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(   ) 7. I’m sorry I          my homework at home.

   A. forgot   B. remembered

   C. left   D. waited


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

33. Please p             your book to me.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 Do you read advice columns in newspapers and magazines? Do you think they are helpful to everyone who reads them? Here are some.

Dear Sally,

I’ve got a problem. In my science class,my good friend Lana asked me to lend her my exercise book so she could copy my answers. Should I do it,Sally? I don’t want to,but I’m afraid that if I don’t give it to her she won’t be my friend any longer.            


Dear Carmen,

Of course you can’t give her your exercise book. That’s cheating,and you could get into big trouble if you do that.


Dear Sally,

I was at my friend's house for dinner last Saturday. During dinner,I broke a beautiful plate. It was my friend’s favorite wedding gift. I wanted to pay for it,but she didn’t agree with me. I feel bad about it.


Dear Kay,

I think you did the right thing. It was important to offer to pay for it,but it’s not surprising that she said no. Perhaps you could give her a special gift instead.

Sally Dear Sally,My son is 24 years old. He finished college last year,but he can’t seem to find a job that he likes. I’m worried that he’s not trying hard enough to get a job and live on his own. He sleeps till noon every day. Also I’ve been cooking his meals.


Dear Lisa,

You’re making it too easy for him to stay where he is. Tell him he has two months to find a job (any job) ,and get his own place. He,s old enough to take care of himself.


(   ) 1. Lana wanted to borrow Carmen’s           .

   A. plate   B. science book

   C. dictionary   D. exercise book

(   ) 2.  What’s Kay’s problem?

   A. She broke her friend’s plate.

   B. She lost her exercise book.

   C. Her friend didn’t like her gift.

   D. Her son didn’t find a job.

(   ) 3.  Sally suggested that Lisa’s son should          .

   A. find an interesting job

   B. sleep until 9 o’clock

   C. find a job in two months

   D. look after his mother

(   ) 4.  Who’s Carmen’s good friend?

   A. Lana.

   B. Sally.

   C. Kay.

   D. Lisa.

(   ) 5.  Which of the following is NOT true?

   A. Carmen and Lana are good friends.

   B. Lana wanted to copy Carmen’s answers.

   C. Lisa’s son finished college at the age of  22.

   D. Kay’s friend liked the plate very much.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

9. Let’s go skating instead of          (stay) at home.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 2.  The little boy        his seat        an old lady on the crowded bus.

   A. provided;to   B. offered;to

   C. provided;with   D. offered;with


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 Stress is everywhere in our everyday life. Not only men have it,but also women.

The most important reasons of stress are: death,diseases,exams,making money,getting married,moving houses,changing jobs,ending friendships and so on.

How do you know whether you have stress? Could you give your answers to the following questions?

Do you                        



easily get angry?

often sleep badly?

get headaches a lot?

take sleeping pills?

find it difficult to relax?

usually hide your feelings?

smoke and drink a lot to keep quiet?

find it difficult to put your heart into something?

If you answer “Yes” to more than two of these questions,you are one of those people with stress. So what should you do about it?

Doing relaxing exercise,talking with friends and listening to light music are all usual ways to relieve stress. However,doctors now say that there are easier ways—people should laugh and smile and even cry,because crying is the natural way to relax yourself.

 (   ) 1.  Which of the following is NOT the reason of stress?

   A. Taking exams. .   B. Changing jobs.

   C. Taking sleeping pills.

   D. Making money.

 (   ) 2.  According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE?

   A. Women and young people never have stress.

   B. Stress is everywhere in our everyday life.

   C. People who answer “No” to all of the questions have great stress.

   D. People who answer “Yes” to more than two of the questions have no stress.

 (   ) 3.  What’s the easier way to relax your body?

   A. Talking with friends.

   B. Listening to light music.

   C. Doing relaxing exercise.

   D. Laughing,smiling and crying.

 (   ) 4.  What’s the meaning of the underlined word “relieve”?

   A. 缓解;减轻   B. 加重

   C. 相信   D. 锻炼

 (   ) 5. The main idea of the passage is         .

   A. about stress and how to relieve your stress

   B. that there are many reasons for having stress

   C. that laughing and smiling more can help relieve your stress

   D. that doing the stress test is a good way to help you live a better life


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

5. When we       (比较) Western culture with Chinese culture,you’ll find many differences.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

2. 家长们总是把孩子送去上各种各样的课程。 Parents always send their kids       all             classes.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

5. Could you swim when you were six years old? (作否定回答)


