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Amanda Kitts is one of “tomorrow’s people” people who have artificial (人工的) body pats. She has a bionic(电子操控的)arm.

Now, Kitts runs a day -care center. Children run up to her

happily as she comes into the classroom. She bends over to talk with a small girl. As she bends Kitts puts her hands on her knees. For most people, this would be easy. However, just a few years

ago, this was impossible for Kitts.

In 2006, Kitts was in a car accident. A truck crushed(挤坏) her left arm and the doctor had to

cut it off. "I was angry, sad, depressed. I just couldn't accept it," she says. But then she heard about a new technique that could use the remaining nerves(神经) in her shoulder to contort an artificial arm.

In a difficult operation, a doctor moved Kitts's nerves to different mens of her upper- arm muscles. For months, the nerves grew. Millimeter by millimeter, they moved deeper into their new homes. “At three months I started feeling little tingles and twitches(刺痛和抽搐),”she said. A month later, she got her first bionic arm. A research engineer worked with Kitts to make the computer programs match her real movements more and more closely.

Today, Kitts's arm is great, but it's not yet perfect. She wants feeling in her hands. For example, she needs to feel whether something is rough or smooth. She also needs feeling to do one of her favorite things-drink coffee "The problem with a paper coffee cup is that my hand will close until it gets a solid grip,” she says. One time at a coffee shop, her hand kept closing until it crushed the cup. But Kitts says positively, "One day I'll be able to feel things with it, and clap my hands… to the songs my kids are singing”

1.What is the difference between Kitts and normal people?

A. She has a bionic arm. B. She can bend C. She can put her hands on her knees

2.Kitts got her first bionic arm _____________after the difficult operation.

A. almost three months B. over one month C. more than four months

3.Kitts is able to ____________with her bionic hand.

A. clap her hands B. hold thing C. feel rough or smooth things

4.Kitts's attitude toward her new arm is______________.

A. positive B. Angry C. perfect

5.Choose the right order of the events

①Kitts heard about a new technique

②Kitts crushed a paper coffee cup

③Kitts had two human arms

④A truck hit Kitts's car

⑤Kitts got her first bionic arm

⑥Doctors moved some of the nerves in Kitts’s arm

A. ④①⑥⑤②③ B. ③④⑤①②⑥ C. ③④①⑥⑤②

1.A 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.C 【解析】短文大意:文章介绍了阿曼达基茨在一次意外事故中失去了自己的左臂,在新技术的帮助下,她利用剩下的上臂神经,获得了新的仿生手臂。本文介绍了她的手臂的情况。 1.细节理解题。根据第一段的句子She has a bionic(电子操控的)arm.可知,阿曼达基茨她有一个仿生手臂。故选A。 2.细节理解题。由第四段的句...

科目:初中英语 来源:甘肃省白银市2018年中考英语试卷 题型:单选题

-- Can we play soccer here?

-- No, you ________ play it near the road. That’s too dangerous!

A. can

B. may

C. won't

D. mustn't

D 【解析】句意:——我们可以在这里踢足球吗?——不,你们千万不能在马路附近玩,那太危险了!A. can能、可以;B. may可以;C. won't不会;D. mustn't不许,表示禁止,语气比较强烈。根据前面的回答No,以及后面的That’s too dangerous!可知是不许在马路附近玩,语气比较强烈,所以用mustn't表示禁止,故答案选D。


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年上海中考英语二模D篇汇编 题型:回答问题

After his Master Chef Junior run, 12-year-old Evan Robinson is using his kitchen skills to raise money for Puerto Rico(波多黎各). The TV show winner wanted to offer help after hurricanes(飓风)hit the country last September.

I’ve been seeing, all over the news, people lived too hard,”Evan said.“They can’t get fresh water, electricity. They can’t get really anything. I know I’m just a kid, but I think if a lot of people do something, a lot of things will get better.”

He raises money by baking and taking online orders for homemade pies. He started cooking on a recent Friday night. By the next Sunday evening, he had filled orders for 420 pies—roasted chicken, cheeseburger and vegetarian—getting $18 for six pies and $30 for a dozen.

For Evan’s out-of-town friends and supporters, he has also set up a crowdfunding(众筹)page. Through it, he’s already raised $1,500 in“virtual(虚拟的)pies”. He said fruit pies are up next.

His mom, Veronica Robinson, is in charge of delivering the pies around the city.“We’ve never done anything like this before,”she said.“But it’s a great idea, so I want to help him.”

His baking will continue as well. This is because he heard on the news that it would take Puerto Rico years, maybe even 10 years, to recover(恢复)from the hurricanes.

It’s not an easy job, especially for a kid with homework and Boy Scouts and friendships to tend to. But he doesn’t seem worried.“It’s what we’re supposed to do,”he said.“I’m a human. They’re humans. Why shouldn’t help them?”

1.Evan Robinsons was a TV show winner, wasn’t he?


2.What happened in Puerto Rico last September?

Puerto Rico ____________________________________________________

3.How does Evan raise money for Puerto Rico?


4.What does Evan’s mother do to help him?

She helps him __________________________________________________

5.Why will Evan continue his baking?

Because _______________________________________________________

6.Do you like to be a child like Evan Robinson? Besides donating money, what else can you do to help the poor?


1.Yes, he was. 2.was hit by hurricanes. 3.By baking and taking online orders for homemade pies. 4.deliver the pies around the city. 5.he heard on the news that it would take Puerto Rico ye...


科目:初中英语 来源:八年级下 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum 测试卷 题型:单选题

Maybe when I graduate, I’ll think about ________ an English teacher.

A. become B. becoming C. became D. to become

B 【解析】 句意:也许到我毕业时,我考虑当一个英语老师。根据about介词,后用doing形式;故选B。


科目:初中英语 来源:山东省威海市2018年中考英语试卷 题型:语法填空



1.新加坡( Singapore)年有几个季节?






1.How many seasons are there in Singapore in a year? 2.How often are the/these flowers watered? How often do the flowers need watering/need to be watered? How often will the flowers be watere...


科目:初中英语 来源:北京市怀柔区2018届九年级第二次模拟考试英语试卷 题型:阅读单选

Building Kids’ Fun

Mickey Mouse, Cinderella, Snow White and Winnie the Pooh...every kid dreams of the day they’ll get to visit these famous characters, and ,most important of all, the magical world of a Disney theme park. And five very lucky kids get to experience all the excitement as often as they’d like in their grandpa’s backyard—no waiting in lines necessary.

A Fullerton, California grandfather was inspired to create something so fun in his own backyard that his grandkids would always want to visit.

Steve Dobbs, 68, said his grandchildren got easily bored with a toy train that he got them to play with in his backyard. Lucky for them, he happened to be an amazing aerospace engineer(航空工程师).

“My younger grandkids are nuts about Disneyland,” Dobbs told The Orange County Register website.” I wanted to give them a reason to come over to my house to spend time with me, and Disneyland is tough to compete with.”

It all started with a “Small World” themed ride and it’s only grown from there over time. The mini theme park is full of the same kind of princesses, castles(城堡), trains and tunnels(隧道) you’ll see at the actual Disneyland park, which happens to be not too far from the Fullerton home.

It’s now complete with attractions inspired by Disney movie favorites such as Finding Nemo and Frozen.

And as the kids got older, their grandpa was sure to provide them with the full theme for a roller coaster(过山车). Dobbs is a professor at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, and he asked his students to help him build the ride.

All in all, the theme park has cost him about $6500(43470yuan) but it’s well worth it. “It’s an old man’s hobby,” Dobbs said.

But to his family, it’s so much more than that.

“Dobbsland might be miniature(微型的) in size, but it’s huge in the hearts of our family and friends,” Dobbs’ daughter Cori Linder wrote in a blog for the Babble website. “The best part about Dobbsland? Getting in is free”.

1.Steve Dobbs built a park in his backyard because __________

A. he wanted to create a magical world that was better than Disneyland

B. .his grandchildren would want to pay him more visits

C. his grandchildren asked him to build it for them to play in

D. he wanted to show his talents as an aerospace engineer

2.What does Dobbs mean by saying “My younger grandkids are nuts about Disneyland”?

A. His younger grandkids are foolish for loving Disneyland.

B. His younger grandkids get bored with Disneyland.

C. His younger grandkids really love Disneyland.

D. His younger grandkids have never been to Disneyland.

3.Which of the following statements is TRUE about the grandfather’s theme park?

A. It started with a roller coaster.

B. It is only open to family members.

C. It was built by the grandfather with the help of his students.

D. It is located in an area where there is no Disney theme park.

4.What’s the most important thing about the backyard theme park?

A. Dobbs has tried out his grandchildren’s inspirations.

B. Dobbs is proud to have turned his hobby into something huge.

C. Admission is free for Dobbs’ family.

D. It is highly valued by Dobbs’ family and friends.

1.B 2.C 3.C 4.D 【解析】文章讲述了Steve Dobbs, 为孙子们在后花园建了一个微型迪斯尼乐园。 1.根据I wanted to give them a reason to come over to my house to spend time with me,可知他想让孙子来看他;故选B 2.根据“My younger grandkids ...


科目:初中英语 来源:北京市怀柔区2018届九年级第二次模拟考试英语试卷 题型:单选题

—Your Chinese is pretty good, Tom .

—Thanks a lot. Because I________ it for about three years.

A. learn B. have learned C. will learn D. learned

B 【解析】句意:——你的汉语相当好,汤姆。——非常感谢,因为我学它大约3年了。根据for about three years可知用现在完成时态;故选B


科目:初中英语 来源:人教八年级下英语Unit 5 测试卷 题型:单选题

When the man downstairs knocked at the door, I_______.

A. am doing housework B. was doing housework

C. were doing housework D. am going to do housework

B 【解析】 句意:当楼下的人在敲门时,我正在做家务。当一个动作发生时,另一个动作正在发生,用进行时be doing,且根据knocked可知,用过去时,排除A和D,主语为I,用was,故选B。


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年江苏省连云港市中考英语试卷 题型:阅读单选

Fresh off his MasterChef Junior run, Evan Robinson, who is only 12 years old, is using his kitchen skills to raise money for Puerto Rico. The TV show contestant wanted to offer help after hurricanes(飓风) hit the country last September.

“I’ve been seeing, all over the news, people struggling,” Evan said. “They can’t get fresh water, electricity; they can’t get really anything. I know I’m just a kid, but I think if a lot of people do something, a lot of things will get better.”

He raises money by baking and taking online orders for homemade empanadas(馅 饼). He started cooking on a recent Friday night. By the next Sunday evening, he had filled orders for 420 empanadas — — roasted chicken, cheeseburger and vegetarian — — getting $18 for six empanadas and $30 for a dozen.

His mom, Veronica Robinson, helped him send the empanadas around the city. “We’ve never done anything like this before,” she said. “But it’s a great idea, so I want to help him make it work.”

For Evan’s out-of-town friends and supporters, he has set up a crowdfunding(众筹) page. Through it, he’s hoping to raise $1, 500 in “virtual (虚 拟 的) empanadas”. This is because he heard on the news that it could take Puerto Rico years, maybe even 10 years, to recover(复 原) from the hurricanes. And he said, “Fruit pies are up next. And my baking will continue as well.”

It’s a difficult job, especially for a kid with homework and Boy Scouts and friendships to tend to. But he doesn’t seem worried.

“It’s what we’re supposed to do.” he said. “I’m a human. They’re humans. Why shouldn’t I help them?”


1.How did Evan help those struggling in Puerto Rico?

A. He asked his parents to send the empanadas around the city.

B. He continued offering a lot of fresh water and fruit pies to them.

C. He donated his big winning prize in his MasterChef Junior run.

D. He raised money by selling homemade empanadas through online orders.

2.Evan set up a crowdfunding page because .

A. he raised more money than he expected for the people in need

B. he knew that it could take Puerto Rico a long time to recover

C. he wanted more and more friends to know his kitchen skills

D. the number of online orders was beyond his expectation

3.According to the passage, which are the best words to describe Evan?

A. kind-hearted and helpful B. careful and confident

C. honest and hard-working D. humorous and organized

4.How can we understand the last sentence in the passage?

A. Friendship is important in our lives. B. It’s difficult for humans to raise money.

C. We should help those who’re in need. D. Everyone must do something unusual.

1.D 2.B 3.A 4.C 【解析】文章讲述了Evan Robinson一个12岁的小男孩,通过卖他自己制作的食物来为受灾的人筹钱。 1.根据He raises money by baking and taking online orders for homemade empanadas(馅 饼).可知是通过在网上卖馅饼来筹钱;故选D 2.根据he has ...

