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There arc many rules in the old libraries. For example,no photos,no drinking and no phones. But now a lot of libraries don't have too many rules. They paint the rooms beautiful colours so readers would like to read there. There aren’t hard chairs in these libraries. There are nice sofas in them. Some of them are open 24 hours every day.

(l) In the libraries m America,readers can make a free call. That means that they don't need to pay any money for making a calL In the kids library in Demnark (2) children^an sleep there if it is too late. In some libraries in Australia,they have a kids' ”story timev. Today libraries are good places for kids to have fun and learn something.

1题为判断正(T) 误(F) ; 2题为补全句子;3题为简略回答问题;4题为翻译句子;5题为句型转换。

1. Today libraries are good places for kids to have fun and learn something.()

2. They paint the rooms so readers would like to read there.

3. In which country do some libraries have a kids ,“story time”?


4. 请将画线句子(1) 翻译成汉语。


5. 请将画线句子(2) 变为特殊疑问句。


[答案] 1. T 2. beautiful colours   3. In Australia.

4. 在美国的图书馆里,读者可以打免费电话。

5. What can children do there if it is too late? / Who can sleep there if it is too late?


1. 根据全文最后一句 Today libraries are good places for kids to have fun and learn something.可知。

2. 根据第一段Theypainttheroomsbeautifulcol-ours so readers would like to read there.可知。

3. 根据第二段 In some libraries in Australia,they have a kids’ “story time”.可知。

4. free call “免费电话”。

5. 对sleep提问,需要用What…do…?;对children 提问,需要用who。

题目来源:2016年阅读空间英语阅读理解与完形填空七年级 > PASSAGE F任务型阅读


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:












J Personal information

Norman Bethune

Born in 1890 in Canda? A doctor;

Came to China in 1938; Died in 1939 in China.

Celine Dion

- -- Born in Montreal,Canda;

In 1997,sang My Heart Will Go On for the film Titanic^,

A singing star.

Bill Gates

Born in 1947,Kentucky,the USA; Wrote Business @ the speed of Thought;Owns Microsoft Company.

Born in 1835 in the USA;A writer;

Mark Twain

Died in 1900;

Wrote Tom Sawyer.

() 1. Dr. Bethune worked in China for .

   A. 2 years   B. 4 years   C. 6 years   D. 8 years

() 2. My Heart Will Go On is the name of a .

   A. book   B. song   C. story   D. film

() 3. Who is a writer?

   A. Norman Bethune. B. Celine Dion.

   C. Bill Gates. D. Mark Twain.

() 4. Bill Gates was born in .

   A. 1938   B. 1939   C. 1947   D. 1974

() 5. Tom Sawyer was book.

   A. Mark Twain's   B. Bill Gates’   C. Norman Bethune's   D. Celine Dion's


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:










In England,people often 1 the weather because they can experience (经历) four scs sons in one day. In the morning the weather is warm just 2 in spring. An hour later blac 3 come and then it rains 4 . In the late afternoon the sky will be 5 . The sun wi begin 6 ,and it will be summer at this time of a day.

In England ? people can also have summer in winter or have winter in summer. So i winter they can swim sometimes,and in summer sometimes they should 7 warm clothes When you go to England,you 8 that some English people usually take an umbrella or a raincoat 9 them on a sunny day,but you should not laugh at them. 10 you don

take an umbrella or a raincoat,you will regret (后悔) later in England.

() 1. A. talk to   B. talk with   C. talk about   D. talk in

() 2. A. like   B. likes   C. liked   D. liking

() 3. A. clouds   B. cloud   C. snow   D. rain

() 4. A. big   B. heavy   C. heavily   D. strong

() 5. A. rainy   B. sunny   C. snowy   D. cloudy

() 6. A. to shine   B. shine   C. to shining   D. shines

() 7. A. put on   B. wear   C. in   D. wearing

() 8. A. saw   B. sees   C. will see   D. to see

() 9. A. with   B. for   C. to   D. at

() 10. A. Before   B. If   C. After   D. When


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

话题全家福文体说明文词数 95 限时 8分  正确率 %

(1) 这是一张 Dave 家的全家福照片

The man is his father. His name is Mike. He is a teacher in No. 3High School. (2) Dave's mother is next to his father. She is a nurse in Ren’ai Hospital. The girl in red is Betty. She is Dave's sister. She is twelve. She is in Grade 7 in No. 3High School. Who is that boy in a cap? It's Dave. He looks like his father. Dave and Betty are in the same school,but in different grades. Dave is in Grade 8.Oh,who are the old man and woman on the sofa? They are Dave's grandparents. They are old and they live with their children now.

1题为汉译英;2题为英译汉;3〜4题为简略回答问题;5题为判断正(T) 误(F) 。

1. 把文中的画线句子(1) 译成英语。


2. 把文中的画线句子(2) 译成中文。


3. Where does Dave's mother work?


4. What colour are Betty's clothes?


5. Dave's parents are on the sofa.()


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:











It's Sunday today. Mr. Green goes out for a picnic. On the way 1 Mount Fang,he can't 2 the way. So he 3 ask an old man near him for help.

“Could you please tell me the way 4 ?” asks Mr. Green.

“Go 5 this road,cross the Lang Park and turn right at the gate of the park. Go up the street to the end and you’ll see it 6 your left”’ says the old man.

“How long will it take me to 7 there?” asks Mr. Green.

The old man says nothing (没什么) . Mr. Green feels a little angry (生气的) . He goes away. After a while ( —会儿) ,the old man calls him, “Young man,you will get there in about half an hour."

“ 8 didn't you tell me just now (刚才) ?” asks Mr. Green.

“I don't know how fast you can walk. 9 I have to let you go,then I can tell you the 10 ”says the old man.

() 1. A. of   B. for   C. to   D. at

() 2. A. see   B. look for   C. find   D. look at

() 3. A. can   B. have to   C. should   D. has to

() 4. A. Mount Fang   B. to Mount Fang   C. for Mount Fang   D. in Mount Fang

() 5. A. in   B. along   C. long   D. across

() 6. A. at   B. on   C. in   D. for

() 7. A. get   B. get to   C. come   D. come to

() 8. A. How   B. What   C. Why   D. When

() 9. A. And   B. But   C. Also   D. So

() 10. A. clock   B. time   C. watch   D. times


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


                                 eat health help from never

      I'm not tall,but Tm pretty healthy. I exercise every day,usually when I come home 1 school. My 2 habits are pretty good. I try to eat lots of vegetables. I eat fruit and drink milk every day. I 3 drink coffee. Of course,I love junk food,and I eat it once a week. Oh,and I sleep nine hours every night. So you see,I look after my 4 very well. And my healthy lifestyle 5 me get good grades. Good food and exercise help me study better.


1.  2. 3. 4. 5.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


      Welcome to the zoo,everyone!Here is our plan. Listen carefully. First we will visit the Children's Zoo. After that,we will walk to Bird World. Next to it is the African Area(非洲区) .There are elephants and li-ons!Don't be afraid. The cages are safe. Then,we will have lunch. You have your lunch with you,right? Some of you don't have drinks. That's all right. (1) There are many places to buy drinks.

      After lunch,we will go to the Asian Area(亚洲区) .Finally,there is the Butterfly Park.Then,we will come back here and get on the bus. (2) Remember,don't feed the animals. OK,let's have some fun!

1题为判断正(T) 误(F) ; 2题为补全句子;3题为简略回答问题;4题为句型转换;5题为翻译句子。

1. Students without drinks can buy drinks at the zoo.()

2. The Butterfly Park is a part of      .

3. What is near Bird World?


4. 请将句子(1) 变成一般疑问句:


5. 请将句子(2) 翻译成汉语:



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


                  have to,ask for,cough,herself,go 

Dear Mr. Lee , 

      I'm sorry to tell you that my grandmother is ill. She 1 day and night. My parents aren't at home now. They 2 to Beijing on business last week. My grandma can not look af-ter 3 . So I 4 take care of her. May I 5 two days leave?


                                                               Yu Ting


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


      My name is Steve. I move into this house 1 weeks ago,and I really enjoy 2 here. There's only one bedroom,and at the moment my sister is staying with me because she is 3 a job.

      I work in a big company (公司) .It's hard 4 ,and the hours are really long,but I like it. And it pays well. I don't really 5 worried about my work.

      The only thing I don't like about this house is one of the neighbors,Mrs. Snell,I think her name is. She's really strange. She never speaks to 6 ,I always says hello to her,and“Are you all right?” and“What a lovely day today!”,but she never says a word. 7 she doesn’t like young people.

      My sister and I had a party a few days ago. It really wasn’t very noisy (吵闹). About ten of us were here 8 11. 00 p. m. and then we went out to dance. When I saw Mrs. Snell the next day,I said I hoped there wasn’t 9 niose (噪音) for her,but she didn't say anything. Funny lady.

      This evening my sister and I are going to visit a friend of ours who is in hospital,and then we 10 out for a Chinese meal.

() 1. A. few   B. a few   C. little   D. a little

() 2. A. live   B. lives   C. living   D. to live

() 3. A. seeing   B. looking at   C. finding   D. looking for

() 4. A. work   B. job   C. something   D. matter

() 5. A. want   B. feel   C. think   D. have

() 6. A. someone   B. anyone   C. no one   D. everyone

() 7. A. Maybe   B. May be   C. Like   D. For

() 8. A. after   B. until   C. when   D. before

() 9. A. too much   B. much too   C. many   D. much

() 10. A. go   B. went   C. are going   D. aren’t going

