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She is a teacher__ ________has much teaching experience.

A. whose B. who C. whom

B 【解析】句意:她是一个教学经验非常丰富的老师。本题考查定语从句的关系词。A. whose谁的 ,在句子中作定语; B. who 谁 在句中作主语 ; C. whom谁(宾格),在句中作宾语;分析句子成分知该空所需的关系词在定语从句中作主语,故选B。

科目:初中英语 来源:北京市石景山区2018届九年级第二次统练英语试卷 题型:书信作文


提示词语: help, care, communicate, drive to hospital, own family

提示要点:When are you going to leave?

Why do you want to say ‘thank you’ to her?

How do you feel?
Dear Sarah,

I’m writing to deliver my thanks to you.

Thanks again for taking care of me so well.


Li Hua

Dear Sarah, I’m writing to deliver my thanks to you. I am going to leave the US next Tuesday morning. I really want to say thanks to you because of your help and care during my stay here. I will ne...


科目:初中英语 来源:天津市五区县2018届九年级一模英语试卷 题型:完型填空

My dad really likes gardening, so he built a ______ in our yard. He plants a lot of ______, and this year we have onions, beans, cabbages, tomatoes, potatoes and carrots. Now, we are starting to grow fruits, ______ grapes, strawberries and pears.

Growing plants isn’t that easy. First, we have to ______ seeds(种子), which we buy at a store called “Garden Nursery”. Next, we turn the soil(土壤) over, and then ______ the seeds. We then wait until the seeds come out from the soil and grow into little leaves. My father and I water them every day. We have to do this ______ vegetables are just like us—they need water, air and food, so they can grow better and more ______.

Autumn is the season to ______. The garden gives us a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits to eat. We may ______ get some vegetables that we cannot get at the supermarket.

With time and hard work, I have learned to take care of the plants in our garden. It is really a great ______.

1.A. garden B. house C. playground D. parking

2.A. trees B. flowers C. vegetables D. corns

3.A. according to B. such as C. for example D. as well

4.A. sell B. ask C. manage D. buy

5.A. plant B. dig C. sweep D. keep

6.A. though B. but C. because D. so

7.A. health B. healthy C. healthier D. healthily

8.A. travel B. receive C. harvest D. reduce

9.A. too B. also C. either D. as well

10.A. experience B. present C. product D. progress

1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.C 9.B 10.A 【解析】试题本文记叙了作者和爸爸一起种植蔬菜、水果,管理花园和收获的经过,表达了对辛勤劳动的赞美和对自然的热爱。 1.句意:我爸爸非常喜欢园艺,所以他在我们的院子里建了一个花园。考查名词辨析题。like gardening喜欢园艺;根据句意语境,可知建...


科目:初中英语 来源:黑龙江省绥化市2018年中考英语试卷 题型:回答问题

The train made a lot of noise as it came to a stop at the station. Martha waited for a while until her father held her hand. They walked onto the train together. Her mother and brother walked behind them.

This was the first train ride for Martha and her brother Brian. They would take the train to visit their grandparents. They usually went there by car. But today, Mum and Dad wanted to try a different way.

They walked to the middle of the train. They found some seats and sat down. A few minutes later, the train began to move.

Martha and Brian felt a little nervous, but their parents said they would enjoy the ride. Dad said he liked the train ride because he didn't need to drive all the time. Mum added that

she could talk to her two children face to face instead of turning around.

When the children heard their parent’s words, they felt relaxed.

"The train isn't as noisy as I thought it would be" said Martha,“ and l can stand up and

walk around. I believe I can see everything through the windows.”“The train really goes fast," said Brian," I like that best of all. If we get on the train in the morning, we can see grandparents before lunch. I can't wait to enjoy their apple pie!"


1.According to the passage, who got on the train first?

2.How did Martha and Brian usually go to visit their grandparents?

3.Did Martha and Brian feel a little nervous when the train began to move?

4.Why did Dad like the train ride?

5.What does the underlined word “that" refer to(指代)?

1.Martha and her father (got on the train first). 2.By car/In a car./They usually went to visit their grandparents by car/in a car 3.Yes,they did./Yes. 4.Because he didn't need to drive all t...


科目:初中英语 来源:黑龙江省绥化市2018年中考英语试卷 题型:句子/对话改错



1.What will he do if it won't rain tomorrow.


2.There is going to have an art festival in our city next month.


3.It 's very kind for you to help me carry the box.


4.What fast the boy runs!


5.Some men teachers entered into the library quietly.


1.C-doesn't 2.B--be 3.A…of 4.A…How 5.B.去掉 【解析】 1.句意:如果明天不下雨,他将干什么。If引导的条件状语从句中,如果主句是将来时,从句是可以使用一般现在时代替将来时。主句What will he do是将来时,所以从句if it won't rain tomorrow.用一般现在时代替将来时,所以C是错的,应把won...


科目:初中英语 来源:黑龙江省绥化市2018年中考英语试卷 题型:单选题

He___________ his grandparents in the countryside last week.

A. visits B. visit C. visited

C 【解析】句意:上周,他拜访了在农村的祖父母。本题考查动词的时态。A. visits 单数第三人称形式; B. visit 动词原形 ;C. visited一般过去式。因为句中有一般过去式的标志性短语:last week.,故选C


科目:初中英语 来源:黑龙江省绥化市2018年中考英语试卷 题型:单选题

Work hard, ____________you'll catch up with your classmates next time

A. and B. or C. but

A 【解析】句意:努力学习,下次你就会赶上你的同学们了。本题考查连词。A. and 表示并列关系;B. or 表示选择关系 ; C. but表示转折关系。“努力学习”和“赶上你的同学们”不存在转折和选择关系,属并列关系,故选A。


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版八年级下英语期末考试专题练习-阅读理解 题型:阅读单选

Parking lots again came up for discussion in Shanghai. Another 220, 000 private cars will hit the roads this year, and the need to buy a car is still very high among people. More than 270,000 cars have no designated(指定)parking areas at night. In a middle school in Changing District, trees were cut in a green area to make way for car parking. The school had not considered car parking when it was being built,

A private car is used about an hour daily for driving and stays parked for 23 hours. Many private cars are used even less. Car-sharing offers users all kinds of cars. The cars are parked in car-sharing stations, lying throughout the city. Customers of car-sharing can book(预定)a car at any time ( day or night) by telephone or on the Internet. The customer then picks the booked car up at the set time. After finishing his/her business, they return the car to the same place where they picked it up. Maybe, this is one way to solve the car parking problem.

On the other hand, the idea of Park & Ride has been suggested. This means that underground train and city train should be developed quickly. You can leave your cars in car parks nearby subway and bus stations and then you can ride public transports to go to the city centre within minutes—great in wet weather or when you're carrying heavy bags. Park & Ride services can save you a little more time to do something you enjoy: catch up on e-mails, chat with friends, read the paper or simply relax, and prepare for the day ahead. Then the city will cut down the number of parking lots in the city centre.

1.Why does the writer mention what the middle school did in Paragraph 1?

A. To say car parking has been a problem for along time.

B. To show the car parking problem is becoming more serious.

C. To warm the middle school didn't care about environment.

D. To tell people to learn from the school for more parking areas.

2.How does the writer like the car-sharing service?

A. Expensive. B. OK.

C. Not possible. D. Not convenient.

3.According to the text, private cars .

A. are not useful at all

B. are not used very often

C. are responsible for the city train development

D. help drivers reach the city centre more quickly

4.According to the idea of Park & Ride, we can infer(推断)the city will have to .

A. build more parking lots near subway and bus stops

B. offer more cars to the customers in the city centre

C. encourage people not to drive cars to the city

D. ask people not to buy more cars

1.B 2.B 3.B 4.C 【解析】本篇文章难度适中,主要讲述随着生活水平的提高,汽车走进了千家万户,但随着汽车的增加,停车变成了一件难事,于是出现了租车服务,也可以坐公交车。 1.推理判断题。根据In a middle school in Changing District, trees were cut in a green area to make way ...


科目:初中英语 来源:四川省眉山市2018届九年级中考模拟英语试卷(二) 题型:单选题

—Do you know what time your uncle Hangzhou tomorrow?

—At 2:00 p.m. I will meet him when he at the airport.

A. gets to;arrives B. will get to;will arrive C. will get to;arrives D. gets to;will arrive

C 【解析】句意:——你知道你叔叔明天几点到达杭州吗?——在下午2点,当他到达机场时,我去接他。当主句是一般现在时态时,宾语从句可以根据情况用各种时态,根据 tomorrow可知从句用将来时态,排除A/D;when 引导的时间状语从句不能用将来时态,用一般现在时态来代替,主语he单三,谓语动词用单数形式;故选C

