精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
1. He p_____ classical music to pop music when he was young.
2.The yellow river is the second l _____ river of our country.
3.There will be a Chinese painting e _____ in the national museum next week.
4.Our teacher always speaks h _____ of us when we make a great progress.
5.How p _____ it is in the countryside! However, it is too noisy in our city.
6.He hasn't enough _____ (经验) for the job,
7.He is _____ (自信的) to pass the exam.
8.With our my _____ (允许), don't touch my things.
9.Ga Changwei is one of the top _____ (摄影家) in China.
10.I am tired and stressed out.I wait a  _____ (放松的) vacation on a quiet place.
l.prefered  2.1ongest    3.exhibition 4.highly  5.peaceful   
6.experience 7.confident   8.permission  9.photographers    l0.relaxing

科目:初中英语 来源:2015届江苏省扬州市邗江区八年级期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.Great ________(change) have taken place in Yangzhou these years.

2.Jim is very ________(care), but he didn’t make many mistakes.

3.Every weekend, my mum with I often goes to buy some ________(day) things.

4.Who is the _______(busy) in your family?

5.Millie is clever. She can always answer the questions__________ (correct).

6.The woman is ______ 50, but she looks very young. (已经)

7. It’s ___________(有意义的) for us to help others.

8.Yesterday, I _______(收到) a letter from my friend.

9.The _____ (花费)from Yangzhou to Taizhou is about 18 yuan.

10.All the boys are good _______(登山者).



科目:初中英语 来源:江苏期中题 题型:填空题

1. The Yellow River is the _______(two)longest river in China.
2. He got a _______ (bad) result in English this term than last term, he didn’t try his best.
3. Do you know which animal has two _______(stomach)?
4. I would like to enjoy the _______(beautiful)of the sunset.
5. Please ask him_______(not watch) too much TV.
6. When I saw this photo, I_______(think)of my uncle.
7.We didn’t enjoy ourselves at the _______(begin) of the trip because of the heavy traffic .
8. Of us all, Kitty has _______(little) money.
9. ______ (join) the school football team, he practises hard even when it rains.
10. Thank you for agreeing_______(let) me go on the class trip, Mr Wu.


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏期末题 题型:填空题

1.Who is the ________(close) person in your family ?
2.I think it’ s ________( use) to talk with him ? It’s difficult to change his mind.
3.Did you have a nice time ________(ski) last week ?
4.I’ll never forget the ________(beautiful) of the old houses ?
5.Some subjects are ________(bore) . But I will try to learn them all.
6.They don’t know how ________(solve) the problem.
7.We should take the _________(follow) actions to help the wild animals.
8.He got ill yesterday. Today he feels even ________(bad) .
9.Our teachers told is that the earth ________(move)around the sun.
10.________(wolf) eat smaller animals when they are hungry


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏期中题 题型:填空题

1. He can use his free time ______ (wise).
2. If you need physical ______ (strong), you should wear red clothes.
3. They're going to have a great time ______ (talk) with each other.
4. He looked at me ______ (angry) without saying a word.
5. We are looking forward to ______ (hear) from him now.
6. Our class is ______ (划分) into 8 different groups.
7. This is an interesting film ______ (导演) by Feng Xiaogang.
8. The gift is worth ______ (接受).
9. The teacher forgave this boy although he has lots of ______ (过错).
10. These ______ (建议) are of value to our students.

