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46.Losing his favorite job in Shanghai last year d       him crazy.

47.The unusual experience in the forest last month made our f        much stronger.

48.The girl was so terrified of the snake that her face turned p        .

49.The old worker has neither time n        money.

50.The box is much too heavy and I don't know its w       .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


It made him       lucky             that he was on a       team.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Much meaning can be carried clearly with our eyes,so it is often 16      that eyes can speak.

Do you have such kind of 17       ? In a bus you may look at a stranger,but not too long. And if he 18       that he is being looked at,he may feel uncomfortable. In daily life,if you are looked at for long,you will look yourself up and down to see if there is 19       wrong with you. If nothing goes wrong,you will feel 20             toward the person who is looking at you that way. Eyes do speak,right?

Looking too long at someone may seem to be impolite. But sometimes things are different. If a man looks at a woman for more than 10 seconds,it may mean that he wishes to attract(吸弓|) her attention,to make her understand that he 21       her. When two people are in a conversation,the speaker will only look at the listener from time to time, 22      make sure that the listener does pay attention 23      what he or she is speaking. Lovers will enjoy looking at each other or being looked at for a long time,to show something that 24       cannot express.

Clearly,eye contact should be done according to the relationship between two people and the place 25       you stay. 

(   ) 16.A. spoken   B. said

   C.  told   D. talked

(   ) 17.A. experience   B. eyes

   C.  mind   D. news

(   ) 18.A. found   B. knew

   C.  finds   D. saw

(   ) 19.A. anything   B. something

   C.  everything   D. nothing

(   ) 20.A. happy   B. angry

   C.  sad   D. thankful

(   ) 21.A. loves   B. hates

   C.  thanks   D. looks at

(   ) 22.A. in order that   B. so that

   C.  in order to    D.  for

(   ) 23.A. for   B. of

   C.  with   D. to

(   ) 24.A. eyes   B. words

   C.  minds   D. body

(   ) 25.A. which   B. that

   C.  where   D. there


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

2.The news made the twins        (happy) and then they cried.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 9. It's very friendly          him to be friends        me,

   A. of;with   B. with? with

   C.  with;to   D. with;of


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

55.I think doing is much        (good) than talking.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

1.We had an        (出乎意料的) visitor on Sunday morning.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 3. ―You were late again this morning. Could you tell me      to you?

       ―I overslept.

   A.what did happen

   B.what was happening

   C.what happens

   D.what happened


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Sam really felt very happy. When he arrived at his seat in the classroom that morning,he found an invitation on his desk. It was from several of his classmates asking him to join them on a camping trip. This was the first time he was asked to join in an out-of-school activity.

Why were they asking him now? Nobody seemed to like him. In fact, he had been so lonely that he ate a lot of food. As a result, he put on a lot of weight, and this gave the kids something more to make fun of him.

Cindy,who was standing near Sam when Sam read the invitation, went out quickly to tell the others that the trick had worked. Everyone was pleased that Sam thought that was true. But there was no camping trip. The whole thing was made up.

At first,Cindy thought it was fun. But later,when Sam told her that he was going to buy a sleeping bag with his savings, Cindy had second thoughts. She knew that Sam's family had little money,and she hated to see him spend his savings on something he would never use. Cindy also hated to tell Sam the truth. Her close friends would be angry with her.

What could she do now? 

(   ) 1.Why was Sam very happy that morning?

   A.He was invited to a trip.

   B.He arrived on time for school.

   C.He met several of his classmates.

   D.He was going to join in the school activity,

(   ) 2. What was Sam's real problem?

   A.He was lazy.

   B.He was impolite.

   C.He was lonely.

   D.He was slow in study.

(   ) 3.What do the words   " the trick had worked" probably mean?

   A.Sam had believed it.

   B.Cindy had helped Sam.

   C.Cindy had told Sam about the truth.

   D.Sam had bought something for the trip.

(   ) 4. What did Cindy think of the invitation at first?

   A.It was fun.

   B.It was bad.

   C.It was terrible.

   D.It was important.

(   ) 5. From the text we can learn that Cindy is      

   A.a little clever

   B.very kind

   C.quite helpful


