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【题目】听材料,回答下列各个小题。现在你有 15 秒钟的时间阅读下面三个小题。

1What’s the matter with the boy?

A.He can’t sleep well.B.He is worried all the time.C.He is too shy to talk with anyone.

2How long has the boy been like this?

A.Half a year.B.One year.C.One year and a half.

3What can we infer(推断)from their dialogue ?

A.The doctor thought the boy was seriously ill.

B.The doctor didn’t give any medicine to the boy but some advice.

C.The doctor didn’t know how to deal with the boy’s problem.








科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Television is one of the greatest technological inventions of the twentieth century. A Scottish man called John Logie Baird invented it. Inventors in the USA and Europe were working on electronic television systems (系统) but Baird used a mechanical (机械的) system. In 1925, he was able to send the first black and white picture — of the head of a doll — from one end of his flat (公寓) to the other. He then used a local office boy, not the doll, and this teenager was the first person ever to appear on TV. Baird made the first television programmes for the BBC in 1929. These programmes had sound, not just pictures.

However, Baird’s system was very limited and basic. A totally electronic system was more popular and practical (实用的). The inventor of this electronic system was an American, Philo Farnsworth. In 1936, the BBC started using Farnsworth’s system because the picture was better than Baird’s.

Colour TV began in the USA in the 1940s but only a small number of people had colour televisions in their houses. They were very expensive. In Britain and the USA, the first regular (有规律的) colour TV programmes only began in 1967.

Now in the 21st century, we have digital (数字的) television. TV has changed a lot since the face of a boy appeared on TV in John Logie Baird’s flat!

1Is television a great technological invention of the 20th century?(根据短文内容回答问题)

2When did Baird make the first television programmes with sounds?(根据短文内容回答问题)

3Who invented the totally electronic system? (根据短文内容回答问题)


In 1936, the BBC started using Farnsworth’s system. _____________________

5In this passage, the underlined(划线) word “they” refers to(指的是)____________


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 In many tests and exams, you will often have to speak English. Lots of students think that the only important thing for speaking is not to make any mistakes, but this is not true! You are tested on your ability to communicate successfully, so fluency(流利) is a very important part of ______. Here are some ways to help you speak fluently:

●Keep calm and give yourself time to think.

●Think about the message you want to send to the other person, not only about the grammar you are using.

● It’s______to make mistakes, so don’t panic(惊慌).

●If you can’t remember how to say a word in English, don’t stop! Try to explain the word if you can. For example, if you can’t remember the word “kitchen”, say “The room in the house where I cook.”

●It’s OK to pause( 暂停) or stop if you need to think about how to say something. But try not to pause too many times or______too long.

●When you answer a question, try not to give too many ______answers. For example, if the other person asks, “Do you have any brothers or sisters?” don’t ______say, “Yes” or “No”. Say, for example“YesI have a sister and she’s 12, and a brother. He is 11.”

All in all, ______fluently is quite important when we communicate with others. By following the above advice, you may find your speaking improves.








科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


A. It's silver.

B. Let's see where it may be.

C.I can't find my key to the bike.

D. It is small but mine is a big one.

E. So it may still be on the playground

A: Jim, you look worried. What's the matter?

B: 1 I must have lost it.

A: Is it in your pocket?

B: No, it isn't.

A: Is it in your schoolbag?

B: No, it isn't, either.

A: Don't worry.2

B: I think I could drop it during the P.E. class 3

A: What color is your key?


A: Look, over there! Is that yours?

B: No, it can't be mine. 5

A: I'm afraid you have to go to the Lost and Found case to have a look.

B: Thank you all the same.

A: You're welcome.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Butterflies are some of the most beautiful insects in the world. However, what interests the scientists most is not their fascinating looks, but how they sense nature. They use their senses of sight, touch, hearing, smell and taste to find food, lay eggs in good places and avoid hungry enemies.

Butterflies have large compound(复合的) eyes. No matter where the things are, they can see them without turning their heads. 1 They are more possible to notice a sea of flowers than a single plant. Butterflies do not "see” colors. They are color blind. 2The light on many flowers guides butterflies to honey.

How do butterflies smell? Butterflies have a very well-developed sense of smell, but it is not in their noses, since they don't have one. Sense organs (器官)are in their feet, and many other parts of the body.3

Do butterflies use their mouths to taste the food they find? Not really. Butterflies' feet have sense organs that can taste the sugar in flower honey. They let the butterflies know if there is something delicious. 4They feed their babies using a long tube(管道)and they get all their food from this tube as well.

Butterflies don't have ears. Instead, they “hear" sounds through their wings by sensing changes in sound vibrations(震动).Butterflies' body is covered with sensory hairs. 5.For example, the hairs give butterflies information about the wind when they're flying. And where there is rain, the hairs can also tell butterflies.

The scientists say that butterflies may have senses we don't even know about yet, because their body is very different from ours. Therefore, it is difficult to understand when we use our own human senses to study it.

A. Like most insects, butterflies are very nearsighted.

B. They can let butterflies feel the environment around.

C. So it is not difficult for butterflies to find flower honey.

D. But they can sense sunlight, which tells them the direction.

E. They can help butterflies find their favorite flower honey food.

F. Some female butterflies taste the plants carefully to find places to lay eggs.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Playing video games can be a fun way to relax or spend time with friends. In some schools, teachers use games like Minecraft to encourage teamwork and communication.

But for some players, gaming is an unhealthy habit. They stay up late playing games. They do little or no homework. They give up other hobbies and pay little attention to their families and friends. The video-game world seems a friendlier place than the real one.

Mental health experts have taken notice of this problem. The WHO added game disorder (障碍) to its list of health condition. A person may have the disorder if games have done harm to his relationship with families and friends, or if it has influenced his daily activities. Clifford Sussman treats games addiction ().He says that children who have the game disorder often get angry when a parent stops them from playing games.

Then what makes video games addictive? Here is the answer. Playing video games makes players excited. After a while, the players become numb (麻木的).Then they lose control of themselves, so they play even more. Clifford says that players should take at least an-hour-long break after playing video games for an hour. Their brains need time to recover. Clifford advises young players should answer a simple question: “Are you in control, or is the game in control?”

1The writer develops his idea in Paragraph 2 by .

A.using an expert’s opinionB.describing his personal habits

C.giving some examplesD.introducing the result of a survey

2What may Clifford Sussman be?

A.A teacher.B.A driver.C.A worker.D.A doctor.

3Who will probably have the game disorder?

A.Emily who is tired of playing the same video games.

B.Bob who plays video games until 4:00 a.m. almost every day.

C.Alice who likes using her smart phone to listen to music sometimes.

D.Simon who plays online games with his classmates only on weekends.

4By answering Sussman’s question, we may know .

A.how to fight gaming addictionB.why to fight gaming addiction

C.what gaming addiction isD.if we have gaming addiction

5What is the best title for this passage?

A.Game AddictionB.Game and Study

C.Difficult SchoolworkD.Smarter Game Players


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 What's the most popular movie this summer? Many people say it's Ne Zha. The young hero's story has touched people's hearts.

The film comes from the famous Chinese novel The Investiture of the Gods(《封神演义》). The novel was written about 500 years ago. Flying through the sky on the Wind Fire Wheels, holding a Fire-tipped Spear(火尖枪)in his hand — Ne Zha is very rebellious(叛逆的)in the novel.

The movie shows Ne Zha in his present life, since he was a demon(魔王)in his past life, people think he is still bad. They hate him and even try to kill him. But Ne Zha always believes that he can hold his fate(命运)in his hands and choose to be good or bad.

In both the old and new stories, Ne Zha's fighting spirit never goes away. That's why people still love him today.

1The novel The Investiture of the Gods was written about ________ years ago.


2In this movie, people think Ne Zha is a ________ person.


3People still love Ne Zha because ________.

A.he can hold his fate in his handsB.his fighting spirit never goes away

C.he can fly on the Wind Fire WheelsD.he helps them fight with bad men


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】I hear you want Jack to be manager of this department.

That's true. He has rich experience and can deal with some difficult problems.



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


People succeed and people fail. Some say nothing is impossible while some say they can’t. I believe where there is a will, there is a(n) 1. If we work hard, we will succeed one day. I am confident because Mr. “I can’t” has been forgotten by me.

I will never 2the day when I was a primary school student of Grade3, together with my classmates buried (埋葬) Mr. “I can’t”.3that day, our teacher asked us to write down all the things that we couldn’t do. We all did as she told us to. In a moment, our papers were covered with a lot of “I can’t”. Then we were told 4fold the papers and hand them in. She put5in a box and led us to the farthest corner of the playground. She then asked us to dig a hole and bury the box. We couldn’t6her until she said “Goodbye, Mr. ‘I can’t’”. Then she asked us to remember the day, to be confident and to decide our own future.

The lesson has left a(n)7impression(印象)on me. It makes me understand that one should have the courage(勇气) to say 8to Mr. “I can’t” and be self-confident if he wishes to achieve his dreams.

