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小题1:Joe comes from Moscow. He has studied in Beijing for two years. So he misses his hometown very much. He hopes to go to a city where he can find the feeling of returning home.
小题2:Mary is an American girl. She likes going shopping. This year she’ll graduate from a famous Chinese college. So she is planning to travel to a city where she may find a job.
小题3:Henry is from Canada. He is interested in surfing and diving. But the city in which he is living is far from the sea. So he is expecting to get to a place where he can do these activities and taste bananas and pineapples.
小题4:Rosa comes from Britain. She cannot stand hot weather. And she thinks some Chinese cities have too much pollution. So she wants to go somewhere clean and peaceful.
小题5:Timmy comes from Japan. He has great interest in taking photos. He is looking forward to staying close to nature. He even wants to take a boat while taking photos. However, he doesn’t like hot food.

City: Lhasa
Temperature in July:15-17℃
Attractions: blue sky, fresh air and wonderful dances

City: Harbin
Temperature in July: 24-30℃
Attractions: some old buildings
in Russian style

City: Chongqing
Temperature in July: 28-30℃
Attractions: tall mountains, hot food and friendly people.

City: Hong Kong
Temperature in July: 29-30℃
Attractions: nice and cheap clothes, all kinds of tasty food and chances to find good jobs.

City: Guilin
Temperature in July: 29-30℃
Attractions: fantastic hills, clean rivers and many other natural sights.

City: Sanya
Temperature in July: 27-32℃
Attractions: exciting water sports, lovely beaches and great tropical fruit.


小题1:第一题中说Joe 是莫斯科人:He hopes to go to a city where he can find the feeling of returning home.他希望到个城市能有回家的感觉。和B项里的Attractions: some old buildingsin Russian style是一致的。
小题2:这题说Mary ,文章中说She likes going shopping.她喜欢购物,So she is planning to travel to a city where she may find a job.计划到个城市能找到工作。选D。
小题3:第三题提到So he is expecting to get to a place where he can do these activities and taste bananas and pineapples.希望到个地方可以做水上运动,品尝香蕉,菠萝这样的热带水果。和F项里面的exciting water sports, lovely beaches and great tropical fruit.是符合的。
小题4:从题目描述的So she wants to go somewhere clean and peaceful.她想去干净,宁静的地方。和A项blue sky, fresh air and wonderful dances正好吻合。
小题5:从第五题的句子:He is looking forward to staying close to nature.他渴望接近自然,和E项的描述fantastic hills, clean rivers and many other natural sights.符合。选E。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Napoga Gurigo,a 12-year-old girl,lives in a village in Ghana. It is   1  for her family to get clean drinking water. The nearest place to get water is a muddy (混浊的) water hole half a kilometer away from her   2 . Animals and villagers use it alike. Each morning, Napoga leaves home at half past five to collect water for her family. Sometimes it   3  a few hours to get enough water. Napoga has no time to go to school for learning. In the neighboring areas, many boys and girls   4  Napoga. They can't keep strong and   5  just because they have not enough drinking water.
In fact, 70% of Earth's surface is water. But most of   6  is sea water. We can't use salty water in our daily life. Fresh water is what we __7__ drink, take showers and cook food. And fresh water covers only 1 percent of Earth's surface. In some areas people try to make deep wells (水井) to get water from   8 . But there still   9  enough for farming. Scientists say that 10  30 years, more people in the world will face all kinds of water problems than now. So we must do something to take care of our water resources (资源).
A.look likeB.are likeC.feel likeD.sound like
A.used toB.are used toC.use toD.are used
A.underground B.subwayC.riversD.the sea


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

小题1:Bill cares about sports events and how the sports players are now.
小题2:Tonny is interested in reading. He wants to know what kind of new books have come out and how some famous writers are living now.
小题3:Jackon is really a film fan. Recently he would like to know what new movies are like and what some famous singers’ songs are.
小题4:Kat’s father is working abroad in Iraq(伊拉克). A war broke out there, so she is rather worried about the situation in Iraq.
小题5:Lily is in poor health. She is so eager to know how to keep fit.
A.Entertainment News: In this section all kinds of news about movies, songs and pop stars are available.
B.Advertisement Section: Here are advertisements of various products, such as food, medicine, electronic machine and so on.
C.Home News: In this section you will read news about the events which happened in the country.
D.Reading Section: In this part, we will introduce some hot books and famous writers to you. Stay with us!
E. International News: Here are news about the events that happened all over the world.
F. Sports News: Important sports events are broadcast here. And we often interview some good players.
G. Health Section: Winter is coming and it is easy to get ill. If you want to know how to keep away from diseases, you should pay attention to this section.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

My mother began to ask us to be on time when my twin brother and I were about five years old.  She _1_ told us not to be late for the bus, not to be late for school, and so on. “ Don’t be late” became our family rule.
Mother_2 as a teacher when my twin brother and I started the first grade. Every school day morning, she called us to get up, and cooked _3_ breakfast.  School started at 8:00 am, _4_ we arrived at the school before 7:30 am each school day morning.
When we were in high school, our_5_ once told my mother that we had been late for three times in one month.  That made my mother so _6_ that she beat us.  After that I was not late for anything.
I kept the _7_ of being on time for a long time. When I _8_ a teacher, we were asked to get to school at 8;00 am, but I always got there at 7;15 am.  That gave me more time to do my job _9_ .
When you learned good habits from your _10_ , they will give you more than you can imagine.
A. neverB. alreadyC. alwaysD. even
A.workedB. helpedC. learnedD. studied
A. herB. himC. usD. them
A.becauseB. butC. andD. so
A. teacherB. sisterC. brotherD. father
A. happyB. angryC. excitedD. relaxed
A.tripB. timeC. hopeD. habit
A.caughtB. gotC. startedD.became
A.worseB. worstC. betterD.best
A.classmateB. familyC. friendD. group


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

“Well, we’re in our new house. Let’s get a new pet to get along with it,” Mrs. Brown said to her husband.
“That sounds like a pretty good idea,” he answered. “Do you want to see the ads in the newspaper?”
“Let’s go to the animal shelter. Many pets there need homes. Since tomorrow is Saturday, we can both go,” she said.
The next morning the Browns met Mr. Snow at the animal shelter. “We want to be sure that the pets here go to good homes,” Mr. Snow said, “So I need to ask you some questions.”
After they talked for a while, the Browns decided to get a small dog. It wouldn’t need a big house or a big yard. A small dog would bark(吠) and warn them if someone tried to break into their house. After Mr. Snow gave the Browns a book on pet care, they chose one and wanted to take her home right away. But the animal doctor hadn’t checked her yet. So Mr. Snow told them to return on Sunday.
On Sunday afternoon the Browns went to the animal shelter again. The animal doctor said, “Shadow has had all of her shots(预防针). She will be healthy.” The Browns thanked the doctor and took Shadow home.
小题1:From the reading we learn that _______.
A.the Browns have never had a pet before.
B.the Browns knew about Shadow from the newspaper.
C.Shadow is a small and healthy dog.
D.Mr Brown didn’t quite agree with his wife.
小题2:The word shelter in the reading means _______.
A.a place to sell small dogs
B.a place to keep homeless animals
C.a place to study animals
D.a place to sell books on pet care
小题3:Mr Snow asked the Browns some questions to _______.
A.see if they had moved to a new house
B.find out how rich the Browns were
C.know where they’d keep their new pet
D.make sure they’d take care of pets
小题4:The Browns thinks that a small dog _______.
A.doesn’t need any room to keep
B.can help them watch their house
C.eats less food than a bigger one
D.usually has a beautiful name
小题5:It’s clear that _______.
A.Shadow will not be easy to get ill
B.the Browns were not satisfied with Shadow
C.Mr Snow didn’t check Shadow at all
D.Shadow likes barking a lot


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Mr. Smith is my new friend. He  1 from Paris, France. He is a French   2 of a middle school. His students all like   3 very much. He can speak some Chinese, 4  not much. He wants to learn more, so he goes to  5 classes every week. He likes living and working   6 China very much. He   7 the Chinese people are very friendly(友好的). He has two   8  , Maria and Tom. They are students, but they go to different(不同的)  9 . They have some pen pals and they often write   10  the pen pals. They also have many Chinese friends at school and they play games after class.
小题1:A. comes       B. goes           C. has
小题2:A. friend      B. student        C. teacher
小题3:A. me         B. her            C. him
小题4:A. or          B. but            C. and
小题5:A. Chinese     B. French         C. English
小题6:A. at          B. from           C. in
小题7:A. thinks      B. speaks         C. likes
小题8:A. sons        B. kids           C. daughters
小题9:A. families    B. schools        C. cities
小题10:A. for         B. with           C. to


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Mrs. Green was very fat. She weighed 100kg, and she    1   heavier every month.
   2   she went to see a doctor. The doctor said, “You    3   to go on a diet(节食), Mrs. Green. I’ve got a food list here.” He gave her a small book and said, “   4   it carefully and eat the things on page 11 every day. Then come back and see me    5   two weeks.”
Mrs. Green cam back two weeks    6  , but she wasn’t thinner and was even
   7  . The doctor was surprised and asked, “Are you eating the things on page 11 of the small book?”
“Yes, doctor,” she answered.
The next day,    8   visited Mrs. Green in the afternoon. He was very  9 
to see her.
“Mrs. Green,” he asked, “why are you eating potatoes and bread? You aren’t on the diet!”
“But doctor,” Mrs. Green answered, “I eat my diet    10   lunch time. This is my tea(下午茶).”
小题1:A. gets            B. is getting             C. was getting
小题2:A. So             B. But                  C. Because
小题3:A. want           B. like                  C. have
小题4:A. Watch          B. Read                 C. Find
小题5:A. behind         B. in                    C. for
小题6:A. ago            B. late                  C. later
小题7:A. fatter          B. thinner                C. taller
小题8:A. her parents      B. her friend             C. the doctor
小题9:A. happy          B. afraid                C. surprised
小题10:A. at            B. on                   C. in


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Zhang Jin was so lucky to have a free trip to Thailand. But he didn‘t 35 to have a dangerous experience. The next day, when Zhang Jin arrived in Bangkok (曼谷), he was shocked to find himself in a city 36 with street battles (战斗) between two groups. One group was supporting the Thai government while the other was 37 it and had street battles with the 38 . Two people were killed and hundreds injured. Because of it, 240,000 foreign tourists, including over 3,000 Chinese people like Zhang, failed to leave and had to 39 in the country.
"We were 40 on the streets. But we felt at home with other Chinese from HongKong or Taiwan," said Zhang. 41 , the Chinese government sent flights to bring the people back. Now, all the Chinese tourists are safely back home. "The moment the plane left Thailand, we cheered for joy," said Zhang.
Last week the street battles finished. 42, the country‘s tourism industry(旅游业)needs 43 to return to normal. Tourism is the 44 part of the country‘s economy (经济), Thailand is called "Land of Smiles" and has some of Asia‘s best beaches. It has made ¥17 billion from 15.5 million tourists this year.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

I have three friends. Tony   1  England. He is   2  He speaks 3    and he can play 4  piano. Lily comes from America and she is  5   American girl. She speaks English, too. And she can speak   6  Jack comes from Japan and he is Japanese. He  7 play football. Football is his favorite   8  .I am Chinese. I am from   9   . We are good  10   .
(   ) 1. A. is from        B. am from     C. are from
(   ) 2. A. English        B. American      C. Chinese
(   ) 3. A. Japanese        B. English     C. Chinese
(   ) 4. A. a              B. an          C. the
(   ) 5. A. a              B. an          C. /
(   ) 6. A. Chinese        B. China         C. Japan
(   ) 7. A. can’t         B. can         C. is
(   ) 8. A. food           B. colour          C. sport
(   ) 9. A. China          B. America     C. England
(   ) 10. A. girls         B. student     C. students

