精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
1. It's good manners to keep q__________ in a library.
2. Uncle Rick spent the whole afternoon f__________ our broken bikes.
3. Mr.Kennard is a teacher of much e__________.He has taught in several countries.
4. Eating more f__________ vegetables is good for health.
5. Boys and girls, please pay a__________ to your handwriting. Write clearly and correctly.
6. Could you tell me how to i__________ my spoken English?
7. Don't go a__________ the street unless the traffic light turns green.
8. December is the t__________ month of a year.
9. The astronauts who flew into space in Shenzhou V and VI are the national h__________ of China.
10. We were all r__________ tired when we got to the top of the mountain.
1. quiet   2. fixing   3. experience   4. fresh    5. attention
6. improve  7. across   8. twelfth   9. heroes   10. rather

科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【小题1】—Try some more rice, please.
—No, thanks. I’m f       .
【小题2】Have you ever c          buying a new MP4 player? It is good for you to listen to English as well as music.
【小题3】The football star loves his girlfriend very much and he decides to get
m        to her next month.
【小题4】A terrible disease has just broken out in Europe and it has caused a number of
d       in some European countries.
【小题5】Many middle school students like reading Harry Potter, i            me.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

1.November is the e_______ month of a year.
2.Lakers will play a_______ Rockets in the NBA match tonight.
3.Lingling, Betty and I enjoyed o_______ at the party last night.
4.Dragon Boat Festival is one of the Chinese t_______ festivals.
5.F_______, the soldiers arrived at the village after a few days’ long walk.
6.If there's something wrong with your teeth,you'd better go to see a d_______.
7.Many teenagers would like to s_______ their photos or articles with others on the Internet.


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年辽宁省鞍山26中初一4月月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单词拼写

【小题1】His father works in a h___________ as a doctor.
【小题2】We have to wear a u___________, so we don’t have to worry about out clothes every day.
【小题3】Don’t play near the street, it’s too d___________.
【小题4】At the b____________ of this month, my cousin starts to work in a bank.
【小题5】Jim wants mort meat and bread, because he feels pretty h___________.
【小题6】Hainan and Guangdong are s____________ of our country.
【小题7】Mr. Lee is new here, so we need to meet him at the a___________ tomorrow.
【小题8】Tom is much taller than me and he sits b___________ me in class.
【小题9】Many people go to the r_____________ to have dinner. The food there is so nice .
【小题10】The old man likes walking in the park near by d____________ the day.


科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年浙江省乐清市七年级上第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.This is a girl ._______(她的)name is Alice.

2.Nice to m_______ you!

3.—What′s your n________?   -Jane.

4.This is my brother(兄弟). H_______name is Tony.

5.Her name is Zhang Lingling. Her l______ name is Zhang.



科目:初中英语 来源:2012年外研版初中英语七年级上Module9练习卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.The panda comes f    China.Its f    food is bamboo.It can c    trees.

2.The snake is Asian. It h    no friends. It doesn't like w   ,but the elephant likes ?water. It can eat 600 kilos of g    in a day.

3.The camel lives in the d    in Africa.

4.The wolf lives in the E    forest. It likes to eat m   .

5.The kangaroo comes from A   .


