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17.In a surprising result,the No.69Middle School girls'football team yesterday beat their school's boys'team.The boys'team often helped the girls with their training (训练).They had never lost to the girls before,but this time the girls beat them 4-3.
After the game,Wu Nai,head of the boys'team,was very unhappy."We all thought this would be an easy game,"he said."We never thought a team of girls could beat us.This is the saddest day of my life."
But Mr Hu,the boys'PE teacher,said he thought the girls should win."The boys were too confident (自信),"he said."I told them before the match that they needed to play well.They all thought that girls'football was a joke.Now they know better.They didn't play care?fully,and they lost."
The match had started well for the boys.After 30minutes,they were winning 2-0.Their best player,Lu Ming,scored in the thirtieth minute.Earlier,the mid-field player,Ma Zhengquan,had scored the first goal in only the second minute of the match.
After the first half hour,the boys seemed to become too confident.At first,the girls had felt a bit nervous (紧张),but then they became more and more confident.Just before half time,Li Xiaolin made the score 2-1.
In the second half,the boys were the first to score.It was from Lu Ming.After that the boys became lazy,but the girls kept on working hard.Hao Meiling scored in the 68th minute,to make the score 3-2.Then Li Xiaolin scored twice in the last six minutes to make the last score 4-3.It was a surprising finish.
The girls'PE teacher,Miss Wang,was very pleased with their work."They were great!"She said."I told them they could win.I told them that the most important thing was teamwork.The boys'team had some good players,but my girls were a better team!"

51.Who scored the first goal in the match?B
A.Lu Ming.
B.Ma Zhengquan.
C.Li Xiaolin.
D.Hao Meiling.
52.How many goals did Li Xiaolin score?C
53.Why could the girls'team beat the boys'in the football match?D
A.Because the boys'team helped the girls with their training.
B.Because the boys had never lost to the girls before.
C.Because the boys'team won the first half.
D.Because the girls played together better and worked harder.
54.Which of the following is right?A
A.The girls made only one goal in the first half.
B.The girls even made 3more goals than the boys in the second half.
C.Many people thought the girls could beat the boys before the match.
D.The girls'team had some better players than the boys'.
55.Choose the right order according to the passage.D
a.The girls'PE teacher told them that they could win.
b.Wu Nai,head of the boys'team was very unhappy.
c.The match started well for the boys.
d.The girls kicked the second goal in the match.

分析 短文讲了第69中学的男子足球队和女子足球队进行了一场比赛.女子队通过她们的团队合作精神,已经她们的努力和坚强,最终这次比赛女子队则以4:3赢了男子队.

解答 答案:51.B   细节理解题.根据第四段最后一句the mid-field player,Ma Zhengquan,had scored the first goal in only the second minute of the match"在比赛仅仅二分钟中场球员马正泉已经打进第一个进球.可知比赛的第一个进球是马正泉打进的.故选B.
52.C   细节理解题.根据第五段第二行句子Just before half time,Li Xiaolin made the score 2-1.在上半场结束前,李小琳将比分改写为2比1.和第六段第二行句子Then Li Xiaolin scored twice in the last six minutes to make the last score 4-3.李小琳最后六分钟的两次得分让最后的比分4-3.可李小琳一共进了三个球,故选D.
53.D   细节理解题.根据最后一段第一行句子I told them that the most important thing was teamwork.The boys'team had some good players,but my girls were a better team!我告诉他们最重要的是团队精神,男队有一些优秀的球员,但我们女队是一个更好的团队!可知因为女队更加注重团队合作,更努力,更坚强.故选D.
54.A  细节判断题.根据第五段第二行句子Just before half time,Li Xiaolin made the score 2-1.在上半场结束前,李小琳将比分改写为2比1.可知女队在上半场只进了一个球是正确的.故选A.
55.D  细节排序题.根据整篇文章内容第69中学的男子足球队和女子足球队进行了一场比赛.女队的老师告诉她们能够赢得比赛,而比赛开始男队踢得很好,首先得分,上半场结束前,李小琳将比分改写为2比1,郝美玲在第六十八分钟的进球,将比分改为3-2.最后女子队则以4:3赢了男子队,而男子队感到很不高兴.可知正确顺序为a-c-d-b.故选D.

点评 在通读全文的基础上,根据全文大意,展开逻辑思维,瞻前顾后,认真观察选项,仔细推敲,确定最佳答案.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:句型转换

7.Li Ming is1.6 metrestall.( 画线部分提问)
Howtall is Li Ming?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.My name is Sam.I joined a club called"passing help"last month.Now let me tell you why I joined it.
One evening this May,on my way home my old car broke down (出故障).It was 25miles from my home.I wanted to get a ride (搭便车),but there was no car.It was also hard to take a taxi.I decided to take a bus home.I went to a bus stop nearby.
After a while,a bus came,but it did not go to my town.the bus driver was a  young woman.She was kind and she told me which bus I should take.I waited there for about thirty minutes,but no bus came.At last a car came to me and a woman came out of the car.She was just the bus driver.
"When I reached the bus station,I got to know that the bus to your town couldn't come,so I returned here.I just can't leave you here,"she said,"Get in my car and I will take you back to your home."
"It is a long way."I said.
"Come on,sir,"she said,"Let's go."
On the way,she told me a story.A few days ago,there wasn't gas(汽油)in her car.An old man drove her up to a gas station and then back to her car.
When we got to my home,I wanted to give her some money to thank her,but she didn't accept her."I only want to help others and do something nice for somebody.Pass it along."she said.

56.What happened to Sam one evening this May?B
A.He lost his way.
B.His car broke down.
C.He was hurt in an accident.
D.He couldn't reach the gas station.
57.Sam didn't think of going homeAthat evening.
A.by train     
B.by bus    
C.by car      
D.by taxi
58.From the passage,we know that the young woman wasC.
A.a club boss              
B.a taxi driver
C.a bus driver              
D.a gas station worker
59.The young woman wanted Sam toD.
A.give her some money     
B.get on her bus
C.take her to her house      
D.help others just as she did
60.The best title (题目)of the passage isC.
A.A kind old man         
B.Getting a ride
C.Passing help            
D.A broken car.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.With my sister,my brother and his wife,we got back to Nanyang by air from Guangzhou yesterday afternoon.We finally finished this Hong Kong and Macao trip.Before the trip,I thought it would be a nice trip,but in fact it was not.
At first,the manager(经理) told us that we would take a bus to Zhengzhou,and then we would take a train to Hong Kong.But when we got on the bus,they said they would take us to Hong Kong by bus.From Nanyang to Hong Kong,the bus was running for 24 hours.It was terrible.
We arrived in Shenzhen and then Hong Kong at 9:30 am on April 2nd.We stayed at Hong Kong for only one and a half days.But most of the time we shopped in jewelry(珠宝) stores,clock and watch stores,gift stores and so on.The tour guide(导游) changed one after one.It was surprising that one of the guides even bullied(讹诈) us to buy his watches.All of us didn't want to have this kind of experience like that at all.

46.How many people made the trip to Hong Kong?C
47.How did the writer travel to Hong Kong at last?A
A.By bus.
B.By train.
C.By ship.
48.What did the writer do in most of his time in Hong Kong?C
A.Visit beautiful places.
B.Eat delicious food.
C.Walk in shopping centers.
49.What can we learn from the passage?A
A.The writer left for Hong Kong on April 1st
B.The writer arrived in Hong Kong in the evening.
C.The tour guides were all kind and friendly.
50.W hat does the writer think of the trip?B
A.Happy and surprising.
B.Terrible and disappointing.
C.Funny but a little dangerous.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.London has a population of over 7,000,000.From about the year 1800until World War II,London was the biggest city in the world.But now there are many cities which are much bigger than it.London is famous for many things.Tourists come from all over the world to visit its famous buildings and hear the famous clock,Big Ben.Like many big cities,London has problems with traffic and pollution which stop the city from developing.Over one million people a day use the London underground(地铁),but there are still too many cars on the streets.The air isn't clear,but it is anyhow(不管怎样) cleaner than it was 100years ago.For me,the best things about London are the parks.There are a lot of parks in the city.Five of them are in the city center.But my children's favorite place is Hamleys,the biggest toy shop in the world.

56.When was London the biggest city in the world?B
A.In 1750.
B.In 1850.
C.In 1950.
D.In the 21st century.
57.What's Big Ben in London?C
A.It's a toy shop.
B.It's a park.
C.It'sa clock.
D.It's a museum.
58.How many people use the London underground every day?C
A.Over half of its population.
B.Over three quarters of its population.
C.Over one million.
D.Over 7,000,000.
59.How was the air in London 100yeas ago?D
A.It was much cleaner than it is now.
B.It was the same as it is now.
C.It was the cleanest in the history of London.
D.It was not as clean as it is now.
60.Which of the following statements is true in the passage?C
A.There are not too many cars on the streets.
B.There are 5parks in the city.
C.Many big cities have the problems with traffic and pollution.
D.Children's favorite place is Hamleys,the biggest park in London.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.You may feel curious about students in other countries.Do they also have so much homework?What do they do in their spare time?
On April 8,a report came out on the lives of high school students in China,Japan,South Korea and the US.It surveyed around 6,200 students from the four countries last year.You will find the answers to many of your questions in this report.
Who studies hardest?
Chinese students spend the most time studying.Nearly half of Chinese students spend more than two hours on their homework every day.That's much more than students of the US (26.4%),Japan (8.2%) and South Korea (5.2%).
Who sleeps most often in class?
Japanese students fall asleep in class most often.About 45% of them said they sometimes doze off (打瞌睡) in class.In South Korea,it's 32%; in the US,21%; and 5% in China.
South Korean students don't like taking notes.About 70% said they write down what the teacher says in class,many fewer than in Japan (93%),China (90%) and the US (89%).
Who is the most distracted (分心的)?
American students are the most active in class,but also the most distracted:64.2% said they chat with friends in class; 46.9% said they eat snacks in class; and 38.9% said they send e-mails or read unrelated (无关的) books in class.
What do they do after school?
In their spare time,most Chinese students study or surf the Internet.Most American students hang out with their friends.Most Japanese students do physical exercises.Most Korean students watch TV.
34.This passage isB
A.a letter  
B.a report 
C.an advertisemet 
D.an e-mail
35.Who works the hardest at school according to the survey?D
A.South Korea students 
B.American students 
C.Japanese students 
D.Chinese students
36.About 65% of the American students likeAin class.
A.chatting with friends 
B.eating snacks    
C.sending e-mails    
D.reading books
37.We can learn from the passage thatB
 A.students from different countries like different subjects
 B.students of the US often do things as they like in class
 C.most Chinese students spend their spare time on outdoor activities
 D.South Korea students have to do a lot of hometwork every day.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.There are usually some classrooms in a school.But now,a European (欧洲的) country is trying to make something different.They want to build special schools.In these schools,there are no classrooms,no usual (通常的) subject lessons and no grades!
Some teachers think that children are creative and their learning and ideas are as important as any other famous people.So why not give them the same environment?In such environment,they can be successful.
In the special school,there is no such kind of problems as'right'or'wrong'.The school believes that everything is a learning experience,and teachers'work is to teach students how to learn.
The first special school opened in August,2011.It has five learning spaces.Sounds great?This kind of schools is free because they are part of the country's public schools.
61.In the special schools there are noA.
A.usual classrooms or grades          
B.students or teachers
C.students or subject lessons          
D.teachers or classrooms
62.Famous people are usually good atD.
63.In the special school,it's importantC.
A.to find an answer is right           
B.to find an answer is wrong
C.to enjoy a learning experience       
D.to teach students lessons
64.What does the underlined word"public"mean in Chinese?B
65.Which of the following is true?A
A.A special school opened in 2011.
B.It's expensive to get to special schools.
C.The special school isn't a public school.
D.The special school has five classrooms.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读表达

14.In May 2011,Gao Xiaosong,a Chinese musician,was caught in a car accident.When the police asked him to take a breath alcohol test(酒精呼气测试),the result showed that he had drunk too much wine.Because of that,he is now in prison(监狱)and can't be allowed to drive cars in China for five years.
Nowadays,cars are very important in people's life.More and more cars are going into Chinese families.However,lots of car accidents take place and many people are hurt or killed every year.According to a police survey,(78)there are a lot of drivers driving after drinking.And the number of drunken driving is still large.
After drinking,a driver can't control himself or his car.In some cases(案例),some drivers even drove into rivers or houses after they drank.
As it is so dangerous,there is no excuse for drunken driving.Remember the following three rules when driving.
Never drive after drinking.
Never let anyone drive after drinking.
(79)Never give alcohol(酒)to anyone who would drivelater.
If all of us can keep these three rules in mind,there will be fewer car accidents,fewer people will be heart-broken.For the safety of ourselves and for the happiness of our families,we must remember:No driving after drinking!

76、How many years can't Gao Xiaosong be allowed to drive?Five\Five years
77、Why can't people drive after drinking?Becauseafter drinking,a car can't control himself or his car
80、No driving after drinking.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

15.what iswhat's(缩写形式)

