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Cherry's favourite photo is the one of a girl________ an old woman across the street.

A. leads B. led C. leading D. to lead


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省苏州市高新区2016-2017学年第二学期八年级英语期末试卷及答案 题型:完形填空

I love helping others. One day one year ago, I was on a trip in Denver. I met a man called James Moss. James Moss was a(n) ______ father living in the city with his 2-year-old son. When I first met Moss, I did not know of the father's situation. After speaking with him I ______ that Moss had moved from New York to Denver only a few days before. I was also told he hadn't found a house to live in.

______ he had no home with a young child, Moss was positive(积极的).He explained that he was ______ inside. He also said he'd change his situation soon. At the end of our chat, I gave Moss $1,000 and a weeklong stay in a ______ with his son.

While we were talking, I ______ our talk. Later I posted the video on YouTube. But I decided to do ______ to help the father. I started a GoFundMe campaign(活动)."James is a great father and man," I wrote on the campaign site. "Let's make ______ happen to him and his son and show him some love and that there are still good people in this world."

In just five days, more than $35,000 was ______ to the campaign. I gave all the money to Moss. With that money, Moss changed his life in Denver. Now he has a job and can ______ an apartment(公寓)to live in and his son is now in day care

I'm so glad that I helped this man and his son.

1.A. honest B. homeless C. handsome D. humorous

2.A. wished B. guessed C. learned D. expressed

3.A. Though B. When C. Since D. Because

4.A. sad B. crazy C. nervous D. happy

5.A. park B. factory C. school D. hotel

6.A. recorded B. received C. reviewed D. realized

7.A. much B. little C. more D. less

8.A. richness B. kindness C. brightness D. hardness

9.A. handed B. returned C. introduced D. donated

10.A. accept B. afford C. achieve D. add


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版2017-2018学年7A Unit1综合检测卷 题型:单项填空

—Lucy from the USA?

—No, she from the USA. She comes from the UK.

A. Does; doesn't B. Does; isn't

C. Is; doesn't D. Is; isn't


科目:初中英语 来源:2017秋外研版九年级英语 Test for Module 11 题型:阅读理解

Children across the world are taking pictures of their school meals.They are sending these pictures over the Internet to a young girl in Scotland.Then she shares the pictures and stories with people around the world.

The girl's name is Martha.She likes to write.So Martha decided to start her own blog(博客).Every day,Martha writes on the Internet about the meals she eats at school.She also takes pictures of the food.

Martha is very honest about the food.She does not just describe the food.She judges(评价) the taste of the food.She also judges how healthy the food is.Sometimes she likes the food,and sometimes she does not.Now,other people send pictures to Martha.Students around the world share their pictures of their school food!

Martha also started her blog for another important reason.She began to raise money for the organization(组织) Mary's Meals.Mary's Meals works in the East African country of Malawi.It provides food for children in schools.Martha encourages her readers to send money to Mary's Meals to help build a kitchen.

Martha hoped to raise about 10,000 dollars.But the total reached 100,000 dollars and still keeps on growing!

Martha's blog has also helped to improve meals at her school.Martha and her school friends found their meals improved since she started writing her blog.

No one knows what will happen to Martha's blog in future.But already this girl has helped to change the eating experience of many children just by sharing pictures of her school meals.

1.Martha started her blog to ________.

A. ask her school to improve meals

B. invite readers to judge school meals

C. show school meals around the world

D. express her opinions about school meals

2.According to the passage,we can know Mary's Meals ________.

A. works in Scotland

B. provides food for school children in Malawi

C. was set up by Martha

D. builds kitchens for poor families in Malawi

3.How much money did Martha hope her readers to send to Mary's Meals at first?

A. About $1,000,000. B. About $100,000.

C. About $10,000. D. About $1,000.

4.Martha ________ through her blog.

A. changed her eating habits

B. helped poor children at her school

C. made meals at her school improve

D. raised money for many organizations

5.What's the best title for the passage?

A. Martha Shares Her Food

B. Cooking Healthy School Meals

C. Martha Starts a Blog

D. Having School Meals Together


科目:初中英语 来源:2017秋外研版九年级英语 Test for Module 11 题型:单项填空

—________ have you entered the piano competition?


A. How long B. How soon

C. How often D. How many times


科目:初中英语 来源:2017秋外研版九年级英语 Test for Module 11 题型:单项填空

—I hear________ singing competition was a big success.

—So it was.

A. a B. an C. the D. /


科目:初中英语 来源:浙江省杭州市2017届九年级第一次模拟考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

One day Bob took two of his friends into the mountains. They put up their tents and then rode off to a forest to see how the trees were growing.

In the afternoon when they were about ten kilometers from their camp, it started to snow. More and more snow fell. Soon Bob could hardly see his hands before his face. He could not find the road. Bob knew there were two roads. One road went to the camp, and the other went to his house. But all was white now. Everything was the same. How could he take his friends back to the camp?

Bob had an idea. The horses! Let the horses take them back! But what would happen if the horses took the road to his house? That would be a trip of thirty – five kilometers in such cold weather!

It was getting late. They rode on and on. At last the horses stopped. Where were they?

None of them could tell. Bob looked around. What was that under the tree? It was one of their tents!


1.Bob and his two friends went to the forest to _________.

A. build their camp

B. find their way home

C. enjoy the mountains in the snow.

D. watch the trees in the forest

2.They could not find their way back because ___________.

A. there was only one road to their camp.

B. there was no roads in the mountains at all.

C. they couldn’t decide which of the two roads led to their tents.

D. everything was covered by the white snow.

3.It is clear that they wanted the horses to take them to _______.

A. Bob’s home B. the camp C. the forest D. the mountains

4.The horses stopped because ___________.

A. it was getting late.

B. they had seen Bob’s house

C. they knew that they had got to the camp

D. they were tired after running for a long time

5.The story happened _________.

A. on a cold winter day

B. on a dark snowy evening

C. in a cold camp far from villages

D. at night when nothing could be seen


科目:初中英语 来源:广东省东莞市2017届中考冲刺考前押题英语试卷 题型:书面表达

现在微信占据很多人太多的时间,很多学生认为手中拥有手机、可以享受微信就是幸福。但幸福是什么?幸福是温馨的家,幸福是老师的赞许,幸福是孤独时朋友送来的一杯奶茶,幸福是…… 请以My happiness为话题,写一件曾经发生过的令你感到幸福的事情。作文要求:




科目:初中英语 来源:浙江省杭州市2016-2017学年七年级下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:单项填空

They are talking my parents my study.

A. with, to B. to , with C. with, about D. about , with

