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Hello! I’m Cindy’s Chinese teacher Sun Tong. I’m 22 years old. I’m Chinese. My Chinese is very good. Oh, my English is not good. Cindy is an English girl. She is 12 years old. Her English is very good. Her Chinese name is Sun Xiaotong.
根据短文内容判断下列句子正(T) 误(F)。
小题1:Sun Tong’s English name is Cindy.
小题2:Cindy is an English teacher,
小题3:Cindy’s English is very good.
小题4:Sun Tong is not Chinese.
小题5:Sun Tong is Sun Xiaotong’s Chinese teacher.[


小题1:细节理解题。根据文中描述Cindy is an English girl. Cindy是个英国女孩。所以此题错误,并不是Sun Tong的英文名字。
小题2:细节理解题。根据文中描述Cindy is an English girl. She is 12 years old. Cindy是个英国女孩,她12岁。此题错误,并不是英语老师。
小题3:细节理解题。根据文中描述Her English is very good.她的英语很好。此题正确。
小题4:细节理解题。根据文中描述I’m Chinese.我是中国人。所以此题正确。
小题5:判断推理题。根据文中描述I’m Cindy’s Chinese teacher Sun Tong. Her Chinese name is Sun Xiaotong.我是Cindy的中文老师孙彤。她的中文名字是孙晓彤。所以此题正确,孙彤是孙晓彤的中文老师。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

My Holiday Diary
My family is on holiday in Paris(巳黎). It is a beautiful city. Today we all go on a bus tour(旅游) of the city and visit the Eiffel Tower.
Today we are in Disneyland(迪斯尼乐园),Paris. There is so much to see and so many to ride. My brother and I love the fast rides like Thunder Mountain. My little sister loves all the Disney cartoon characters(人物).The most famous ones are Minnie and Mickey Mouse. I don't want to leave(离开).
Today is our last day in Paris. We go out for a special meal. It is sad to say goodbye.
小题1:What do they do on Monday?
A.They go around Paris by busB.They visit Disneyland
C.They enjoy a special mealD.They stay at a hotel.
小题2:Which day is their last day of the tour?
小题3:What is Thunder Mountain?
A.It is a high mountain in Paris.B.It's a tall tower.
C.It's a Disney cartoon charactersD.It's a fast ride.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Guess, who am I? Oh,yes. I’m Mr. Bean(憨豆先生). I’m from England. I have a big head, and my hair is short. I have a round face. My ears are big, and my eyes are big, too. My nose isn’t small. My mouth is wide. Now I’m in the USA. I have some good friends. They are nice to me.
小题1:Where is Mr.Bean from?
A. Canada.  B. China.  C. The USA.  D. England
小题2: Mr.Bean has _______hair.
小题3: Mr. Bean has a ________nose.
小题4: Mr.Bean’s mouth is __________.
小题5: Are Mr. Bean’s friends nice to him?
A.No, they aren’t.B.Yes, they are.
C.Yes, they have.D.No, they don’t.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Mrs Smith is thirty-eight. She has two ____. She looks very smart with fair and always tries to keep thin. She hopes ___ young and never eats ____ meat. She doesn’t want others to know how ____ she is.
Mrs Smith works in an office next to her home. It was raining heavily one morning. The head of ____ office went out to join a meeting. The woman had ____ to do. So she began to talk with Mr Zhang about her birthday party. Mr Zhang is an old man ____ glasses. He works in the same office.
‘My family bought me a fresh cake,’ said the woman. ‘ It smelled very ____ ! And I put nineteen candles on it --- one for a year!’
‘ Really?’ asked Mr Zhang . He ____ very surprised. ‘ How did you burn ( 点着 ) ____ of the ends ( 两端 ) at the same time? ’
A.keptB.keep C.keepingD.to keep
A.someB.many C.any D.a little
A.old B.big C.lightD.young
A.something B.anythingC.nothing D.everything
A.inB.on C.withD.wears
A.delicious B.dark C.terrible D.well
A.tasted B.feelsC.looks D.looked


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A big company wanted a clerk,so John went there. In the interview,the director asked him a question. “Who paid for your school?” “My mother paid for it by washing clothes.”
Hearing this,the director asked John to show his hands. John showed a pair of hands that were perfect . The director said,“When you go back today,go and clean your mother’s hands,and then see me tomorrow morning.”   
When John went back,he happily asked his mother to let him clean her hands.
However,his tears fell as he cleaned his mother’s hands. It was the first time he noticed that there were too many bruises(伤痕)in his mother’s hands. After finishing the cleaning of his mother’s hands,John quietly washed all the remaining clothes for his mother.
Next morning,John went to the director’s office. The director noticed the tears in John’s eyes and asked,“ Please tell me your feeling.”John said,“Number 1,I know now what appreciation(感恩) is. I would not be successful if my mother didn’t do these things. Number 2,by helping my mother,now I realize how difficult it is to get something done.”The director said,“This is what I want to be my clerk. You can get the job.”
小题1:John went to the big company to         .
A.look for his motherB.ask for a jobC.ask the director for helpD.look for the director
小题2:John’s mother was a(n)         .   
A.office clerkB.directorC.farmerD.clothes cleaner
小题3:From the underlined sentence,we learn        .
A.John tried his best to wash clothes for his mother
B.John often helped his mother do the housework
C.John hardly helped his mother wash clothes
D.John often helped his mother wash hands
小题4:John felt         when he cleaned his mother’s hands.
小题5:Why did the director hire(雇佣)John?
A.Because he thought John 1earned appreciation.
B.Because he thought John had a good education.
C.Because he thought John worked very hard.
D.Because he thought John could help his mother.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

 Barack Obama is the 44th president (总统) of the United States. His date of birth is August 4th, 1961. He was elected (被选举为) president on November 4th, 2008.Obama has a very healthy lifestyle. As a president, he is always very busy and works about 10 hours a day. But he still spends some time doing exercise. At about 7:30 every morning he goes to a gym. He does exercise there for about 90 minutes every day. He says that doing exercise makes him young and healthy. Doing exercise can make him relaxed. His eating habits are also very healthy. He usually stays away from junk food. He eats a lot of vegetables and fruit every day. He doesn’t like coffee or ice cream. His favorite food is the pizza (比萨饼) from a restaurant in Chicago. The restaurant’s name is Italian Fiesta Pizzeria.
Do exercise every day from now on. You’ll be as healthy as Obama!   
小题1:Obama does exercise ______.
A.every day B.once a weekC.twice a weekD.three times a week
小题2:Obama was _________ years old when he was elected president.
A.27B.37 C.47 D.57
小题3:Obama likes ______ best according to the passage.
A.coffee B.ice creamC.pizzas D.hamburgers
小题4:We can learn that ______ from the passage.
A.Obama doesn’t eat breakfast with his family
B.Obama goes to bed before 10 o’clock every night
C.Obama does exercise in a park every morning
D.Obama thinks doing exercise is good for him
小题5:The passage is mainly about _________.
A.Obama’s workB.Obama’s hobbiesC.Obama’s familyD.Obama’s lifestyle


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Mrs. Brown had a small garden behind her house and in the spring she planted some vegetables in it. She looked after them very carefully, and when the summer came, they looked very nice. One evening Mrs. Brown looked at her vegetables and said, “Tomorrow I am going to pick them and we can eat them.” But early the next morning, her son ran into the kitchen and shouted, “Mother, mother! Come quickly! Our neighbor’s ducks are in the garden and they are eating our vegetables!” Mrs. Brown ran out, but it was too late. All the vegetables are finished! Mrs. Brown cried, and her neighbor was very sorry, but that was the end of the vegetables. Then a few days before Christmas, the neighbor brought Mrs. Brown a beautiful fat duck. And on it was a piece of paper with the words, “ENJOY YOUR VEGETABLES!”
小题1:Mrs. Brown had a _________ behind her house.
A.shedB.small gardenC.an apple orchardD.small house
小题2:In _________ she planted some vegetables in the garden.
A.the summerB.the winterC.the autumnD.the spring
小题3:When _________ came, the vegetables looked very nice.
A.the summerB.the winterC.the autumnD.the spring
小题4:Early the next __________ her son ran into the kitchen and shouted.
小题5:One morning __________ were eating vegetables in the garden.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

One afternoon Mrs.Green’s husband wanted to catch the 3:30 flight to London to have an important meeting. She was very surprised when he telephoned her at 5 o’clock and said that he was still at the airport.
“What happened to you?”asked Mrs Green.
“Well,” said Mr. Green, “Everything was going fine. I got my ticket, checked my luggage and waited in line at the gate. I walked across the runway to the airplane and I saw my friend Jack Scott, who was an airplane engineer. I shouted to him and a policeman caught me.”
“Why did he catch you?”
“I don’t know,”said Mr.Green, “As soon as he heard my shout, he ran towards me and caught me.”
“What did you shout to your friend?”
“All I said was ‘Hi, Jack’. You know that’s the usual way we say hello to our friends.”
“But you don’t know the sentence ‘Hi,Jack’ also means to take control of a plane by force.”
小题1:How did Mr.Green want to go to London?
A.By trainB.By busC.By airplaneD.By ship
小题2:Why was Mrs. Green surprised? Because her husband_______
A.didn’t arrive the airport in time
B.was still at the airport at 5 o’clock
C.didn’t want to go to London
D.was in London at 5 o’clock
小题3:When did Mr.Green get to the airport that afternoon?_______
A.Before 3:30B.After 3:30C.At 3:30D.At about 5:00
小题4:What was Jack Scott in the passage? He was _________
A.a pilotB.a policeman at the airportC.an engineerD.an actor


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Ten-year-old Johnny was one of the laziest boys in his class. His homework was always        and it was usually wrong. He only did half the number of math problems    the other children did and in his compositions  he _____ half the number of words. And usually the words were   _ spelled because he was too lazy to use a      
One day his class went on a bus trip. The____ did not want to take Johnny with them. But there was no one to look after Johnny at the school so she had to take     ."Now, children," the teacher said, "On our bus trip we will____ old buildings, some beautiful countryside, and many other things. I want you to write about  _____ interesting you see on the trip. "The bus trip      . The children looked out of the windows at all the interesting things.
They took notes _____ their notebooks. The teacher was very____ with them. Then she saw Johnny       on the floor of the bus and went up to him.
"Are you     ?" she asked him.   
"No." he said.
"Then      are you lying on the floor?"
"If I can't see anything," he said, "I can't write about it, can I?"
A.radioB.pen C.libraryD.dictionary
A.hearB.listen to C.seeD.feel
A.ended B.beganC.finishedD.closed
A.standing B.sittingC.eatingD.lying

