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    “ If you want to see a thing well, reach out and touch it!” That may seem strange. But touching things can help you see them better. Your eyes can tell you that a glass ball is round. But by holding it in your hands, you can feel all these about the ball, you really see it. With your skin, you can feel better. For example, your fingers can tell the difference between two coins in your pocket. You can feel a little drop of water in the back of your hand, too.

    All children soon learn what “ Don’t touch” means. They hear it often. Yet most of us keep on touching things as we grow up. In shops, we touch things as we might buy, like food, clothes, and so on. To see something well, we have to touch it.

    There are ways of learning to see well by feeling. One way is to close your eyes and try to feel everything by touching. Feel the shoes on your feet, the clothes on your body and the air on your skin. At first, it is not easy to feel these things. You are too used to them.

Most museums are just for watching. But today some museums have some things to touch. Their signs say, “ Do touch!” There you can feel everything on show.

If we want to see things better, reach out and touch. Then you will really see!

41. Which of the following part can tell the difference of two coins in your pocket?

    A. Your skin.            B. Your eyes.       C. Your fingers   D. Your back.

42. When people buy things in shops, they often             .

    A. try them on first                 B. keep their right hands on them

    C. ask about their price               D. feel and touch them

43. Which do we touch most often to “ see” better before we buy it?

    A. A CD.           B. A woolen coat.         C. A drink.       D. A pen.

44. What does the last sentence mean?

    A. Touching is more important than seeing.

    B. Our feet, fingers, hands and skin can help us buy food.

    C. People have to learn to see by feeling as they grow up.

    D. Visitors can feel the things on show in all museums.

45. What is the best title of the story?

    A. Touching by Feeling                    B. To See or to Feel

    C. To See Better, Do Touch                D. Ways of Feeling



科目:初中英语 来源:黄冈重点作业·初三英语(下) 题型:054



  There was a big garden near John's house, and it had a lot of f 1 trees in it. One day John saw some beautiful apples o 2 one of them. He went home and got a ladder, put it a 3 the high wall of the garden and climbed up. Then he pulled the ladder up, and put it down on the o 4 side, and climbed down into the garden. Just then a gardener came r 5 a corner and saw him.

  “What are you doing?” he s 6 .

  John thought quickly and said, “I'm selling my ladder.”

  “Selling your ladder? In somebody's garden! Do you think I believe s 7 a foolish story?” said the gardener and came to John w 8 a stick.

  “It's my ladder,” said John, “and I can sell it w 9 I like. You needn't buy it if you don't want to.” And he took his ladder and climbed over the wall a 10 .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【小题1】H_________ up, or we will miss the start of the game.
【小题2】 Is it possible to travel around the world by car w _______ a month?
【小题3】A year is d_________ into four seasons.
【小题4】I keep a d_________ every day. It often reminds me of my happy and sad times.
【小题5】The family is so poor that they can’t even a_______ the trip to hospital.
【小题6】We were out of _________(呼吸) when we got to the top of the mountain.
【小题7】Green vegetables are rich in vitamins and are good for our ___________(健康).
【小题8】Your voice ___________(听起来) strange on the phone. What’s wrong?
【小题9】We have ____________(充足) of milk in the fridge.
【小题10】All the fans stood up and shouted __________(兴奋地) when their pop stars came on stage.
【小题11】Call me for help if you have any difficulty making a ___________(decide).
【小题12】Today computers are ___________(wide) used all over the world.
【小题13】Tomorrow Ricky will hold a party to celebrate his _______ (forty) birthday.
【小题14】Who can answer the ___________(follow) questions?
【小题15】 I do hope my advice is worth ____________(take).


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Railroad timetable

Trains from Washington to New York
Train number     X500(D)    X501(R,D)   X502(D,W)   X503(D)    X504   X505(D)
Washington     8:30       9:00         9:30       10:00     10:30    11:30
BWI Airport    8:55        9:25        10:00       10:25    10:55      --:-- -
Baltimore      9:10        9:40        10:20       10:40    11: 10    12: 10
Philadelphia   10:10        10:40       11:20        11:40    12:20    13: 10
Junction *    11:00        11:30        12: 10       12:30    13: 10    14:00
Metropark *   11: 10        --:-- -        12:20        12:40    13:20    14: 10
Neward lnt'1
Airport         --:-- -      11:50        12:30         13:05    13:45    14:25
New York     11:40      12:10        12:50          13:25    14:05    14:45
R: Reservations (预订) required       D: Dining car       W: Weekdays only
For information about tickets and prices, please call (801) 555-1000 or visit our website at www. amrai12000. com.
Important notice; please note that Princeton Junction and Metropark are closed on Sunday. January 30 due to work on the line. There will be a special bus service between these stations. Call (801) 555-2345 for more information about buses. We apologize for any inconvenience.
【小题1】When does the train X504 leave Washington?
A.9:00. B.9="30." C.10:00. D.10=30.
【小题2】If you have to get to New York before 12="00," you'd better take______.
A.X500B.X501 C.X502 D.X503
【小题3】Which of the following trains does not stop at BWI Airport?
A.X502. B.X503. C.X504. D.X505.
【小题4】 If you want to go on weekends, you can NOT choose ______.
A.X501B.X502 C.X503 D.X504
【小题5】Which of the following is true according to the timetable?
A.You can have meals on most of the trains.
B.Most of the trains do not stop at Neward Int'l Airport.
C.You can't buy a ticket at the stations without reservation.
D.Nobody can get from Princeton Junction to Metropark on January 30.


科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江苏如皋石庄初级中学九年级上期期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:补充句子

Now students' English handwriting(书法)gets worse and worse. That makes their teachers feel worried. Is your English handwriting beautiful? If n  1., here are four steps that really work!

Use paper with lines

Using paper with lines can keep you writing straight i  2. of up or down when you write English words or sentences. Those lines on the paper can help you to write words in the right size. Be s  3. to fill the lined space completely. And make sure those capital letters(大写字母) are written properly.

Slow down

If your writing is hard to read, try slowing down a little. For some kids, going slower makes the handwriting clear. If you write too q  4., it's hard for you to stop where you should, and even worse, you may make more m  5..

Hold your pencil right

When you hold your pencil the correct way, writing is much e  6.. Some kids press down really hard when they write. That makes the handwriting not nice. Try to be relaxed and don't hold the pencil so hard. Let your writing appear nice and clean. If you do so, people will guess you are a student w 7. a good habit.

Draw more pictures

Drawing can improve your handwriting. You need to use the skills to control your pencil better w  8. you are drawing pictures. Even though you have no chance to draw at school, you can practice by y  9. at home.

Handwriting is very important. Imagine you are a world-famous movie star or a well-known sports player, what do you do when your f  10. run up to you? Give them your autographs(亲笔签名), of course!



科目:初中英语 来源:2013届度江苏省江阴市八年级上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:其他题


Mr. Green, a man of fifty-two, was a gardener(花匠). He’s good at g  1   flowers and he’s one of the b  2    gardeners in the town. Last year he c  3    to work for Mrs. Stone, a rich fat old woman.

Mrs. Stone knew n  4    about gardens, but she thought she knew a lot, and she always told the old gardener to do w  5   she said. Sometimes he listened t  6  her, but sometimes he didn’t.

Once Mr. Green got very a  7    with Mrs. Stone and called her a sow(母猪). Mrs. Stone d  8  like it and went to tell it to her friend, a judge(法官). The judge made Mr. Green s  9  sorry to Mrs. Stone.

“Does that mean I can’t call the lady a sow(母猪) any more?” Mr. Green asked . “Yes,” answered the judge. “And can I call a sow(母猪) a lady, sir?” asked Mr. Green. “Yes, you can if you like.” Mr. Green l  10   at the fat woman and said, “Goodbye, lady.”


