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(题文)What did the girl do on the weekend?

A. She played games. B. She watched TV. C. She cleaned the room.

C 【解析】略。

科目:初中英语 来源:2017-2018年山西省晋中市灵石县二中八年级上册期末测试卷 题型:完成句子

第二节 将下列句子中的汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当形式。

1.Many young people like ____________________(动作片).

2.My little sister wants to be a pilot when she __________________ (长大).

3.Do you know how to make a banana __________________ (奶昔) ?

4.You must ________________ (切碎) the tomatoes before you cook them.

5.Yao Ming is a famous ______________________ (篮球运动员).

1. action movies 2. grows up 3. milk shake 4. cut up 5. basketball player 【解析】 1.句意:很多年轻人喜欢动作片。action movie动作片,动作电影,是一个名词短语。action名词,动作,行动;movie电影,名词。 2.句意:我的小妹妹长大的时候想成为一名飞行员。grow...


科目:初中英语 来源:仁爱七年级下册英语Unit5单元测试英语 题型:单选题

He _______ to the park.

A. go never B. goes never C. never go D. never goes

D 【解析】句意:他从来不去公园。go 去某地, 是一个动词;never从不,从来没有,是一个表示频率的副词,应放在be动词后、实意动词之前,故A和B不对。根据句意可知,这句话应用一般现在时态,主语He是第三人称单数,谓语动词应用三单形式,故应选D。


科目:初中英语 来源:江西省九江市2017-2018学年度七年级下学期期末考试英语试卷(含听力) 题型:单选题

--Excuse me. ls there a bus to the Gantang Park?

--______.You can take the No, 101 bus.

A. Yes. it is B. Yes, there is C. I’m not sure D. Sorry, I have no idea

B 【解析】句意“-打扰一下,有去甘棠公园的汽车吗?-有的,你可以乘坐101路公交车”。根据You can take the No, 101 bus可知,是肯定回答,排除C和D,且用is there问,用there is回答,故选B。


科目:初中英语 来源:江西省九江市2017-2018学年度七年级下学期期末考试英语试卷(含听力) 题型:单选题

--How do you usually______school?

--I usually go to school______the school bus.

A. get to; take B. get: by C. get to; on D. get to; by

C 【解析】句意“-你通常怎么去学校?-我通常坐校车去学校”。get to到达某地,排除B。根据第二句中,有谓语动词get,所以不用take,排除A。且介词by+交通工具时,中间不加冠词,排除D。故选C。


科目:初中英语 来源:江西省九江市2017-2018学年度七年级下学期期末考试英语试卷(含听力) 题型:听短对话回答问题

(题文)How is the weather in the boy's town?

A. It's windy B. It's rainy C. It's snowing

C 【解析】略。


科目:初中英语 来源:重庆市018届九年级下学期第一次模拟考试英语试卷 题型:材料作文


上周的一堂英语课上,老师就“二孩政策( two-child policy )”展开了全班调查。请你以“ Do you want to have a brother or a sister?” 为题目用英语写一篇短文,先汇总班上同学的观点,再陈述自己的想法。












Do you want to have a brother or a sister?

Do you want to have a brother or a sister?Last week,__________________________

Do you want to have a brother or a sister? Do you want to have a brother or a sister?Last week,we had a discussion about two-child policy.Some students think they don’t want to have a brother or a ...


科目:初中英语 来源:重庆市018届九年级下学期第一次模拟考试英语试卷 题型:单选题

(题文)(2017·南京中考)—I go swimming every day.

—Wow!That's a good ________.It keeps you healthy.

A. match B. task C. habit D. dream

C 【解析】 句意:——我每天去游泳。——哇!那是一个好习惯。它让你保持健康。match比赛;task任务;habit习惯;dream梦想。根据I go swimming every day.可知每天都去游泳,这应是一个习惯,故选C。


科目:初中英语 来源:山西省2018届九年级中考信息冲刺卷压轴卷英语试卷 题型:填空

American schools are different from those in China.In America, at the beginning of the term, students must choose their courses and teachers first.While in China, students usually have no chances to choose their courses and teachers.

Selecting(选择) is very important for students in America.So at the first term, don't select too many courses, or you'll feel very nervous and it may be bad for your study.Then you have to ask for some teaching plans.You should try to know something about subjects, time planning, marks and textbooks.At the same time, you must choose the teachers.The teaching methods between teachers are different.Knowing about them, you can choose the ones that suit you.

There is another thing after you select the course and the teacher.How to buy textbooks makes each student feel hard.The textbooks may cost you a lot of money in America.In order to save money, many students buy some used textbooks, and some students usually borrow textbooks from the school library.You must get enough ready before class.In class, discussing is very important.The teacher encourages students to ask questions or show their ideas.They don't usually ask you to sit well.Instead they allow you to sit or stand in any place.They don't give you much homework to do.You can learn some knowledge and do exercises by yourself.So in American schools, you must do almost all things yourself.


In America, students must choose their courses and teachers at the beginning of the term. It's very important for students. But at the first term, don't choose too many courses, or it will 1. your study. At the same time, you must chose teachers. Teachers usually teach 2., so you should choose the ones that suit you. After that, how to buy textbooks can make you feel hard because textbooks are3.. To save money, you can buy the used ones or borrow some from the library. In class, students are encouraged to ask questions or show their ideas. Teachers allow you to stay4. you like. And you won't have to do much 5.. In America schools, you must do all things yourself.

1.influence 2.differently 3.expensive 4.anywhere 5.homework 【解析】本文简单介绍了美国学生在学期初的选课事宜,讲了几点需要在选课过程中注意的事项。 1.句意:但是在第一学期,不要选择太多课程,否则会影响你的学习。原文“So at the first term, don't select too many...

