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1.When an animal becomes extinct(灭绝),we will never see it again,except for some bones(骨头) in the ground.How sad!People are cutting down large forests in Europe,Asia and other parts of the world.This destroys homes of many wild animals.For example,some monkeys and apes(猿)eat the fruit and leaves in the tall trees.People cut down all the tall trees,leaving only the short ones.If the monkeys and apes don't have food,they will die.With more and more people on Earth,there is less room for other animals like bears and wolves.
   Some animals are dying off because people hunt(猎杀)them for food.Some people shoot tigers,lions and other animals for fur to make money.They kill elephants for their teeth,and also force some of them to drag(拉)heavy machines to help them cut down trees.Tourists can hurt animals,too.Turtles lay their eggs on beaches in countries such as Greece,but they can't do this when tourists are on the beach.
  Pollution(污染)is another killer.Some factories pour dirty water into rivers,and then many fish get sick and die.And one day,the Arctic (北极) night melt because of global warming(温室效应).Then where will polar bears live?

分析 这篇文章告诉我们动物濒临灭绝的原因,一是因为人们砍伐了大片的森林,动物失去了家园;二是因为人们猎杀动物作为食物,污染是动物灭绝的另一个杀手.

解答 66.答案:Why do animals become extinct…主旨大意题,根据文章第一段提出问题Why do animals become extinct?以及下文围绕三个方面(1)People are cutting down large forests in Europe,Asia and other parts of the world.This destroys homes of many wild animals.(2)Some animals are dying off because people hunt(猎杀)them for food.(3)Pollution(污染)is another killer.进行阐述可知,故填:Why do animals become extinct?
67.答案:homes 细节理解题,根据 People are cutting down large forests in Europe,Asia and other parts of the world.This destroys homes of many wild animals.可知:人们砍伐大片森林,破坏了许多野生动物的家园.故填:homes.
68.答案:food 细节理解题,根据 Some animals are dying off because people hunt(猎杀)them for food.Some people shoot tigers,lions and other animals for fur to make money.可知:人们捕杀动物来获取食物,皮毛和牙齿.故填:food.
69.答案:Pollution.细节理解题,根据Pollution(污染)is another killer.可知:污染是另一个杀手,故填:Pollution.
70.答案:We should protect the animals.…推理判断题,根据文章开头When an animal becomes extinct(灭绝),we will never see it again,except for some bones(骨头) in the ground.可知:当一种动物灭绝时,除了地上的一些骨头,我们将永远不会再看到它.结合下文Why do animals become extinct?介绍了动物灭绝的原因,可知这是人类行为造成的.由此可以推断出:我们应该保护动物.故填:We should protect the animals.

点评 首先通读全文,了解文章大意,然后弄清题干意思,对照短文信息确定正确答案.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.He had        ,but he didn't write       .(  )
A.enough time; careful enoughB.enough time; carefully enough
C.enough time; enough carefulD.time enough; enough carefully


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.Chinese love to eat because food is thought to be the most important way to communicate.So some people often order so many dishes that they can't eat them up.Chinese government asks the public not to waste the food anytime.(61)C.
The manager of some restaurants is doing what he can to help the people to reduce(减少)food waste.(62)A,our waiters should remind them to reduce the number of dishes kindly.
Zhong Li,a famous woman,said,"I think we should order enough food we like,even sometimes we can order a half so that we won't waste."Once Zhong Li ordered half a Beijing Duck and some vegetables.(63)D.
Some people like eating up everything on their plates.We call it cleaning the plates(光盘行动).Xu Jun has done it for years.He said,"(64)B.However,many people have thrown away a whole chicken or fish."Cleaning the plates is not only to save food,but also to protect the environment and our health.

根据短文内容,将A~D 填入61~64小题,然后完成第65小题.
A.If customers order more than they can eat
B.There are still a lot of people who don't have enough to eat
C.Restaurants have also joined the action
D.She believed that saving food didn't mean losing face
65.Cleaning the plates meansD.
A.saving food    
B.protecting the environment   
C.being healthy   
D.A,B and C.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

9.This is your ID card?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.---_____his keys?
---They're on the table.(  )
A.Where isB.Where areC.Are theyD.Is it


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

There areforty(四十) girls in my class.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:词汇应用

56.I am very happy to have a bedroom of myown.
57.Henry is the manager.He is happy to show usaround his company.
58.The sides of the path are alwaysfullof beautiful flowers.
59.Xuzhou has an area ofover 11250square kilometers.
60.My uncle is trying to make afireto cook some food.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Cars are lots of fun,but they could also be dangerous.We have to be careful when we drive them or ride in them.
It's always a good idea to put on your seat belt when you're in a car.Why?Think about this example:You put an egg on a skateboard and give it a push.If the skateboard hits a stone,it will stop,but the egg won't.It will fly through the air,hit the ground and break.
Now,think what would happen if you tied the egg to the skateboard.When the skateboard hits a stone,the egg won't go flying; it will stay safely on the skateboard.
Volvo,a famous Swedish carmaker,was the first to use seat belts in 1849.
Air bags are also very important for car safety,because sometimes a seat belt isn't enough.If the car is going really fast and runs into something,seat belts could even hurt the people who wear them.Most new cars have air bags in front of and next to the seats.When a car hits something,its air bags will come out quickly in less than one second to keep the people inside safe.

66.The passage mainly tells usA.
A.two important ways to keep safe in cars  
B.how air bags work to make cars safe
C.how seat belts work to make cars safe    
D.why we must tie the egg to the skateboard
67.The writer gives the example of the egg toC.
A.tell us that eggs are easy to break
B.show how to wear a seat belt
C.show why it's important to wear a seat belt in a car
D.tell us what a skateboard is
68.Seat belts can make us safer because.C
A.we are interested in them
B.they can stop us from hitting other cars
C.they can help us stay safely on the seats  
D.they are made of strong materials
69.Air bags are important for cars becauseB.
A.they are made of plastic
B.they can also help us to keep safe in a car
C.they can keep cars running slowly
D.they are put in front of and next to the seats
70.Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?D
A.It won't be dangerous if there are seat belts or air bags in a car.
B.Now most of new cars still have only one air bag.
C.When a car hits something,its air bags will come out a few minutes later.
D.Volvo was the first to use seat belts.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

Hedressed uplike Father Christmas to give the kids some presents.

