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Scientists have learned a lot about the kinds of food people need. They said that there are several kinds of food that people should eat every day.
★Wheat, corn or rice            ★Green and yellow vegetables
★Meat, fish and eggs            ★Fruit like apples, pears and so on
★Milk and butter                ★All kinds of nuts
People in different countries and different places of the world eat different kinds of things. Food is cooked and eaten in many different kinds of ways. People in different countries eat at different times of the day. In some places people eat once or twice a day. In other countries people eat three or four times a day. Scientists say that none of the differences is really important. It doesn’t matter whether food is eaten raw or cooked, cool or hot. It doesn’t matter if a person has dinner at four o’clock in the afternoon or at eleven o’clock at night. The important thing is what  you eat every day.
There are two problem in feeding the large number of people on the earth. The first is to find some ways to feed the world’s population so that no one in hungry. The second is to make sure that people everywhere have the right kinds of food to get them to be strong and healthy.
小题1:According to scientists, which of the following groups of food is the healthiest of your lunch?
A. beef, pork, fish, milk.
B. oranges, bananas, fish, tomatoes
C. chicken, apples, rice, cabbages
小题2:What’s the meaning of underlined word “raw” in the passage?
A.罐装的               B.生的                 C. 冷冻的
小题3:It is important for people to eat      .
A. three times a day
B .something for lunch at 12 o’clock
C. different kinds of food every day.
小题4:Which of the following is True?
A. Scientists are helping people be strong and healthy
B. Cooked food is much better than raw one.
C. None of the people in the world is hungry.


小题2:细节理解题。由此句It doesn’t matter whether food is eaten raw or cooked,“食物是生吃还是熟吃都没关系。”可知raw和cooked应该是对应词,cooked在此的意思是,做熟了的,所以raw是“生的”。故选B。
小题3:细节理解题。由第二段最后一句话The important thing is what you eat every day.“最重要的事情是你每天吃什么。” 可知选C。
小题4:主旨大意题。由第二段第四行It doesn’t matter whether food is eaten raw or cooked, cool or hot.,推出B不正确;由最后一段第二句话The first is to find some ways to feed the world’s population so that no one in hungry.可知C不对,再根据全文的中心意思,故选A。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

BBC Radio World Service
Learning English Programs in China
8 Dec ~ 27 Mar
World news
26 Jan ~ 24 Feb
Radio English Test
8 Dec ~ 31 Jan
Grammar Lesson
9 Dec ~ 3 Feb
Talk about Business
9 Dec ~ 3 Feb
Grammar Lesson
10 Dec~ 31 Mar
Language Study
10 Dec ~4 Feb
The Market 2
11 Dec ~ 5 Feb
The Market 2
11 Dec ~ 8 Jan
The Big Stories
12 Dec ~ 6 Feb
Grammar Lesson
12 Dec ~ 6 Feb
Talk about Business
12 Dec ~ 2 Apr
World News
6 Dec ~ 27 Mar
World News
6 Dec ~ 10 Jan
The Food of Love
7 Dec ~1 Feb
Talk about Business
7 Dec ~1 Feb
The Market 2
7 Dec ~ 28 Dec
Grammar Lesson
小题1:This timetable tells you that you can learn English through the programs____.
A.in the magazineB.on TVC.over the radioD.in the book
小题2:If you weak in grammar, you can listen to the “Grammar Lesson” on________.
A.Friday and SaturdayB.Tuesday and Wednesday
C.Tuesday and FridayD.Saturday and Sunday
小题3:If you want to know what’s happening around the world, you may choose the program _______.
A.World NewsB.The Market 2
C.Talk about BusinessD.The Food of Love


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Our spiritual intelligence quotient, SQ (精神智商)helps us understand ourselves and live fuller, happier lives.
  While we’re all born with SQ, most of us even don’t know that we have it.  Luckily, you don’t have to sign up for classes to learn how to enhance(加强) your SQ. Here are some simple steps that can lead you to this new level of understanding:
  Sit Quietly. The step of developing SQ begins in solitude (独处) and silence. To tune in to its whisper, you have to keep away from your busy, noisy, complicated life and make yourself do nothing at all. At home, for example, shut the door of your bedroom, take a few deep breaths and let them out very, very slowly.
  Step Outside. For many people, nature makes their spirit free. Go outside to watch a beautiful sunset. Follow the flight of a bird; watch clouds floating overhead.
  Find An Activity You Enjoy. It’s important to find a hobby that helps you tune in to your spirit. Garden, walk or jog, arrange flowers, listen to music that touches your soul.
  Ask Questions Of Yourself. Some people use their thoughtful time to focus on scriptures (经文). Others ask open-ended (无确定答案的) questions, such as “What am I feeling? What are my choices?” But don’t expect an answer to arrive through  some super-natural form of e-mail. Later that day you’ll suddenly find yourself thinking about a problem from a perspective (角度) you never considered before.
  Trust Your Spirit. While most of us rely on gut feelings (直觉) to warn us of danger, SQ usually nudges (渐渐推动) us, not away from, but toward some action that will lead to a greater good.  
小题1:To enhance your SQ, you should first _______________.
A.stand loneliness and silence
B.make your life simpler and less busy
C.give up the daily things in your life
D.listen more to your whisper
小题2:The underlined phrase “tune in to your spirit” in the fifth paragraph probably means ________________.
A.get your spirit relaxedB.keep up your spirit
C.listen to your spiritD.change your spirit
小题3: What will happen after people ask questions of themselves?
A.People will lead to a greater good.
B.People will think about a problem in a different way.
C.People will expect answers through e-mails.
D.People will keep away from their busy life.
小题4: What is the best title for the passage?
A.Advantages and disadvantages of SQ
B.The relationship between your SQ and you
C.What SQ is and in what ways it can be improved
D.What SQ is and in what ways you can make your life easier


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

One of the greatest mysteries on Earth is the statues which stand on Easter Island. Easter Island, which was almost uninhabited when it was discovered on Easter Day in 1722 by a Dutch captain, is the most distant island in the world covered with hundreds of giant statues, each weighing several tons and some standing more than 30 feet tall.
Who built these statues and why and how did they get there? Nobody knows the answer for sure.
One theory suggests that Easter Island was first inhabited by Polynesians, who traveled thousands of miles in their canoes(独木舟)in 400 A.D. However, the ocean currents(洋流)which carried them there would not take them back, so that they could not leave.
The statues appear to have been made out of the top edge of the walls of a volcano on the island. Then, it may have been rolled or dragged down to the foot of the volcano(火山). Then, it was stood upright(直立)and ropes were tied around it, which was made to act as a pulley(滑轮). Over a period of months, a statue could be walked for miles down to the ocean. Finally, it was placed in line with other statues, all of them looking towards the center of the island.
This process was difficult. If a statue fell over, it was too heavy to be pulled upright again, so the islanders went back and carved another statue.
The population of Easter Island must have reached 11,000. Later, the resources of the island were used up and people began fighting and eating each other. Work on the statues stopped and the statues were knocked over. When the first Europeans finally arrived on the island, most of these people had died out.
小题1:This passage is mainly about ________ .
A.the discovery of Easter IslandB.the statues on Easter Island
C.the history of Easter IslandersD.the earliest population on Easter Island
小题2: Which of the following correctly tells of the possible working process after a statue was made?
a. It was stood upright and ropes were tied around it.
b. It was walked for miles down to the ocean.
c. It was placed in line with other statues.
d. It was moved to the foot of the volcano.
小题3: It’s not a fact that ________ .
A.Easter Island is the most distant island in the world
B.Easter is the name of a holiday
C.not all the statues were placed in a line
D.the island was once rich in natural resources
小题4:The underlined word uninhabited most probably means ________.
C.unknown to the worldD.with no people living there


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Millions of stars are travelling about in space. A few form groups which travel together, but most of them travel alone.
And they travel through a universe which is so large that one star seldom comes near to another. For the most important part each star makes its journey in complete loneliness, like a ship on an empty ocean. The ship will be well over a million miles from its nearest neighbour. From this it is easy to understand why a star seldom finds another anywhere near it.
We believe, however, that some two thousand million years ago, another star wandering(漫游) through space, happened to come near our sun just as the sun and the moon raised its tides(潮汐) on the earth, so this star must have raised tides on the surface of the sun. But they were very different from the small tides that are raised in our oceans; A large tidal(潮汐的) wave must have travelled over the surface of the sun, at last forming a mountain so high that we cannot imagine it. As the cause of the disturbance came nearer, so the mountain rose higher and higher. And before the star began to move away again, its tidal pull had become so powerful that this mountain was torn to pieces and thrown off small parts of itself into space.
These small pieces have been going round the sun ever since. They are the planets.
小题1:Most stars are _________________________.
A.following a regular path in space
B.moving about without a fixed course
C.seldom wandering about in the universe
D.always travelling together
小题2:Some two thousand years ago, the mountain on the sun was raised probably because _____________.
A.the star moved away from the sun
B.another star happened to come near the sun
C.the sun and the moon raised the tides on the earth
D.a large tidal of wave travelled over the surface of the sun
小题3:The article suggests that _______________.
A.how space formed
B.our earth exists before the sun
C.no one knows where the earth comes from
D.our earth used to be a high mountain in the sun
小题4:The expression “the cause of the disturbance” refers to ________.
A.the large tidal waveB.the powerful tidal pull
C.the star coming near the sunD.one of sun’s planets
小题5: In the article, the writer mainly wants to tell us ______________.
A.where the planets in the universe came from
B.how the high mountains were formed on the sun
C.that the universe is so large that we cannot imagine it
D.why the tides over the surface of the sun were so powerful


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Jody was ten years old when he decided he needed a job. He thought it might be  to keep worms(虫). He could sell them to farmers. So in    , he bought many worms. But that winter the cold weather killed all the worms because he had not put them in a     place.
The next spring Jody     again. He bought more worms. When winter came, he took them inside so they would stay warm. Many farmers bought his worms.
One day when Jody was twelve, he got   It was from State of New York. The letter said, “Everyone who   things has to pay taxes (税)!” Jody made only one dollar selling worms. But he still      to pay part of that money to the state. He told many people in his town what had  . A reporter     Jody on TV. Many people saw it and they began to write letters to the state. The letters said that the law was unfair. Finally the law was       . Children like Jody can now sell things without paying taxes to the state.
小题1:A. boring                B. lucky                C. interesting
小题2:A. autumn               B. spring                 C. winter
小题3:A. warm                   B. clean                 C. nice
小题4:A. tried                   B. waited               C. failed
小题5:A. a present             B. a letter                C. an e-mail
小题6:A. buys                    B. sells                     C. feeds
小题7:A. hoped                 B. wanted                    C. had
小题8:A. happened             B. appeared               C. followed
小题9:A. saw                    B. played with              C. reported
小题10:A. passed               B. changed                   C. moved


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

If you have no special plans for your holidays, why not spend your time helping others?
More and more young people volunteer to spend their school holidays working for others. And they don’t do it for money. Here are some of their stories.

小题1:Young people in the USA volunteer to spend ____ helping others.
A.school holidaysB.weekdays
C.every morning D.school days
小题2:What does Alice volunteer to do in summer?
A.To sleep under the stars.
B.To spend the whole summer living in a tent.
C.To help build new hiking paths in the mountains.
D.To breath the fresh air in the mountain
小题3:From the passage, we know that Jason Moore _____.
A.likes readingB.is 18 years old
C.isn’t very richD.has no houses
小题4:________ wants to be a teacher.
A.Alice Hamilton B.Jason Moore
C.Trish AndersonD.None
小题5:Which is the most possible title for this passage?
A.Reading for Life. B.The Forest Center
C.Young Volunteers.D.Special Houses


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Last year, some groups of students in their community made a survey (调查) about “How do people spend their free time? ” The following diagrams(图表) show some results(结果) of it:
Diagram (1): Hours for people of different ages who search the Internet in a week.

Diagram (2): Different days people go to the library. (library attendance出席)

Diagram (3): Different programs (节目) people like.

小题1:People aged          spend the most time searching the Internet every week.
C.31-55D.over 56
小题2:How many people go to the library on Monday?
A.About 20%B.About 60%
C.Over 80%D.More than 40%
小题3:Which program do people like best?
小题4:The three diagrams show us the results of a survey about          .
A.what people do every dayB.people’s different habits
C.people’s different lifestylesD.how people spend their free time


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Do you know Weibo? Do you write a Weibo? If you don’t, 小题1: Weibo means microblog. People may spend much time writing a microblog, but it takes a little time to write a microblog. Why? 小题2:
Microblog started in the USA. It came to China in 2009 and it has developed very fast. In 2011, the number of Chinese, micro-bloggers grew to 300 million.小题3:For many microblog user, it is a great way of learning the freshest news, talking with friends and sharing different kinds of information, including news, daily life, pictures, music and so on. Many stars and famous people also write microblogs and share good things with their fans.
It is easy and fast to send a message on a microblog. 小题4: For example, when the big earthquake and tsunami(海啸)hit Japan in March, 2011, messages like “Salt can protect people from radiation (辐射)” were hot on microblogs. 小题5: Later people realized it was just a rumor(谣言).
In a word, microblog plays a new role in the life of Chinese people.
A. It soon caused a crazy buying of salt.
B. Because every message on a microblog is less than 140 words.
C. Now more and more people are interested in writing microblogs.
D. However, this can also lead to problems and even cause great fear.
E. You are “out”!

