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In my dreams(梦) I am sometimes on the moon(月球) .I go to the Moon High School. That school is different(不同) from 1   ,but I really like 2    very much.

In the Moon High School we have 3   homework or tests(考试) .We are 4   in the afternoon. Some students play games 5   the playground. Some 6   books 7   magazines in the library. Some have singing and dancing 8   . Some go for 9   walk around the school. All of them look 10    .

(   ) 1. A. my    B. your    C. their    D. ours

(   ) 2. A. it    B. them    C. those    D. these

(   ) 3. A. many    B. few    C. no    D. much

(   ) 4. A. busy    B. tired    C. worried    D. free

(   ) 5. A. in    B. on    C. near    D. behind

(   ) 6. A. look    B. see    C. read    D. watch

(   ) 7. A. or    B. and    C. but    D. also(也)

(   ) 8. A. class    B. lesson    C. teach    D. classes

(   ) 9. A. the    B. a    C. an    D. /

(   ) 10. A. happy    B. tired    C. thin    D. fat

 l. D "ours"即"our school"。2. A 3. C 4. D 5. B 6. C 7. B 8. D此处要用复数形式。 9. B 10. A

题目来源:初中英语丢分题每周一练七年级下册 > 能力训练8


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 There is an old saying:Early to bed,early to rise,makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. It m 1 that we should go to bed early and get up early the next morning. By doing this,we will be in good h 2 And we'll also be rich and c 3

  It's true that our b 4 need to have enough sleep to be healthy. Children should have a ten-hour sleep e 5 night. Those who do not have enough sleep can,t do their work very w 6 . They will not be clever,and they may not get wealthy in the future.

  The body needs e 7 as well. Walking, running, jumping, riding bikes and p 8 games are all exercises. Exercise helps to k 9 the body strong and fit. It also helps the blood(血液) to move around inside the body. The blood takes food to all parts of the body. The head n 10 blood, too. So exercise helps people think better.

1.        2.        3.        4.       5.      

6.        7.        8.        9.       10.      


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Nancy is reading an e-mail from her friend Jack. She is very 1    to get the e-mail. Jack writes about his school 2    his weekends. Jack likes his school very much. Nancy likes her school, 3    Jack's school is very big,and he likes his classroom. The 4    and chairs are new. There are lots of pictures 5   the wall.

Jack doesn't 6    to school on weekends. He gets up 7    at six on Saturday. He exercises in the park for half 8    . Then he eats his breakfast. He helps his mother do the 9    . At eight he begins to do his homework. He has lunch in a fast food restaurant(快餐店) .In the 10    ,he goes shopping with Mum. Sometimes he plays computer games or chats with his friends on the Internet. In the evening, he watches TV with his family. He enjoys his weekend very much.

(   ) 1. A. tall    B. like    C. happy    D. good

(   ) 2. A. but    B. and    C. or    D. at

(   ) 3. A. also    B. again    C. too    D. hi

(   ) 4. A. desks    B. schoolbags    C. pencils    D. boys

(   ) 5. A. at    B. on    C. near    D. behind

(   ) 6. A. like    B. play    C. go    D. have

(   ) 7. A. early    B. late    C. before    D. here

(   ) 8. A. a year    B. a month    C. an hour    D. box

(   ) 9. A. homework    B. cleaning    C. fishing    D. lessons

(   ) 10. A. day    B. evening    C. afternoon    D. week


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Cars are an important part of life in the United States. Most people feel that they are poor without cars. Though he is poor,he doesn't feel really poor when he has a car.

Henry Ford was the man who first started making cars. Maybe, he didn't know how much the car was going to affect(影响) the United States. The cars made the United States a country on wheels(轮子) ,And they have helped to make the United States a rich and modern country.

The car has become popular in the United States today. The country is a very large one. The Americans like to move around in it. It is the easiest and cheapest way to travel in cars. With a car people can go to any place without spending a lot of money.

(   ) 1. In the United States         .

     A. most people are too poor to buy cars

    B. poor people wouldn't like to buy cars

    C. all the poor people have cars

    D. people don't think they are rich if they don't have cars 

(   ) 2. What was Henry Ford?

     A. He was a car maker.   B. He was a car driver.

    C. He was a car seller.   D. He was a traveler in a car. 

(   ) 3. According to(根据) the writer, cars in the United States  .

      A. are the nicest    B. run fastest

    C. make the country richer  D. make the country beautiful

(   ) 4. The Americans like to move in cars because         

     A. there are no trains in the United States

    B. cars can take them to any place they want to go

    C. it doesn't take them much money to travel in cars

    D. both B and C

(   ) 5. Which is the best title(标题) ?

     A. A Country on Wheels    B. A Rich and Modern Country

    C. Making Cars    D. Traveling in Cars


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A lift(电梯) is very good. It's really only a small room. But other rooms usually stay in one place. Lifts go up and down all day.

Sometimes a worker stands in the lift. He or she operates(操纵) it up and down. In modern(现代化的) lifts,there is no worker. The people walk in. They know what floor they want to go. They push a button(按钮) and the lift goes up to that floor. It's very fast and easy.

Lifts are very important to us. Why? Think about a tall building. Maybe it has twenty floors. Maybe it has fifty or more. Who can walk up all the stairs(楼梯) ?Maybe people can climb them once. But can someone climb thirty floors to an office every day? Can small children walk up to their room on the twenty-fourth floor? Can their mother and father carry food up to all those stairs? Of course not.

We can have very high buildings because we have lifts. We could not have all the beautiful without lifts, because it is too tired for people to climb the stairs every day.

(   ) 1. A lift looks like a        .

A. tall building    B. small room

C. small bus    D. big house

(   ) 2. In a modern lift        .

A.there are two workers

B.the room is very big

C.you can push the button and the lift can take you to the floor you want to

D.there is a worker

(   ) 3. ―Why do people have to use lifts? ―Because       .

     A.there are too many tall buildings

    B.they can't walk up and down

    C.old people and children don't like walking

    D. lifts are very big

(   ) 4. Which of the following is true?

     A.In a small village, lifts are also very important to all the people.

    B.The people in high buildings can't climb the stairs every day.

    C. All buildings have only one lift.

    D.Everyone can climb all the stairs once. 

(   ) 5. In our modern lives, lift is        .

A. not necessary    B. important

C. worse than stairs    D. good for our health


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:



1. 学校有很多的制度和规定;

2. 必须要做的包括:穿校服,完成作业,放学后打扫教室等;

3. 不能做的包括:不能迟到,不能在教室吃东西,上课不能讲话等;

4. 你认为这些规定都是必要的(necessary) ,我们应该遵守(obey) 这些规定。Dear Lucy,

I am writing to you to talk about the rules in our new school.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


Panda:from West China

Number:fewer than 100 wild pandas;about 100 in captivity(人工饲养) Color: black and white

Size: baby pandas:only 1.5 kilos;adult pandas:over 100 kilos (150cm long)

Food;bamboo leaves, stems and shoots

In danger:People kill them for their fur.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

American boys and girls love to watch television. Some children spend(花费) six hours a day in school and four to six hours a day in front of(在……前面) the television set. Some even(甚至) watch television for eight hours or more on Sunday.

Televisions are like books or films. A child can learn bad things and good things from them. Some programmes(节目) help children to understand(理解) the news,others show people and places from other countries or other time in history. With television a child does not have to go to the zoo to see animals or to the ocean to see a ship. Boys and girls can see a play,a concert or a game at home.

Television brings many places and events(事件) into our homes. Some programmes show crime(《已罪) and other things that are bad for children, so parents sometimes help them to find other interesting things to do.


(   ) 1) Some children spend eight hours or more        on Sunday.

A. studying    B. playing games

C.watching TV    D. helping their parents

(   ) 2) On television children can see        .

A. games    B. big animals

C. oceans    D. almost everything

(   ) 3) Children usually spend        a day in school in America.

A. six hours    B. more than eight hours

C.only a few hours    D. four hours

(   ) 4) "Television brings places and events into our homes" means  .

     A.television makes things happen in homes

    B. we can know places and events without going to see them

    C. we can see houses and buildings on TV

    D. we can find them easily

(   ) 5) Parents sometimes help their children find other things to do when there is         for children.

     A. a bad programme    B. an animal

    C. a game    D. an uninteresting film

2.判断正(T) 误(F) 。

(   ) 1) A child can't learn good things like books. 

(   ) 2) Boys and girls only see a play or a game at home.

(   ) 3) A child needn't go to the zoo to see animals.

(   ) 4) Some programmes are bad for children.

(   ) 5) Parents should help children to find something interesting to do.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Dr Clarke was a very busy man. He always 1    hard. He often forgot 2    family's birthdays. Yesterday afternoon he 3    it was his wife's birthday. He loved his wife. He wanted to give her a 4    . On his way home from the hospital he bought some beautiful flowers 5    a shop.

When Dr Clarke got 6    ,he gave his 7    the flowers and said," Happy birthday to you, dear!I remember it's your birthday 8   .”

Mrs Clarke laughed and said, " My birthday 9   the day before yesterday. But thank you 10   . Better later than never.”

(   ) 1.A. studied   B. worked   C. played   D. read

(   ) 2.A. his   B. her   C. him   D. himself

(   ) 3.A. forgot   B. forgets   C. remembered   D. remembers

(   ) 4.A. thing   B. book   C. pen   D. present

(   ) 5.A. by   B. in   C. on   D. with

(   ) 6.A. hospital   B. shop   C. home   D. there

(   ) 7.A. son   B. mother   C. friend   D. wife

(   ) 8.A. today   B. the day before yesterday

   C.  tomorrow   D. yesterday

(   ) 9.A. is   B. was   C. are   D. were

(   ) 10.A. too   B. also   C. all   D. all the same

