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4. 他不仅仅是一位老师,也是一位朋友。

He is                a teacher;he is a friend too.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

3. 当飞机起飞的时候,天正下着大雨。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A Julia Hill,an American woman,was born in 1974. She was 23 years old when she discovered that a company wanted to cut down part of a forest in California. In the forest,there were lots of redwood trees. One of the trees was 70 metres tall and 1,000 years old.

Julia wasn't happy about this. She has been to California and climbed up the tree. "If I sit in the tree," she said, "the company can't cut it down." At the beginning,Julia planned to stay in the tree for two weeks. She lived in a small tree-house and her friends were very helpful'~they cooked food for her every day. She used her mobile phone to talk to her family and news reporters. She stayed in the tree day and night.

Environmental organizations supported her,but other people weren't on her side and they tried to stop her. The company used a helicopter (直升飞机) that stayed near her tree-house for a long time. The helicopter was very noisy and there was a lot of wind. Julia didn't like it,but she stayed in the tree.

In the end,she was successful. The company agreed not to cut down the redwood tree. Finally,after two years and eight days in the tree? Julia Hill climbed down and walked on the ground again. She and her friends were very happy.

(   ) 26. What nationality (国籍) is Julia Hill?

   A. She is fromAmerica.

   B. She is from California.

   C. She is fromEngland.

   D. She is fromChina.

(   ) 27. Julia kept in touch with others while staying high up in the tree by .

   A. writing letters

   B. watching TV

   C. using her mobile phone

   D. nothing

(   ) 28. Julia climbed down the tree         .

   A. after the company got to the forest

   B. after she saw the helicopter

   C. after two weeks

   D. after the company agreed not to cut down the redwood tree

(   ) 29. Julia has been in the tree .

   A. with her friends

   B. with her family

   C. for two weeks

   D. for two years and eight days

(   ) 30. Why did Julia Hill stay in the tree?

   A. Because she liked living in the tree.

   B. Because she wanted to protect the tree.

   C. Because environmental organizations supported her.

   D. Because she wanted to buy the red?wood tree.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

8. 她结婚后仍然去上班。

She still goes to work after           .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

4. There's only a little water in the river. (对画线部分提问) 

                 water is there in the river?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

11. Lisa bought a souvenir in the gift shop yester?day. (改为否定句)

 Lisa                a souvenir in the gift shop yesterday.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

9. 完成这项工作至少要花两个小时。

It will take              two hours                     the work.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

16. 我宁愿在家里看电视也不愿到外面踢足球。

I would       watch TV at home       play soccer outside.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

8. He's got a        (伤口) in his leg but it's nothing        (严重的)

