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Once upon a time there was a little cook. Her name was Caroline and she lived in a town. She was very cute and beautiful. Her eyes were as______ as the stars. Her lips were so pink that even the roses were interested by them. In the town, there was a king ______was always sad and easy to get angry. He did not have _____ cook in his palace because of his strange character. So he could only eat junk food while Caroline cooked nice meals for the poor kids in town.

One day, Caroline had______ great idea. She decided to go to the palace _____ to the king. When she rang the doorbell, the king opened the door _____. Caroline took a deep breath and asked the king with a nervous smile, “ Can….Can I use your huge kitchen to cook meals______ kids?”

The king thought for a second. Then he agreed to let Caroline______ his kitchen for two hours. Caroline jumped for joy at once. She picked______ vegetables from her family’s vegetables garden. Then she ______ all of them to the palace.

After a while, the king smelt the smell of cooking_______ from the kitchen. So he wanted to go in to see ____ Caroline cooked food. _______Caroline saw him, she asked him to taste the food that she was cooking. ____ delicious food it was!

From that day on, the people in that town had a happy king. They________to the parties in the palace. And the king shared his big table full of delicious food with the poor.

1.A. brightest B. brightly C. bright D. brighter

2.A. whom B. what C. who D. which

3.A. some B. each C. every D. any

4.A. / B. a C. an D. the

5.A. talking B. to talk C. talked D. talk

6.A. angry B. anger C. angrier D. angrily

7.A. for B. of C. to D. at

8.A. to use B. use C. using D. used

9.A. much B. most C. more D. many

10.A. carry B. carries C. carried D. was carrying

11.A. comes B. to come C. came D. coming

12.A. how B. what C. which D. that

13.A. If B. Though C. While D. When

14.A. What a B. What C. How D. How a

15.A. invited B. were inviting C. were invited D. was invited


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版2017年秋八年级英语上册Unit4单元测试卷 题型:语法填空

1.The ____________ (win) got a computer as a prize

2.He bought two ____________ (ticket) to the concert.

3.Tina and her sister are both ____________ (talent) in music.

4.Of the three post offices, this one is the ____________ (close) to my house.

5.The tall girl ____________ (act) the role of Juliet in that movie.


科目:初中英语 来源:广东省广州市天河区2016年中考英语一模试卷 题型:完形填空

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 16~25 各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

A game of catch is simply two people throwing a ball back and forth(来回地). It seems a little____and many people may not be interested in it. The two people are close enough to talk, but too far to touch. They might have baseball gloves, or they might use their hands.

In fact, playing catch is part of____practice—to make you get used to using a ball and glove. But any American kid will teach you it’s much more than that. Playing catch is a time for kids to____with your father. It’s a time when there’s____to worry about except catching a ball. It’s a time when words move as seamlessly(准确不误地) as the ball itself, back and forth, easy and relaxing. It’s an excuse to____time together.

Because baseball is an American sport, and a big part of being American, playing catch is kind of an all-American dad activity. In the suburbs(郊区), most people have backyards — not____enough to play baseball in, but just big enough for a game of catch. Those who have no____can play in the street or in the park.

When adults are asked to talk about the good____of their dads, many of them will say something about playing catch. Why? Probably because dads are usually very________. A catch game is a time that is only for one thing. This is a time when a kid has her dad's____. There is no work, no phone and no other people around to take your dad away from you. For the time that it takes to play a game of catch, your dad is all yours.

1.A. interesting B. boring C. amazing D. exciting

2.A. basketball B. baseball C. football D. volleyball

3.A. fight B. compare C. have D. be

4.A. nothing B. something C. everything D. anything

5.A. waste B. save C. spend D. forget

6.A. small B. large C. clean D. tidy

7.A. time B. money C. yards D. friends

8.A. jobs B. achievement C. education D. memories

9.A. busy B. brave C. strict D. kind

10.A. help B. worry C. courage D. attention


科目:初中英语 来源:浙江省温州市2017届九年级10月月考英语试卷 题型:单项填空

— I’m looking forward to the National Day. We’ll have a __________ holiday.

A. 7 days B. 7 day C. 7-days D. 7-day


科目:初中英语 来源:广东省广州市毕业班综合测试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解


Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum


February 11--May 8, 2017

Italian furniture expert Fausto Calderai and Indian photographer Dayanita Singh present an exhibition of chairs from the museum’s collection and “chair photographs” from around the world presented in a Venetian-style hall housing world-famous masterpieces.

For more information: www.gardnermuseum.org

New York

The Noguchi Museum

“Noguchi and Graham”

December 1, 2016--May 1, 2017

Noguchi’s long-term collaboration with dancer Martha Graham is regarded by many as a high point in the history of both modern dance and art. The exhibition highlights nine of the sets created through this collaboration.

For more information: www.noguchi.org


Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts

“In Full View: American Painting(1720--2017)”

January 11--April 10, 2017

Founded in 1805, the Pennsylvania Academy has been home to America’s artists for 200 years. The Academy collects and exhibits the works of famous American artists, and is well-known for training fine artists. It is the largest exhibition of Academy’s distinguished American collection in the institution’s history.

For more information: www.pafA.org


Seattle Museum of Glass

“Murano: Glass from the Olnick Spanu Collection”

November 7, 2017

This exhibition includes over 200 pieces of beautiful glass from Murano, the island of glassblowers near Venice, Italy. Watch live glass-blowing shows in the Hot Shop and see other modern glass exhibitions.

For more information: www.museumofglass.org

1.Which of the following websites offers information about the furniture show?

A. www. pafA. org B. www. museumofglass.org

C. www. noguchi.org D. www. gardnermuseum.org

2.We learn from the text that Martha Graham is _____.

A. a dancer B. a glassblower

C. a painter D. a photographer

3.If you want to know the history of American painting, you may visit _____.

A. the Noguchi Museum B. Seattle Museum of Glass

C. Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum D. Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts

4.If you want to watch live glass-blowing shows, you can go to _____.

A. Philadelphia B. Boston C. Seattle D. New York

5.We can go to the museums of the 4 cities above except ______.

A. February 15, 2017 B. May 10, 2017

C. December 10, 2016 D. April 8, 2017


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版英语 9年级上册Unit 2 Colours 检测题 题型:完形填空

People talk about two kinds of colours: warm colours and cool colours. The_________colours are red, orange and yellow. These colours give you a happy and_________feeling. People________in cold climates would rather use warm colours_________their homes a warm and comfortable feel. People think that red, for example, represents_________and it is also the colour of heat and strong feelings. Wearing red makes_________easier for you to take action.

The cool colours are green blue and violet. These colours,________warm colours, are_______. Blue makes us feel calm and peaceful. It can also represent sadness. Where there are cool colours,people are usually_________. People who like to spend time___________often prefer blue.

1.A. cool B. warm C. calm D. cold

2.A. sad B. nervous C. worried D. contented

3.A. living B. live C. lived D. lives

4.A. to take B. to give C. to carry D. to get

5.A. peace B. quiet C. power D. calm

6.A. it B. that C. this D. its

7.A. like B. unlike C. dislike D. liking

8.A. relaxed B. relaxing C. worried D. surprised

9.A. stressed B. noisy C. powerful D. quiet

10.A. relaxed B. alone C. contented D. sad


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版英语 9年级上册Unit 2 Colours 检测题 题型:单项填空

—We can wear that blue suit to the theatre.

—Why not______the grey one there for a change?

A. try wearing B. trying to wear

C. to try and wear D. to try wearing


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七年级上英语同步练习2Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag第二课时 section A 题型:单项填空

—Where is___________ schoolbag?

—It’s ______ the sofa.

A. Ann; on B. Ann’s; on

C. Arm’s; in D. Ann; in


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版九年级上册英语 Unit 3 Teenage problems-Task 同步练习 题型:单项填空

We want to know he will come back, as we are worried about his safety.

A. how often B. how soon C. how much D. how long

