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No other organization was willing to______ the challenging job.

A. take in B. take off C. take on D. take away


【解析】句意:没有其他机构愿意承担这个具有挑战性的工作。take in吸收;take off脱下;take on承担;take away拿走;结合句意,此处表示承担工作,故选C。


Tom, you ____ play with the knife, you ____ hurt yourself.

A. won’t, can’t B. mustn’t, may

C. shouldn’t, must D. can’t, shouldn’t


科目:初中英语 来源:武汉市青山区2017-2018学年度上学期期中考试九年级英语试卷(word版有答案) 题型:完型填空

When I was young,my father told me that little acts of kindness may give one great happiness. Since then I have always tried to help people in____

One hot summer afternoon, I was____down the highway to New York when another car suddenly____into my lane(车道). My car was in the far right lane,so it ran onto the roadside. As a(n)____driver,I moved my car quickly and skillfully back onto the highway without causing any accident.

I was____with that driver,but I thought that he just did not pay attention to the lane change, and he____did not do that on purpose(故意).The car ran away____after cutting me off. Very soon it disappeared from sight. After a while,I came around a curve(弯道) and found the____car. The driver was walking along the roadside. He was an elderly man and looked____With no telephone nearby and the nearest services twenty miles away. I decided to____and see what the problem was.

The man’s car had a flat tire(瘪胎). Although he had a spare tire,he had nothing to work with. I decided to____him. I changed the tire for him and allowed him to sit in my Air-conditioned car while I did it. Fifteen minutes later,I____the work. I was hot and tired,but I really felt____after an act of kindness to the man who had earlier____my car ran off the road.

You can really enjoy great____from kindness acts, so always lend your hands to others in trouble.

1.A. need B. school C. danger D. summer

2.A. walking B. riding C. running D. driving

3.A. fell B. floated C. came D. climbed

4.A. active B. experienced C. frightened D. energetic

5.A. unhappy B. satisfied C. familiar D. friendly

6.A. even B. certainly C. almost D. simply

7.A. quickly B. quietly C. politely D. carefully

8.A. new B. red C. same D. other

9.A. excited B. relaxed C. surprised D. worried

10.A. stay B. research C. stop D. hide

11.A. punish B. train C. help D. encourage

12.A. began B. finished C. took D. continued

13.A. good B. sorry C. angry D. shy

14.A. noticed B. made C. watched D. heard

15.A. friendship B. success C. excitement D. happiness


科目:初中英语 来源:福建省泉州市泉港区2018届九年级上学期期中教学质量检测(含听力)英语试卷 题型:听短对话回答问题


1.What is the girl going to do on the holiday?

A. To learn Japanese. B. To travel. C. To take part in a summer school.

2.What is the boy going to do?

A. Travel. B. Join in a summer school. C. Help do housework.


科目:初中英语 来源:2017-2018扬州市宝应县九年级英语期中试卷 题型:阅读单选


24-hour service.


Main Dishes

Cheeseburger ¥5.2

Big Mac ¥10.4

Mc Chicken ¥5

Fillet-o-fish ¥9.9


Pie(apple, pineapple) ¥3.5

French Fries ¥5/6/7.5(small, middle, big)

MC and Hot Crispy Strips ¥5/pair

The fastest!

The most delicious!

The cleanest!


Coca Cola ¥3.5/4.5//5.5(small, middle, big)

Orange Juice ¥7

Coffee ¥4/4.5/(small, big and refilled for nothing)

Call at 563-5566.

Dairy Desserts

Ice Cream ¥2

Milk Shake (strawberry, Chocolate) ¥4.5/6.5(small, big)

Visit 166

Goodfood Road.

Happy Meal(with happy toys)

Hamburger + mini French Fries + mini Pop ¥12

Cheeseburger + mini Milk Shake +mini Orange Juice ¥14.5

1.A Big Mac could be a kind of ______ .

A. ice cream B. chocolate C. fruit D. hamburger

2.How much did you need to pay for two middle French Fries and one big cup of Cola?

A. ¥12. B. ¥16.5. C. ¥17.5. D. ¥23.

3.Which one is TRUE about the restaurant?

A. It is located at 116 Goodfood Road.

B. It is only for children.

C. The food here can be the most delicious and the cleanest, but slow.

D. It will be open all day and all night.







推理判断题。根据Main Dishes和Big Mac ¥10.4可知Big Mac属于主食,故推断应该是一种汉堡,故选D。


推理判断题。根据French Fries ¥5/6/7.5(small, middle, big)和Coca Cola ¥3.5/4.5/5.5 (small, middle, big)可知两个中等的薯条是6×2=12¥,一大杯可乐是5.5¥,因此你需要支付12+5.5=17.5¥,故选C。


推理判断题。根据Welcome! 24-hour service.可知这家餐馆一天24小时服务,因此所有的白天和夜晚都营业,故选D。

点睛:根据题干要求,在文中寻找答案所在的语句或段落,进行分析理解,词义猜测,推理判断和概括归纳,选出正确的选项。例如小题2,根据French Fries ¥5/6/7.5(small, middle, big)和Coca Cola ¥3.5/4.5//5.5(small, middle, big)可知两个中等的薯条是6×2=12¥,一大杯可乐是5.5¥,因此你需要支付12+5.5=17.5¥,故选C。


Rapping in style. What is the hottest catchphrase (流行语) this summer? It probably is: “Can you freestyle?”

In the music program The Rap of China, judge Kris Wu asked this question to the singers many times. The show is trying to find the most talented rappers (说唱歌手) in China. But do you know what rap and freestyle are?

Rap, a style of hip-hop music, usually focuses more on the lyrics (歌词)than music. Rappers use a lot of slang (俚语) in their lyrics. And importantly, they make them rhyme (押韵).

The music was created during the 1980s in the United States. It first became popular among young black people living in poor areas of New York City.

Many rap songs are about love, jobs and peace. But sometimes singers also express their anger through rapping. It’s true that some songs include bad things like rude language. These songs are not suitable for children.

Rappers not only write songs, they also do “freestyle” rapping. They think up lyrics randomly (即兴地) and rap them out. Only rappers with talent and experience are good at it.

US rapper Eminem can freestyle amazingly well. There is even a movie called 8 Mile telling of how he wins a freestyle rapping competition.

Jin Au-Yeung, also known as “MC Jin”, is a Chinese freestyle rapper. Some say he is the best in China. You can also watch him on The Rap of China. Chinese hip-hop on the rise.

10.The purpose of the TV program The Rap of China is to _______.

A. teach people the hottest catchphrase B. look for the best lyrics instead of melodies

C. teach rappers how to use slang in lyrics D. find the most talented rappers in China

11.What makes rap music different from other styles of music?

A. It cares more about lyrics than music. B. Black people in the US created it.

C. It includes a lot about love and anger. D. It is not suitable for children.

12.What does the underlined phrase “think up ” probably mean in Paragraph 6?

A. 想出 B. 想起 C. 想象 D. 认为

13.What changes do you think the TV program will bring?

A. Freestyle rapping will become the most popular style of music in China.

B. China will see fewer real talented and experienced rappers.

C. More people will learn more about rap music.

D. More rappers will turn to shoot films about their music.


科目:初中英语 来源:2017-2018扬州市宝应县九年级英语期中试卷 题型:单选题

(2017江苏南京)—Would you like some green tea?

—No, thanks. I ________ drink green tea. It hurts my stomach.

A. almost B. seldom C. only D. still




Jane, my bike requires _______, so I need you to help me .

A. to repair B. repairing C. repaired D. repairs


科目:初中英语 来源:广东省2017-2018学年七年级上学期第一次月考英语试卷(word版附答案) 题型:将所给单词连成句子


1.that, is, pen, my _________________________________?

2.number; ID card; 666-5655; is; my _________________________________.

3.family, Black, is, name, his ________________________________.

4.your, lost, found, is, in, and, case, the, watch ________________________________.

5.her,last, what, name, is ________________________________?


科目:初中英语 来源:广东省2017-2018学年七年级上学期第一次月考英语试卷(word版附答案) 题型:单选题


----Fine ,thanks.

A. How are you? B. Hello!

C. How do you do? D. Good morning!


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版八年级上学期期中复习试卷(含答案) 题型:单词填空

Do you remember your first day at a new school or in a new area? How about the life when your family moved to a new place? Ugh! What about the feelings of being a stranger?

Then, with time flying, you’ll find someone l1. what you like. A friends is a great

g2. in life. I have good friends too, but not because they are perfect (完美的). Sometimes they talk too much; sometimes they need me a lot. I know I ask too much of them. I hope my friends, like my father, c3. about me a lot.

I o4. told my friends to give me all their love and be generous and kind. I also told my friends to love me b 5. I loved them.

They didn’t u6. me at first, but they became kinder. My love for them slowly made them l7.to love friends. They learned to love others and got the idea that love is p8.of life.

If we listen to and try to understand each other, love will c9.. We should work on it, even if it’s h10. at first. A true friend loves us at all times.


科目:初中英语 来源:四川省2017-2018学年七年级上学期第一次月考英语试卷(word版附答案) 题型:阅读单选

1.______ is Jane’s last name.

A. Smith B. Green

C. Miller D. Brown

2.What color is the ruler?

A. It’s purple. B. It’s white.

C. It’s yellow. D. It’s green.

3.The jacket is ______.

A. Jane’s B. Mike’s

C. Mary’s D. Gina’s

4.Gina’s telephone number is ______.

A. 658-7466 B. 682-3169

C. 592-2347 D. 534-6887

5.__________ are of the same age (同龄).

A. Jane and Mike B. Mary and Gina

C. Jane and Mary D. Mike and Gina

