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When people go to watch the matches in the Olympic Games, there are some rules for people to follow.

Archery(射箭) & Shooting

● Sit at the back or on either side of the field.

● Keep quiet during the match. Set your cell phone in a vibrating state or turn it off.

● Do not use the flash on your camera.

● When the athletes are aiming at the target, keep your voice down.

Basketball, Baseball & Football

● You cannot bring drinks in glass bottles or cans.

● Keep the cheering down at important moments. Do not use the camera flash.

● If you easily get nervous, bring some snacks. Keep your mouth moving to calm yourself down.

Cycling & Marathon

● Audience should keep off the track. Control your pets.

● Athletes might look tired and thirsty, but do not hand them water or anything else.

● If an athlete falls, do not help him.

1.Which sport is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. B.

C. D.

2.The underlined word "vibrating" means in Chinese.

A. 待机的 B. 振动的 C. 铃声的 D. 户外的

3.In which match cannot you use the camera flash according to this passage?

A. B.

C. D.

4.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. When a runner falls, you can't rush over to help.

B. You cannot shout loudly when watching the shooting match.

C. Drinks in glass bottles or cans are not allowed in a baseball match.

D. You can shout loudly "Come on!" at important moments in a football match.

5.Which could be the best title for the passage?

A. The Olympic Games

B. How to Play Basketball

C. Some Important Matches

D. Some Rules for Audience at the Olympic Games


科目:初中英语 来源:外研版七年级英语下册期末复习 Modules 5-6 综合测试 题型:阅读单选

When you want to go shopping, decide how much money you can spend on new clothes. Think about the kind of clothes you really need. Then look for those clothes on sale(销售). There are labels(标签) inside all new clothes. The labels tell you how to take care of your clothes. The label on a shirt may tell you to wash it in warm water. A sweater label may tell you to wash in cold water. The label on a coat may say “dry-clean only”. Washing may ruin(损坏) this coat. If you do as the directions(说明) say on the label, you can keep your clothes looking their best.

Many clothes today must be dry cleaned. Dry cleaning is expensive. When buying new clothes, check(核实) if they will need to be dry cleaned. You will save money if you buy clothes that can be washed. You can save money if you buy clothes that are well made. Well-made clothes last(持续) longer. They look good even after they have been washed many times. Clothes that cost more money are not always better made. They do not always fit better(更合身的). Sometimes less expensive clothes look and fit better than more expensive clothes.

1.If you want to save money, you can buy clothes that .

A. don’t fit you B. don’t last long

C. need to be dry cleaned D. can be washed

2.The labels inside the clothes tell you .

A. how to keep them looking their best

B. how to save money

C. whether they fit you or not

D. where to get them dry cleaned

3.If you want to save money, the first thing for you to do is to .

A. look for well-made clothes

B. see the price

C. know how to wash them

D. read the labels inside

4.If the clothes need dry cleaning, you spend much more money.

A. won’t B. needn’t C. had better D. have to


科目:初中英语 来源:2017-2018学年七年级英语下册(人教版):期末综合水平测试 题型:单选题

That place is far from here.It's best to go there ________ bus.

A. to B. by C. of D. on


科目:初中英语 来源:河北省石家庄市2017-2018学年八年级上学期期末英语模拟试卷(含答案) 题型:单选题

Lin Shuhao is famous all the basketball fans in China know him.

A. too; to B. enough; to

C. so; that D. as; as


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版2017-2018学年8A英语期末语法专题练习-完成句子 题型:完成句子


The police ask the drivers to _____________________ on __________ days.


All the children like _________________________________________________.


British students have___________________________than Chinese students in the summertime.


We’re _______________________ to stop them hunting more__________.


After learning the fifth unit, we know baby pandas _______ about 100 kilos _______________.


It’s hard for wild animals to find places to live if farmers __________________ down forests to have more ______farms and buildings.


I ____________________ him jokes ____________________________ make him laugh.


It is very important __________________ our mouths ________ wet towels in a fire.


Wolves __________________ small animals, but sometimes they eat fruit.


Last week the ________________________ zero suddenly, and then my daughter got _______.


Sand _______________ piles ________ the ground and looked just like the pyramids.


We should_________________________________ those homeless people.


Those mountains will ______________________________ green trees in a few years’ time.


He didn’t try his best before and now he lives in ____________________________ his job.


I _________________________ a trip to Singapore with my family when summer holiday started.


Many cars __________________________ the cold weather.


Kobe Bryant, _____________ basketball players, announced his retirement (退役) on November 30, 2015.


The local government _______ us _______ food and clean water because of the _______.


I wonder if people _______ _______ _______ the animals in need.


Everything ____________ in _______ snow and it’s fun to play snowball fights at this time of year.


Working all day long without any rest _______________________ his _______.


We should __________________________ to make it perfect day by day.


The machine __________________________.

24.The weather report says ______________________(温度将更低)tomorrow .

25.Yunnan is warm like spring _____________________(一年四季).

26.If farmers keep cutting down trees and forests, giant pandas ______________(没有地方住).

27.The flood ___________________________(冲走了一切东西)in the small village.

28.He often _________________________(把我们的书撞翻)the desks.


It was hot yesterday, with temperatures _________ the ___________.


At that time, the police ran in the __________________ .


____________ his _______________ ,we finished the job successfully.


Lots of things ______________________________ during that time.


Finally, I found him ____________________________ boy.


People should _______________________________ them.


Many birds live in Zhalong _______________________________ .


_______________________________, Xiwang drank her mother’s milk.


You shouldn’t _______________________________ your answers in the book.


there will be _______________________________ pace for the wildlife.

39.We go to Zhalong nature reserve to ___________________ (研究变化)in birds’ numbers.

40.I __________________ (同情) the animals in zoos because they lose freedom.


Can we do more work with____________________ and ___________________?


We’d better take a pair of binoculars____________________________________.


The zoo ________________________________ 30,000 hectares.


Look! The horse is___________________________________


Do you think it is necessary for us_______________________________ the beggars?


If we do nothing, soon _______________________________ in the world.


The area ______________________ a lot of wildlife.


Do you know snakes _____________________________birds, insects and small animals?


Take a notebook with you____________________ what you see.


__________________________________ ,he goes to work by taxi______________


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版八年级上册unit5单元检测英语试卷 题型:单选题

All the students are getting ready their homework.

A. do B. to do C. doing D. does


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版八年级上册unit5单元检测英语试卷 题型:单选题

Goldilocks decided _________ for a walk in the forest.

A. go B. to go C. going D. goes


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版8A 初二Unit 7综合测试英语试卷 题型:完型填空

There is a very famous holiday named Christmas in western(西方的) countries. It’s always _________ the same day every year---December 25th. Everybody in Britain __________ Christmas, but ___________ ready for Christmas is very hard. There are so many things to do.

The __________ thing is that you have enough food. People usually have ____________ during the Christmas dinner. Also, of course, you have to make a big Christmas cake. There are all kinds of fruits in the Christmas cake. You also need many ___________ things for Christmas.

Father usually buys a Christmas tree. He __________ it home, and then children decorate it with some lights and they usually put a star on top of the tree. Everybody ___________ presents to each other for Christmas. We put the presents on the floor under the tree _____________ Christmas Eve(平安夜). Nobody can open their presents ___________ Christmas Day!

1.A. about B. in C. on D. at

2.A. enjoys B. hates C. brings D. practices

3.A. getting B. got C. get D. gets

4.A. second B. good C. first D. third

5.A. fun B. rice C. sale D. soup

6.A. other B. another C. else D. the other

7.A. teaches B. learns C. hands D. carries

8.A. orders B. borrows C. gives D. lends

9.A. on B. in C. for D. about

10.A. after B. when C. until D. as


科目:初中英语 来源:2018春人教版八年级英语下册句型专训 题型:单选题

—He can't swim.


A. Neither can I B. Neither I can

C. So can I D. So I can

