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Each lesson lasts for ________ hour. We have ________ break from 11:05 am until 11:15 am.

A.a; a B.an; the C.a; the D.an; a


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年天津市津南区中考一模英语试卷 题型:填空

We don’t know who first discovered a way to measure time. It was probably the Hindus, the Greeks, or the Egyptians. We do know, however, that more than 7, 000 years ago the Hindus looked at the sky and measured time by looking at the position of the stars and the sun.

The Egyptians used the water clock. This measured the time it took for a certain amount of water to pass from one place to another. The Egyptians were also the first people to make a calendar of 365 days. The earliest known water clock was found in the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh(法老)Amenhotep I, who was buried around 1, 500 BC.

The hourglass(时漏) was probably invented in the 3rd century BC. No one knows for sure. This was similar in a way to the water clock. Time was measured by the amount of sand that moved from one container to another. We still use this kind of clock today in the form of an egg timer(煮鸡蛋的定时器). This measures time in three minute periods.

The first clock of any kinds to be used in China were brought there by European explorers. And it was in Europe that the first mechanical clock was invented. The word “clock” comes from the Latin “clocca” which means bell, and it was first used in the 14thcentury.


1.More than 7, 000 years ago, the Hindus measured time with the help of looking at__________ of the stars and the sun.

2.People found the earliest water clock in________ where the Egyptian pharaoh Amenhotep I was buried.

3.No one knows when the hourglass was invented_________.

4.__________ first brought clocks to China.

5.The first mechanical clock was invented in___________.


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年天津市津南区中考一模英语试卷 题型:听句子或对话选择图片

A. B. C.


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年天津市毕业生学业考试模拟(二模)英语试卷 题型:单选题

I advise you to go to an English corner________you can improve your listening and speaking.

A.so that B.even though C.whether D.as soon as


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年天津市毕业生学业考试模拟(二模)英语试卷 题型:单选题

Let’s wait for Tony and Daming. They are always at the back of the group and are walking ________ than us.

A.faster B.fastest C.more slowly D.most slowly


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年甘肃省兰州市中考一模英语试卷 题型:完成句子


Everyone should ___________________ the environmental protection.


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年甘肃省兰州市中考一模英语试卷 题型:完型填空

An old man lived in a village. He was one of the rudest people in the world. The whole village was _______ of him, he was always unhappy, he was always complaining and was always in a bad mood. When people tried to cheer him up, he would _______ turn them away.

The longer he lived, the unhappier he became. People _______ from him because his bad mood was contagious(传染性的). It was even unusual and impolite to feel _______ around him. By behaving like this, he made the rest of the villagers feel unhappy as well.

_______ one day--the day he turned 80 years old, in fact--unbelievable thing happened. The villagers said _______ themselves,” The old man is happy today. He hasn’t complained about anything, he is _______, and his face looks kind.” The whole village went to see the old man. One of the _______ asked the old man,“What happened to you?”

“Nothing special has happened. In fact,” The old man said, “For 80 years I’ve been _______ happiness, and it was no use. And then I decided to live without happiness and just enjoy ________. That’s why I’m happy now.”

1.A.full B.tired C.proud D.afraid

2.A.kindly B.loudly C.importantly D.impatiently

3.A.ran away B.went away C.stayed away D.looked away

4.A.happily B.happy C.sadly D.sad

5.A.But B.And C.Unless D.Though

6.A.by B.against C.among D.through

7.A.crying B.smiling C.shouting D.coughing

8.A.villagers B.pioneers C.customers D.passengers

9.A.looking up B.looking at C.looking out D.looking for

10.A.life B.time C.festivals D.birthday


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年北京市顺义区中考二模英语试卷 题型:回答问题

Both native English speakers and non-native speakers find the spelling of English is the most difficult. The English spelling system is not based on a phonetic (语音) link between sounds and letters, as is the spelling of Spanish and some other languages. Instead, English spelling is affected by the historical development of the language. Some words are pronounced in several different ways; similarly, different combinations (结合)of letters can produce the same pronunciation.

The link between sound and spelling in English is not phonetically exact for two main reasons. First, spelling changes did not keep pace with changes in the sound system after the development of printing and of conventions (惯例)for spelling. For example, the k in knife and the gh in right come from the Middle English period (from about 1100 to about 1500) , when they were pronounced as separate sounds. Second, there are some spelling conventions that are based on other languages. For example, during the 16th century the "b" was put into the word doubt. This reflected the Latin word, dubitare, even though the "b” was not pronounced in English.

Two further influences contributed to the illogical system of spelling. When books began to be printed in England, the newly invented spelling system was undermined (逐渐削弱)because nearly all the early London printers were foreign. They were usually paid by the line and often put additional letters into words to earn more. They regularly also added extra letters to the last word of a line to make the whole text look neater. Many of their spelling errors eventually became accepted English spellings.

There have been many attempts (试图,尝试)to reform English spelling. The author and playwright George Bernard Shaw suggested a completely new alphabet, but this had very limited success. American English has developed some of its own spelling conventions, largely as a result of the work of spelling reformer Noah Webster. Webster attempted to get rid of some of the irregularities from the English spelling system and distance American English from British English. Nevertheless, the system as a whole remains particularly complex, and English is widely regarded as having the worst spelling of any language in the world.

1.What is the most difficult for native English speakers and non-native speakers?

2.Why isn't the link between sound and spelling in English phonetically exact?

3.Did the printers often put additional letters into words to get more money?

4.What did Noah Webster do to reform English spelling?

5.What is the passage mainly about?


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年天津市滨海新区中考一模英语试卷 题型:听短对话回答问题

Why is David good at English?

A.Because he often sings English songs.

B.Because he often reads English stories.

C.Because he often watches English films.

