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--Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


A.Thank you                                              B.The same to you

C.You're welcome                                         D.I'm glad to hear that


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:




科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


What’s the best thing to eat on a hot summer day? Many people would say ice cream.Yes,eating ice cream w   1    some fruit on top is a great way to cool down.But think before you eat.If your body is hot from playing sports,it's not the b  2   time to eat ice cream.

When your b  3    is hot,a lot of ice cream may give your stomach some p  4  ,and you could get diarrhea(腹泻).You can eat some ice cream a  5   you've cooled down a bit and had some tea.Just try not to eat too much at o  6   !

After dinner is another time people shouldn't eat or d  7    anything cold.Drink something h  8   after you eat,and your stomach will digest(消化)your food b  9  .If you love fruit,s  10   is a great time for you.Go to the market and pick out the best fruit of the season.If you want to stay cool,oranges,bananas,pears and watermelons can h  l1   you.Also,try to eat m   l2   ginger(生姜)and green bean(绿豆).They will help you stay cool and h  13 

In summer, bacteria(细菌)grow very f  14   and make your food go bad quickly.Try hard to keep yourself and your home c  15   in summer.Always eat clean,fresh food.When you feel like eating a cold dish,put vinegar(醋)in it to disinfect(消毒)it.If you can't f  16   your food and want to eat it again next day,make s  17   you heat it enough to k  18    the bacteria in it.And when you put food in the f  19  ,make sure to keep the cooked food away from the uncooked food.

Stay healthy this summer,and enjoy a nice treat now and t  20  .What's inside your favorite snacks?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Students can't be made_______ all day.

A. study               B. to study           C. of study           D. studied


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

We see with our eyes and taste with our tongues(舌头).Ears are for hearing,skin is for feeling and noses are for smelling.Would anyone say that ears can smell,or that tongues can see? Actually, yes.Paul Bach-V-Rita, a scientist at the University of Wisconsin,believes that the senses can be changeable.For example,a tongue can be used for seeing.The brain(大脑),as

we know,is a complex organ(复杂的器官).Even when part of it is hurt.it will try to carry out the same function by sending the function to another area of the brain。

    A college student was asked to take part in an experiment.In the experiment, his eyes were covered with a small video camera.The camera was connected to a long plastic line which went into his mouth.A computer would change the video's picture.The picture would travel through the plastic line as an electric current(电流),reaching the electrodes(电极板)inside the student's

mouth.The scientist would roll a ball towards his right side,left side,or centre, and the student would have to catch it.When the scientist rolled the ball,pain passed over the student's tongue.From the position(位置)of the pain on the tongue,the student reached out his hand and caught the ball.

If the brain can see a ball through a camera and a wet tongue,blindness and deafness can be overcome(克服).

1.How many senses are talked about in the first paragraph?

A.4                         B.5                         C.3                           D.2

2.What was done with the student's eyes in the experiment? His eyes were          

A.badly hurt                                               B.hit blind by others

C.covered with dark glasses                           D.covered with a video camera

3.In the experiment,a computer was used to         

A.change the video's picture                         B.surf the Internet

    C.send e-mails                                              D.collect data

4.What is the right order according to(根据)the experiment?

    a.The scientist rolled a ball.

    b.The student caught a ball.

    c.The student felt pain on his tongue.

    d.The scientist connected the camera to a long plastic line.

    A.a, b,c,d           B.b,a,d,d         C.d,a,c,b           D.d,c,a,b

5.What could be the best title for the passage?

    A.Senses Are Important                               B.An Interesting Experiment

    C.A Famous Scientist                                  D.Senses Are Changeable


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Jamie watched a lot of television and played               computer games.

A.too much             B.too many             C.much too                      D.many too


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

When you don't know a word,you can                in a dictionary.

A.look up it             B.look it up             C.look them up          D.look up them


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

--Oh,Mrs. King,your dress looks nice,Is it new?

--No,I            it since two years ago.

A.had                     B.bought                 C.have had              D.have bought


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

      Look 1   the photo. It is a photo of Mike's  2. There are(有)  3   people in their family, Mike, Lucy, their father and mother. Mike and Lucy  4   brother and sister. Their father is a teacher.  5   mother is  6   home. Mike goes to school, 7   little Lucy does not. She is only five.

      Mike likes sports. He swims and plays chess  8   . But he likes football best. After school he often plays football  9   his friends.

      Lucy likes 10  , but she doesn't like sports.

1. A. at                   B. in                      C. after                   D. for

2. A. families              B. family                    C. parents                  D. sisters

3. A. three             B. five                  C. six                D. four

4. A. am              B. is                   C. are                D. be

5. A. His              B. Her                  C. They             D. Their

6. A. by               B. at                   C. on               D. in

7. A. so               B. but                         C. or                 D. and

8. A. fine              B. good                 C. nice               D. well

9. A. to               B. of                   C. with                D. at

10. A. sin~                  B. to sing               C. singing             D. sings

