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科目:初中英语 来源:2015-2016学年浙江绍兴长城教育集团八年级上学期期末英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Everyone needs friends. What kind of people can be friends? Here are some students’ opinions.


I think a good friend should always support(支持)me. Also he should know my likes and dislikes. When I’m wrong he should tell me about it and not worry that I may be angry.


I like to make friends with those who are the same as me. The similarity doesn’t have to be about looks, but about hobbies and interests, But the most important thing is that they must be honest(诚实的).


I want to make friends with people who bring me happiness, give me a hand and support me.


I would like to make friends with people who are different from me. We maybe sometimes don’t agree with each other, but with friends like these I can learn different ways of thinking.

1.It’s very important to __________ to be Nick’s friend.

A. know his dislikes B. support him

C. make him happy D. be different from him

2.What does the underlined word “similarity” mean in Chinese?

A. 缺点 B. 优点 C. 不同点 D. 相似点

3.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Nick doesn’t like his friend to tell him about it if he is wrong.

B. Gina wants to make friends with people who have the same hobbies as she does.

C. Jenny thinks that a friend should support her.

D. Mark thinks that different friends teach him many things.


科目:初中英语 来源:内蒙古乌兰察布分校2016-2017学年七年级下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

My mother only had one eye. I never wanted her to meet me at my school. I was afraid that my classmates would say I had an ugly mother.

One day, I was badly ill. So my mother came to my class.

“Your mom only has one eye?” said some of my classmates. I wished my mother disappeared(消失) in front of me just like the air.

“Don’t stand in front of me. Why don’t you just die?” I shouted at her. My mother just handed me some medicine and left without saying anything.

At that time, I didn’t think I made her sad. That night I saw my mom crying in her room. Even so, I hated her tears from one eye. I made a decision(决心); I must study hard and leave my mother.

Years later my dream came true. I was successful. I never thought of going back to see my “ugly” mother until one day I got a letter.

“My son, I’m sorry I only have one eye. When you were little, you got into a car accident and lost your eye. As a mom, I couldn’t let you live with only one eye. So I gave you mine. I was never angry with you because I love you.”

I cried out aloud. Only then did I know how beautiful my mother was!

1.Why didn’t the writer want his mom to meet him at his school?

A. Because he thought she was ugly.

B. Because his mom couldn’t see anything.

C. Because his classmates didn’t like her.

D. Because he didn’t live with his mother.

2.From the underlined word “shouted” in Paragraph 4, the writer was very _______ at that time.

A. angry B. excited C. happy D. surprised

3.Why did the writer’s mom lose one eye?

A. She saved his son’s eye with hers. B. She had a car accident.

C. She was badly ill. D. She was born with one eye.

4.What did the writer do on that night?

A. He asked his mom never to go to his school.

B. He took good care of his mom well all night.

C. He decided to study hard and leave his mom.

D. He took his mom to go to the hospital.

5.What is the story mainly about?

A. The difficulties on a boy’s way to success.

B. A mother’s great love for her son.

C. An ugly mother with only one eye.

D. A mother and a son.


科目:初中英语 来源:内蒙古乌兰察布分校2016-2017学年七年级下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:单项填空

_______ lovely gift on the table! It ______ me a lot when I opened the door.

A. What; surprising B. What a; surprised

C. How; surprises D. How a; is surprised


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版8上 Unit 1 Friends课时练习 Grammar 题型:单项填空

---What bad weather!
---Yes. The radio says it will be even ______ later on.

A. bad B. badly C. worse D. worst


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七年级英语上册2017-2018学年(毕节专用)课课练:Unit 4 Where is my schoolbag 题型:单项填空

- me a math book and some CDs? -Yes, I can.

A. Can you take B. Can you bring C. You can take . D. You can bring


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七年级英语上册2017-2018学年(毕节专用)课课练:Unit 4 Where is my schoolbag 题型:单项填空

Can you your notebook school tomorrow?

A. take…for B. bring…to C. need…to D. Pass…to


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七年级上同步练习2Unit 6 Do you like bananas 第三课时 Section B 题型:句型转换

1.They eat broccoli in the evening.(对画线部分提问).

__________ _________they eat in the evening?

2.His brother likes watching TV every evening.(对画线部分提问)

___________ __________his brother_____________ doing every evening?

3.Does she eat salad every day?(作否定回答)

________, __________ __________.

4.His brother has lunch at school.(改为一般疑问句)

_________his brother___________ lunch at school?

5.The sports star eats well.(改为否定句)

The sports star____________ _________well.


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版八年级上英语同步练习2Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science第二课时 Section A 题型:单项填空

How often do you send an e-mail____________ your cousin?

A. for B. to C. up D. with

