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14. Don’t worry. We’re old enough to look after       .

   A. myself   B. me   C. ourselves   D. us

14. C

句意:不要担心。我们足够大了能照顾自己。短语look after oneself表示“照顾自己”。we的反身代词是ourselves。

题目来源:2016年5年中考3年模拟初中英语七年级下册沪教牛津版 > 期中测试


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

l.He always laughs at others.

He always                                   .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

2. He can probably tell us all the details we want.

   A. surely   B. certainly

   C. possibly   D. likely


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

9. Spend more time talking with your parents,       they may not well understand you.

   A. or   B. so   C. and   D. but


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   Mr Robin (知更鸟) had his house in a tree.

   His four baby robins lived in it. They grew very fast. Soon the house was too little for them.

   “It is time for you to fly”,said Mr Robin.

   “Oh,we cannot fly,” said the baby robins. uYou can,if you try/' said Mr Robin.

A robin tried.He flew into a tree.

   “Oh,how interesting!” said the little robin. “I like to fly. See me go!”

   Then the other robins tried.

   In a little while they could all fly.

   The robins could fly,but they could not sing.

   Mr Robin said to them ,“ Come on,little robins,it is time for you to sing."

   “ No,Dad,we cannot sing. ”

   “You can,if you try.Hear the other birds sing.Look at the pretty flowers and the blue sky. Then you will want to sing. Hear me sing to you. Now sing for me."

   One little robin sang.

   Then they all sang.

   A little girl came by. “Wow,hear the birds sing!” she said. “How happy they are!”

36. How many baby robins lived in the house?

   A. 3.   B. 4.   C. 6.   D. 7.

37. What did Mr Robin ask his babies to do first?

   A. To fly. B. To jump.

   C. To look for food. D. To build houses.

38. How did the little robin feel when he flew into a tree?

   A. Interested. B. Bored. C. Tired. D. Worried.

39. What else did the baby robins learn to do?

   A. To have dinner. B. To take a trip.

   C. To have a party. D. To sing.

40. What did the girl think of the birds?

   A. They were poor. B. They were rude.

   C. They were happy. D. They were sad.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

53. Martin was        (interest) in Chinese history after he came to China and he read a lot about it.

54. Dave enjoys        (play) tennis and baseball.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

5. 掉入河中      

6. 该做……了      


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

5. 你喜欢谁?

      do you       ?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

5. 人们必须遵守法律。

People must                    .

