精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
     Games are fun. After hours of homework it's great to relax by playing a game. But do games ever do
kids any harm (害处)? And are there any ways parents can help kids stay away from bad games? The US
researchers are trying to find solutions to these problems.
     They studied what video games could do to children. The researchers found game sellers had made big
changes to make sure the games didn't harm kids. And they suggested that work should be done to find out
if video games affected children's school work and health.
     One problem found was that parents hadn't taken enough notice of their kids' game-playing habits.
     "Many game sellers put control (控制键) on the games to help parents make sure that children don't play
games unsuitable for them," said David Walsh, the president (院长) of the National Institute on Media and
the Family. Parents should watch the games kids are playing and know how much time they are spending
playing them.
     The study found that playing games too long could affect kids' health as well as their school work. Almost
half of all "heavy garners" were six to seventeen years old. These kids were more likely to have weight and
eyesight problems than other kids. Playing too many games also affected how children did at school.
     Kids are supposed to ask their parents to set a time limit (限制) for playing games and remind them
when the time is up.
1. The US researchers are trying to find out _____.
A. whether games do any good to kids
B. if there are ways for parents to keep kids away from bad games
C. how many students will spend their most time playing games
D. whether games are fun
2. The word "affected"in the second paragraph probably means _____.
A. continued
B. improved
C. had influences on
D. were divided between
3. What problems did the researchers find out about parents?
A. Parents were too strict with their kids.
B. Parents cared too much about kids' study skills.
C. Parents didn't notice their kids' hobbies.
D. Parents didn't pay much attention to their kids' game.playing habits.
4. According to the passage,playing too many games can affect a kid's _____.
A. weight and height
B. health and school work
C. brain and thought
D. manners
5. The main purpose of this passage is that _____.
A. kids are supposed to have a time limit for playing games with their parents' help
B. parents must join their kids in playing games
C. parents should learn to play games from their children
D. kids can play games with the help of their parents

科目:初中英语 来源:四川省乐山市2006年初中毕业会考暨高中阶段招生统一考试英语试卷 题型:050


  Hi, my name is Kim.This is my class schedule(课程表).I have to wake up early every day at about 6∶30.First, I have breakfast.Then, I ride my bike to school.It takes me 20 minutes to get there.

  I have four class in the morning.I like history the most.Mr.Rudoph is really cool.He knows everthing about history, and he tells us lots of funny stories.We also get a 15-minutes break in the morning.I usually talk to Seth or Franklin at that time.We also eat lunch together, near the football field.

  The afternoon is easier, since I only have two classes.Biology is my favorite.We get to do fun experiments.I want to be a docter one day.Drawing is also fun.Our teacher, Mrs.Lester is nice.She encourages us even if our drawing is bad.

  After class, I ride my bike home.I spent about an hour doing homework.Then, I ga out with my friends for some time.


In the morning, Kim ________.

[  ]


has a drawing class


never eats breakfast


wakes up after seven


has four classes


If a student’s drawing is not good, Mrs.Lester ________.

[  ]


makes the student draw is again


scolds(斥责)the student


encourages the student


give the student a“D”


What does“we”in paragragh(段落)two means ________.

[  ]


Seth and franklin


Mr.Rudoph and Mrs.Lester


The afternoon classes


The students in the class


Which class is NOT mentioned(提及)by Kim?

[  ]










Which of the following is TURE about Kim’s schedule?

[  ]


Class last(持续)50 minutes each.


Kim has eight classes a day


He is at school ten hours a day


Bilolgy comes before English


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     About 130 years ago,Thomas Edison invented thelight bulb. His bulb turned night into day,but today manypeople want to turn off the light.    
     The European Union( 欧盟) has decided that peo-ple should stop using the Edison-style light bulb.Instead, they should use compact fluorescent lamps(CFLs 节能灯).      
     "CFLs save energy and last longer. They can savemoney in the long run," said a British official.  CFLs use67% less electricity than the older bulbs. Scientists saythat if everyone used CFLs,electricity use would be cutby 18% . There would also be much less greenhouse ga-      
     But it's difficult to make people change their light-ing habits. Firstly,CFLs are more expensive. They cost 8times the prices of the older bulbs. Secondly,many peo-ple don't like the CFL bulb. They find it too bright.      
     CFLs have been around for several years. However,the older lights still make up about 2/3 of total light bulbsales.
根据短文内容, 判断正(T)误(F) 。
(     )1. Thomas Edison invented the CFL bulb 130 years ago.
(     )2. Using CFLs helps protect the environment.
(     )3.If you get an older bulb for l euro( 欧元) ,a CFL bulb will cost you 8 euros.
(     )4. CFLs have been widely used for many years.

