1. ÔÚ´Ë´¦ÕÕÏàÊÇÎ¥·´¹æ¶¨µÄ¡£
    ________________ to take photos here.
2. ÎÒûÓÐ×¢ÒâÄãÔÚ˵ʲô¡£
    I ________________ what you were saying.
3. ÄѹÖËû²»¶ö£¬ËûÕûÌ춼ÔÚ³ÔÌǹû¡£
    ________________ he is not hungry£»he has been eating sweets ________________.
4. ÄãÊìϤ°ôÇò¹æÔòÂð£¿
    ________________ the rules of baseball?
5. ÎÒÅÎÍû½ñÄ꺮¼Ù¼ûµ½Äã¡£
    I _______________ this winter vacation.
6. Ëý¾­³£ÍíÉÏ˳±ãÀ´ÎÒÃÇÕâÀïºÈ²è¡£
    She often ________________ us for a tea in the evening.
7. Äã±ØÐë¼ÆËã³öÎÒÃÇÍí»á½«ÐèÒª¶àÉÙʳÎï¡£
    You'll have to ________________ for the party.
8. ¸¸Ä¸ÓÐʱ·¢ÏÖÓë×Ô¼ºµÄº¢×Ó¹µÍ¨ºÜÀ§ÄÑ¡£
    Parents sometimes find ________________ difficult ________________ their children.
9. Äã²»ÄÜÖ¸ÍûËûÒ»¸öÈË×öÕâ¼þÊ¡£
    You can not expect him ________________.
10. Äã²»ÔÊÐí´¥ÃþÕâЩչƷ¡£
    You ________________ to touch ________________.
1. It's against the rules
2. didn't pay attention to
3. No wonder; all day / the whole day
4. Are you familiar with
5. looked forward to seeing you
6. drops in on
7. work out how much food we need
8. it; to communicate with
9. to do it on his own
10. aren't allowed; the exhibits

¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£ºÍ¬²½Ìâ ÌâÐÍ£º·­ÒëÌâ

1. ÄãµÄ³èÎï¹·ÔõôÑù?
    ________ your pet dog ________?
    It has ________________________________________________.
2. º£ëàÈç´ËµÄ´ÏÃ÷ÒÔÖÁÓÚÄܹ»Ñ§»áÌý´ÓÈ˵ÄÖ¸Áî.
    Dolphins are so clever that they can ________________________________.
3. κ͵ÄÐÜè¿´ÉÏÈ¥ºÃÏñ´÷×ÅÑÛ¾µ.
     The gentle panda ________it is ________________________.
4. ¹ØÓÚËûÃÇÄ㻹֪µÀʲô?
    ________ do you know about them?
5. ºÍÐÜèÏà±È,ÎÒ¸üϲ»¶º£ëà.
    I ________dolphins ________________pandas.


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£ºÍ¬²½Ìâ ÌâÐÍ£º·­ÒëÌâ

1. È¥ÄêBill¾ºÑ¡°à³¤£¬µ«Ëûʧ°ÜÁË¡£
    Last year Bill _____  the class president, but he _____  .
2. ÎÒÃÇУ³¤²»ÔÚѧУ£¬ËûÈ¥ÃÀ¹úÁË¡£
    Our headmaster isn't at school, he _____  .
3. ÄǸöСº¢Ò»¿´¼ûËûÂèÂ裬¾Í§סÁËËûµÄÂèÂè¡£
    The boy _____  his mother as soon as he saw her.
4. ÇëÎÊ£¬ÄãÄܸæËßÎÒÔõÑùµ½ÈËÃñÒ½ÔºÂð£¿
    Excuse me, could you tell me _____  ?
5. ÑØ×ÅÕâÌõ·ÍùÇ°×ߣ¬ÔÚµÚ¶þ¸ö¹ÕÍä´¦ÓÒ¹Õ¡£
    _____   this road, _____  on the right.
6. ²»Óõ£ÐÄÄãµÄÌåÖØ¡£Èç¹ûÄãÿÌì·Åѧºó½øÐÐÌåÓý¶ÍÁ¶£¬ÎÒÏàÐÅÄã»áºÃÆðÀ´µÄ¡£
    _____  your weight, if you _____  after school every day, I'm sure you _____  .
7. ÎÒ·¢ÏÖÿÌì´óÉùÀʶÁÓ¢Óï¶ÔÎҷdz£ÓаïÖú¡£
    I _____  day.
8. µ±ÎÒÃÇÌýµ½Õâ¸öºÃÏûϢʱ£¬¾ÍÇé²»×Ô½ûµØÌøÆðÀ´ÁË¡£
    When we heard the good news, we _____  .


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£ºÍ¬²½Ìâ ÌâÐÍ£º·­ÒëÌâ

1. Èç¹ûÃ÷Ìì²»ÏÂÓ꣬ÎÒÃǾÍÈ¥ÅÀ³¤³Ç¡£
                                                             , we will go to the Great Wall.
2. Èç¹ûÄãÏÖÔÚÒª³öÈ¥£¬×îºÃËæÉí´ø×ÅÓêÉ¡¡£
                                                                                                                        an umbrella with you.
3. 15·¹«½»³µÔÚ10·ÖÖÓǰ׼ʱ½øÕ¾¡£
   The No. 15 bus                                                                  10 minutes ago.
4. ×ñÊؽ»Í¨¹æÔòÊǷdz£ÖØÒªµÄ¡£
                                                                                  the traffic rules.
5. ÄãÔÚ¹ýÂí·֮ǰ£¬±ØÐëÒªÏÈ×óÓÒ¿´¿´¡£
   You have to                                                                    before you cross the road.


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£ºÍ¬²½Ìâ ÌâÐÍ£º·­ÒëÌâ

1. ½ñÌìÌìÆøÔõôÑù?
    ____________________________ today?
2. ±±¾©´ºÌìµÄÌìÆøÔõôÑù?
    ____________________________ in Beijing?
3. Äã×îϲ»¶µÄÑÕÉ«ÊÇʲô?
    ____________________________ best?
4. ѧÉúÃÇÕýÔÚ¸Éʲô?
5. ËûÃÇÕýÔÚÌß×ãÇò.
    They ___________________________.


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£ºÍ¬²½Ìâ ÌâÐÍ£º·­ÒëÌâ

1. Äã¼ÒÀ볬ÊжàÔ¶£¿
   ________ is your home from the supermarket?
2. ÀîƼ¼Ò½ô°¤×ÅѧУ£¬ËýÿÌì²½ÐÐÈ¥ÉÏѧ¡£
    Li Ping lives ________ her school. She goes to school ________ every day.
3. ÄãÿÌ쿪³µÈ¥ÉÏ°àÐèÒª¶à³¤Ê±¼ä£¿
    ________ does it ________ you ________ every day?
4. ÓʾÖÀëÕâÀï´óÔ¼3¹«ÀïÔ¶¡£
    The post office is ________ 3 ________ here.
5. Ïã¸ÛÀë±±¾©ºÜÔ¶£¬×ø·É»úÐèÒªÒ»¸ö°ëСʱ¡£
    Hong Kong is ________ Beijing. It will ________ hours to get there ________.
6. ÍâÃæÏÂÓêÁË£¬ÎÒÏë×ø¹«¹²Æû³µÈ¥ÉÏѧ¡£
    It's raining outside. I want ________.
7. À뿪½ÌÊÒʱ£¬²»ÒªÍüÁ˹ش°»§¡£
    ________ the window when you leave the classroom.
8. ×ø»ð³µÈ¥ÉϺ£ÊǺܱãÒ˵ġ£
    ________ to take a train to Shanghai.

