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Everyone tries to get to school on time. But when bad weather gives you trouble, can you still make it before the bell rings?
In northern China during spring, big sandstorms often make trouble for students and everyone else. When the sky is dark with sand, buses and cars all move much more slowly. Sometimes, people can’t even see for 20 metres.
Sandstorms usually happen in spring. This year, sandstorms started in late March. They have happened in more than 10 provinces (省)  in northern China this year. More than 70 million people have had problems in those places because of the sandstorms.
People in southern China don’t have to worry about this kind of bad weather. Most of the sand comes from Gansu and Inner Mongolia(内蒙古). In northern China, lots of places have few trees and don’t get much rain. People there have been cutting down too many trees. When there aren’t many trees, the ground can’t keep enough water. Over the years, the ground dries up and turns to sand. When spring comes and the ice melts(融化), the ground becomes looser(更松散的). Strong winds take the loose sand into the sky.
Sandstorms are bad for people’s health. If people breathe(呼吸) too much sand, they could cough or have asthma(哮喘).
Sandstorms also give farmers lots of problems. Sometimes their sheep get lost in the storms and never get back home. The winds also tear down farmers’ houses.
What can you do to stop sandstorms? Here’s an idea: Ask you parents to help you plant some trees this spring.
If you see people cutting down too many trees, tell them about the dangers of sandstorms, and ask your government to stop them from cutting.
小题1:In which season do sandstorms usually happen?
A.In spring.B.In summer.C.In autumn.D.In winter.
小题2:Which of the following provinces in China is often hit by sandstorms?
A.Fujian Province.B.Yunnan Province.C.Jiangsu Province.D.Gansu Province.
小题3:The underlined phrase “tear down” in the sentence means “_________”.
小题4: According to the passage, what cannot be caused by sandstorms?
A.Health problems.B.Traffic problems.
C.The loss of farm animals.D.Noise pollution.
小题5:Which is not stated in the passage?_______________ .
A.Trees can help keep enough rain water
B.More trees need to be planted
C.Some people are doing harm to the environment
D.Sandstorms are the main cause of asthma


小题1:根据In northern China during spring, big sandstorms often make trouble for students and everyone else.可知选A。
小题1:根据Most of the sand comes from Gansu and Inner Mongolia(内蒙古).可知选D。
小题1:联系下文farmers’ houses.可知是弄到农民的房子。故选B。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

One day, I heard an American boy say to a Chinese girl student, “You speak very good English.” But the girl answered, “No, no. My English is very poor.” The foreigner was quite   1   at the answer. Thinking he had not made    2   understood or the girl had not   3   him clearly, he said, “Yes, indeed, you speak very well.”   4   the girl still kept saying, “No.” In the end the American boy could not understand and didn’t know   5   to say.
What’s wrong with the girl’s answer? She didn’t   6  a compliment (恭维) in the same way as the American people do. She should answer, “Thank you” instead of “No”. She   7  understood what the American boy had said, but she thought she should be modest. In the   8  , people will feel proud and 9   when they are praised . So if someone says the   10   you have cooked are very delicious, you should say, “Thank you.”
In our country we think being modest is a virtue (美德) and being proud is a bad thing , but in my opinion, being confident does not   11  being proud, so sometimes you should be confident   12  being modest.
   13  you are modest and say, “No, I’m afraid I can’t do it well”, while working in a western country, the others may think that you really cannot do it. If you often say “No”, you will certainly be looked down upon by  14 . When asking for a job, if one says something like “Yes, I can certainly do it” instead of “Let me have a try”, he or she will   15   get it. So in the west, you should be brave to show your self-confidence.
A.heardB.watchedC.listened to D.looked at
A.as soon as B.as well as C.instead ofD.in spite of
A.Unless B.UntilC.WhetherD.If
A.anotherB.the otherC.the othersD.others
A.fail to B.expect toC.succeed in D.believe in


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Hello,boys and girls! Nice to   l   you! My name  2  Alice Smith.I am a  3 .I am a 13.Look,  4   this? It’s a photo   5  my family.These are my parents and this is my ,Linda.She is 9.My mother is a teacher in a   7 .My father is a teacher ,too.My pen is red.and Linda’s ruler is   8 。too.Our   9  number is 826-9167.You can  10  us at it.I love my family.
A.thankB.meetC.excuse D.look
A.amB.isC.are D./
A.fatherB.brotherC.girl D.boy
A.WhatB.What’sC.How D.How’s
A.sisterB.motherC.friend D.aunt
A.pictureB.photoC.school D.family
A.redB.greenC.black D.white
A.cal"B.IDC.QQ D.telephone
A.callB.foundC.spell D.lost


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题)
I’ve always wanted to try rock climbing, but never had time or money for it. But I’ve discovered a way to experience the thrill(兴奋,紧张) of climbing rock. Indoor climbing is an easy and exciting way to get a taste of rock climbing. And it is also much cheaper and safer! Indoor climbers don’t climb on real rock, but on a plastic wall. You can probably find a climbing wall near you. Many gyms,
schools and camps have one.
You can climb in doors at any time of the year, no matter how the whether is. It is usually not expensive. Most gyms provide the equipment you need. The convenience of indoor climbing is one reason why it has become so popular. But the main reason people climb is for rush(刺激感) they get. When I stand at the roof of the wall and look up, I’m always scared, but once I start climbing, fear changes to determination. With my heart pounding(心剧烈跳动), I reach the top and look down. I can’t stop grinning. I did it! Indoor climbing is a great workout(锻炼). Climbing uses muscles(肌肉)that are hard to exercise, especially those in the shoulders, arms, chest and back. Many people say climbing makes exercise fun. Most gyms have several climbing walls with various degrees of difficulty. The easier ones are like climbing a ladder. The difficult ones bulge out(凸出)in places so that climbers must sometimes climb parallel(平行的)with the floor.
Although gym climbing is easier and safer than real rock climbing, you should still be careful. Always climb with a partner. As you climb, your partner pulls you climbing rope through something called a belay device(绳索控制器). The belay catches you if you slip. But make sure your partner knows how to use this equipment. And if you are a first-time climber, get some instruction before you begin.

小题1:Is indoor climbing cheaper and safer than real rock climbing?
小题2:On what do indoor climbers climb?
小题3:What are the reasons that make the indoor climbing so popular?
小题4:Who should always be with you when you climb?
小题5:What does your partner do as you climb?
小题6:Which do you think sounds more fun, rock climbing or indoor climbing? Why?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Students learn many subjects at school, like Chinese, English, math and physics. Some students think it’s hard to do well in math. They say it’s boring. Why do they say this? First, some math problems are so hard for them. They spend a lot of time on them, but they can’t work them out, so they lost heart(失去信心). Second, they are afraid( 害怕) to ask their teachers for help. They think the teachers will laugh at them. Third, they think math class is very tiring because they need to use their brain(大脑)to find out the answers all the time.
How can you do well in math? Here is some advice from a math teacher:
1. Listen to the teacher carefully in class and do some extra(额外的) exercises after class.
2. Ask the teacher for help if you don’t understand anything. Don’t be afraid.
3. Don’t forget to go over (复习) your old lessons.
If you do these things, you will find it much easier to do better in math.
小题1:Doing _______ math problem can make students lose heart.
A.easyB.difficultC.many D.few
小题2:The advice is from ____________.
A.a math teacherB.an English teacher
C.a studentD.a doctor
小题3:Some students think math class is very tiring because _____________
A.they have to listen to the teacher.
B.they have to look after themselves.
C.they need to use their brain to find out the answers all the time.
D.they need to help their classmates.
小题4:If you want to do better in math, you should NOT______________.
A.listen to the teachers carefully
B.ask the teacher for help
C.go over your old lessons
D.lose interest in studying math


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

We call the Chinese New Year the Spring Festival(春节). There is a name for each Chinese year. We may call it the year of the sheep , the year of the monkey or the year of the dog. And this year is the year of the horse.
Before New Year’s Day, people are busy shopping and cleaning their houses. On New Year’s Eve, there is a big family dinner. After dinner, all the family stay up late to welcome the New Year. On the first day of the New Year, people put on their new clothes and go to visit their friends and relatives(亲戚). They say “good luck” and some other greetings to each other. People usually have a very good time during the festival.
小题1:How many Chinese festivals are talked about (谈论)in this passage ?
小题2:We can find every Chinese year is given ___________ name.
A.an animalB.a plantC.a familyD.a full
小题3:How do Chinese people usually spend New Year’s Eve ?
A.They put on new clothes and go to the park .
B.They visit their friends and relatives
C.They are busy shopping and cleaning their houses
D.They have a big dinner and stay up late to welcome the New Year.
小题4:On New Year’s Day, people say “___________” to each other when they meet
A.Merry ChristmasB.Good luck
C.Happy New YearD.Both B and C
小题5:The best title for this passage (本文的最佳题目)is ____________
A.Good TimeB.The Spring Festival
C.Big DinnerD.The Year of the Horse


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

What is a library for? Most libraries have books and other things to read. Many of them  have things to listen to. Some libraries even have computers. Very few people would think of a library as a place to live in.
One library in New York City turned into(变成)a home for 250 people for a few days. These were all people near the library. They slept on the floor. Why did the people move into the library?
The people moved into the library because the city wanted to close it to save money. These 250 New Yorkers loved their library. They didn’t want to lose it. So they moved in. They knew that the library couldn’t be closed if they were living inside it. At last the city agreed to keep the library open, and the people all went home.
(   )11. Where did the story happen?_________.
A. In New York City.                 B. In a school in New York City.
C. In the streets in New York City.      D. In most libraries in New York City.
(   )12. The library had hundreds of ___________.
A. workers in it                      B. policemen in it
C. people living in it                  D. computers in it
(   )13. The people in the story _______________.
A. were all the workers in the library     B. were all people near the library
C. didn’t read any books               D. wanted to buy some computers
(   )14. Why did 250 people move into the library? Because_____________.
A. these people wanted to save money
B. these people needed places to live in
C. the library was very quiet
D. they loved the library and they didn’t want to lose it
(   )15. From the passage we know that ___________.
A. the library was kept open at last
B. the library was closed because no one read in it
C. the library became a home of these people
D. the city saved a lot of money


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

In many English homes people eat four meals a day, breakfast ,lunch, tea and dinner. People have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning .They eat porridge ,eggs , or bread. English people drink tea or coffee at breakfast. Lunch comes at one o’clock. Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon and dinner is about half past seven. First they have soups, and then they have meat or fish with vegetables. After that they eat some other things, like bananas, apples, or oranges. But not all English people eat like this. Some of them have their dinner in the middle of the day. Their meals are breakfast. dinner ,tea, and supper and all these meals are very necessary.
根据内容,选择正确答案 。
(      ) 1. Many English people have                   meals a day.
A. two         B. three        C. four        D. three or four
(      ) 2. People may have                    for their breakfast
A. tea and eggs                    B. porridge ,eggs bread ,tea or coffee
C. some soup and meat           D. meat and fish
(      ) 3. In many English homes dinner comes                   .
A. at one o’clock      B. about half past seven    C. at noon     D. at night
(      ) 4. What do they eat other fruits?
A. apples      B. oranges          C. bananas     D. both ABC
(      ) 5. When do other people have their dinner?
A. in the middle of the day            B. at night 
C. at noon                         D. in the morning


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

One day, two young men went to a small city. They stayed outside a shop for a long time, and they seemed to have nothing to do. The owner of the shop felt they were unusual. So he used his new mobile phone to take a picture of them. After that he sent a message with the picture to the police. The picture surprised the police because the persons in the picture had done something wrong before. And the police were trying to catch them! A police car was immediately sent to the shop. The two young men were caught there. Later a policeman told the reporter, "We think this is the first time in the world that a picture message has been used to help catch criminals(罪犯)."
根据以上内容判断下列句子的正 (T) 误 (F)
小题1:The owner of the shop sent the picture message to the police.
小题2:The two young men went to the shop to buy a new mobile phone.
小题3:The shop owner thought the two young men were kind.
小题4:The two young men were caught by the police.
小题5:The police thought a picture message was often used to help catch criminals.

