s most important wetlands. The reserve covers an area of 210,000 hectares. The area provides food and shelter for wildlife. It is an ideal home for different kinds of plants, fish and birds.
Many birds live comfortably in Zhalong Nature Reserve all year round, while some only stay there for a short time. There are many fish in the wetlands, and the birds can easily catch them for food. Zhalong has long been called “the home of the crane”. There are 15 crane species (物种) in the world. 8 of them are in China and there are 6 species in Zhalong area. It is an important living area for the rare red-crowned cranes. There are not many red-crowned cranes in the world. Every spring and summer, red-crowned cranes lay and hatch (孵化) their eggs in Zhalong.
Some people want to change the wetlands to make more space for farms and buildings. This means there will be less and less space for wildlife. More and more birds are in danger because they do not have enough living space. Many of them died. The Chinese government wants to protect these endangered birds, and they can be safe in Zhalong.
Every year, a lot of tourists go to Zhalong to watch birds. This year, members of our Bird-watching Club are going to study the different kinds of birds in Zhalong and the changes in their numbers. The study begins next month.
We _______ once a year. We are now inviting secondary school students to help. We need more people to help us count and do something to help the birds.
Many people do not understand the importance of the wetlands. We hope this information will help them understand and make them actively take action to protect wildlife.
小题1: What does the underlined word “ideal” mean?
小题2: What can we learn from the second paragraph?
A.All birds stay in Zhalong Nature Reserve all year round.
B.There are eight species of red-crowned cranes in Zhalong.
C.The number of the world’s red-crowned cranes is small.
D.Every winter red-crowned cranes hatch eggs in Zhalong.
小题3:Which of the following can we choose for the blank (空白) in the fifth paragraph?
A.go birdwatchingB.do a bird countC.go bird-huntingD.hold a bird show
小题4:The purpose of the article is to _______.
A.attract more visitors to pay a visit to Zhalong Nature Reserve
B.ask people to take action to protect wetlands and wildlife
C.prevent people from watching birds in Zhalong Nature Reserve
D.make people around the world know the Birdwatchting Club

