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8.A Bite of China(《舌尖上的中国》)has become a hot topic of discussion on the Internet in China since it's first shown on CCTV.This TV program is a seven-episode (七集) documentary series about traditional Chinese food.
According to World Journal(《世界日报》),the program has attracted over 100,000,000Chinese audiences.Most of them don't see this program as an ordinary food show,because it shows them the value and quality of Chinese food,as well as the changes in the society today.The audiences are also given the chance to see how hard the cooks and farmers have to work to produce such wonderful Chinese food.
A Bite of China makes Chinese people think back to their cooking traditions.These traditions have been forgotten in today's busy life.Chen Xiaoqing,the lead director of the series,says that the program is not only about eating,but also about traditional habits and historical heritage (遗产).His friend Liu Wen says,"We also wanted to show international audiences what modern (现代的) China is like."
"A Bite of China will be out of the English version and even 3D version,"said Chen Xiaoqing in his blog (博客).
As the documentary says,"Nowadays,when we have the power to be far away from nature and enjoy delicious food,we should be grateful (感激的) to the people who use their hands and brain to make so much delicious food."

71.What's A Bite of China about according to this passage?C
A.A movie.       B.A book.      C.A TV program.      D.A TV play.
72.What does Chen Xiaoqing do according to this passage?B
A.An actor.      B.A director.      C.A cook.      D.A writer.
73.The underlined word"audiences"meansC in Paragraph 2.
A.顾客      B.游客      C.观众      D.制片人
74.Which of the following is RIGHT according to this passage?D
A.Less than one hundred million people have watched A Bite of China.
B.A Bite of China just wants the Chinese people to remember the eating culture about China.
C.We can buy the 3D version about A Bite of China in the market now.
D.A Bite of China can make Chinese people think back to their cooking traditions.
75.The passage mainly tells us A Bite of ChinaA.
A.shows the traditional Chinese food
B.gives us the chance to see how hard the cooks and farmers have to work to produce wonderful Chinese food
C.makes Chinese people think back to their cooking traditions
D.makes us have the power to be far away from nature and enjoy delicious food.

分析 《舌尖上的中国》自它首次在央视播出就成为了中国互联网上的一个热门话题.这个电视节目是一个七集的关于中国传统食品系列的纪录片.据世界日报说,该节目已经吸引了超过1亿名中国观众.他们中的大多数人没有将这个节目作为一个普通的食物展示,因为它显示了中国食物的价值和质量,以及当今社会的变化.观众们也有机会看到厨师和农民们如何努力工作来生产这种美味的中餐.

解答 71.C 细节理解题.根据文章第二句"This TV program is a seven-episode (七集) documentary series"可知这是一个电视节目.故选C.
72.B 细节理解题.根据"Chen Xiaoqing,the lead director of the series"可知陈晓卿是该节目的导演(director).故选B.
73.C 细节理解题.根据"the program has attracted over 100,000,000 Chinese audiences. Most of them don't see this program as an ordinary food show"可知这个节目吸引了这么多的中国audiences,他们大多数没有将这个节目看成是食物展示.故可推断这个单词的意思为观众.故选C.
74.D 细节理解题.根据"over 100,000,000"可知是多于还不是少于,故A错误.根据"We also wanted to show international audiences what modern (现代的) China is like."可知这个节目还有其他的目的,要展示给国际观众现代的中国是什么样的.故B错误.根据"A Bite of China will be out of the English version and even 3D version"可知是将要出3D版,现在还买不到.故C错误.根据"A Bite of China makes Chinese people think back to their cooking traditions"可知这个节目让人们回想起饮食传统.D选项正确.故选D.
75.A 细节理解题.根据"This TV program is a seven-episode (七集) documentary series about traditional Chinese food."可知舌尖上的中国是关于中国传统食物的.故选A.

点评 本题考查比较热门的话题.学生们有文化基础.理解起来比较简单.要根据上下文进行推理判断.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

17.It was so noisy outside last night that I could            fall asleep.(  )


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.We want to set off______ so that we can avoid the heavy traffic.(  )


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.We have only one earth.So it is everyone's            to protect it.(  )


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.My parents are always worried about what will happen if I          .(  )
A.succeededB.won't succeedC.will failD.fail


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.Choose the best topic from A to F according to the meaning of each paragraph.
D 56.◆Always dress properly and keep a smile on your face.
◆Try to be the first to greet a person.Be friendly.
◆Don't be shy,but be careful not to be over-enthusiastic(过分热情).
E 57.Recently,I listened to a speech given by Dr.Pausch.His speech told us how to lead our lives positively(积极地).He suffered from a serious disease.In his speech,he
 spoke about his childhood dreams and how he achieved his biggest childhood dreams. He asked people to have fun and live life to the fullest.I was deeply moved.
A 58.Two ancient Chinese relies(文物) were auetioned(怕卖) off  last Wednesday in Paris.The buyer is said to be a businessman from Fujian,China.Though some ancientChinese relics have returned to China,some are still missing.Many Chinese are veryangry about this auction and they said these relics should have returned to their motherland without any excuse.
B 59.A study from the School Nutrition Association in the USA shows that cool names can make for cool foods.Scientists think giving a food a fun name makes kids think itwill be more fun to eat.They did experiments.The results proved what they thoughtwas quite true.
C 60.For American basketball player Kevin Durant,life as a shining star has just begun.Asis known to all,his success may lie in his untiring struggle.There is no doubt that his experience may remind us of the old saying"No pains,no gains".And everyone,keep moving and just do it.

A.Stolen Art Sold in Paris        B.Trendy Names Make Food Sound Tastier
C.Secret to Success             D.Making a Good First Impression
E.Enjoy Living                 E History of Chinese Relics.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.-Could you please pass me the book?(  )
A.Yes,I couldB.No,I couldn't
C.Sure.Here you areD.No,that's no problem


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

17.I must return the dictionary to Allen now.I             it for three weeks already.(  )
A.keptB.will keepC.keepD.have kept


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

18.-Alice,would you mind not playing the guitar?I            on the phone.
-Oh,sorry,mom.(  )
A.talkedB.talkC.have talkedD.am talking

